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Posts posted by dead_ball_specialist

  1. I don't buy the 'he wasn't getting a game for Scotland' argument. If you're getting on a bit, and you know you aren't going to get picked for your home nation (i.e. don hutchison, ray houghton, lorenzo amorouso (almost played for scotland :D) then fair enough. But he made the decision when he was still a teenager, as did McGeady.

    There's nothing wrong with being proud of your ancestry and heritage. But if your personal identity and national loyalties lie with Ireland (or ANY other country) over Scotland, as is the case in some communities in the central belt, then that's an unhealthy state of affairs IMHO.

  2. I think I know the guy you mean. I got a PC from his shop many moons ago. Very nice chap, and a caley man too.

    But if it's just a dirt cheap laptop you're after, you'd be as well going to tesco extra and getting yourself an Acer Aspire.

  3. Quote from Scotty on another thread. (now closed)

    sorry. the topic of forum bans is not up for discussion or a decision by site members. The moderators will periodically review sanctions against a poster and make a decision based on our site rules.

    This is a general point...

    Shouldn't site members have a say in the appointment of moderators?

    Can I be a Mod pls, I think I should be I've posted heaps.

    Aye, go for it. All you need is a green jacket, an italian scooter, and some Morrisey records. Then off you go to Brighton pier to burst some rockers.

  4. Nobody forced them to join the army, they joined for the excitement i'm sure.

    You can drive a car at 17 but cant vote or legally buy a drink.... its an old argument, moderators may have to count to ten, or step back a bit and have a deep breath, young people tend to be a bit impetuous.

    I think some posters on here seem to have some kind of misconception that all young people are chavs.

    I can assureyou that there are plenty of sensible individuals in their teens and early twenties who cope perfectly well with university courses which entail high levels of stress and intellect, and also cope perfectly well in careers which entail high levels of responsibility. And conversely there are plenty of middle aged puerile lunatics, as you will encounter in any average weekend in Inverness city centre.

    Just taking this forum as an example, of all the 'trouble makers' which the moderators have encountered, what proportion were youngsters? In my experience, most flaming comes from posters who are supposedly 'old enough to know better'. <_<

  5. Being honest JB...I dont think I would like to be Moderated by a teenager. Methinks the power could go to their head and they would end up being a nightmare. You NEED a certain amount of maturity to moderate on a forum, and i certainly dont personally think that Mods should be under the age of 25 (in most cases). They just arent worldly enough

    You what? <_<

    So you think that under 25's are old enough to die on the front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan, but too young to cope with the responsibilities of moderating the caley message board?

  6. -----------------------Buffon---------------------





  7. Theres another one but i cant find it. But my freind pointed him out to me in this one as the man who plays the ball threw for the second goal i think it is.

    Wow, I didn't realize he used to be black. That was an epic fail Dornoch. Stop digging. :rotflmao:

  8. He was a brilliant player and will be hard to replace, but we said the same thing when Wilson, Xausa, Sheerin, Robson, Wyness, Bingham etc etc etc left and we managed ok.

    Until he actually signs for someone else surely there's always a chance that he may decide to play for us next season? There can't be that many lucrative offers on the go in the current financial climate.

  9. I preferred Henman, a true underdog who lacked power and physique but made up for it with intelligence and guts. He always seemed to play out of his skin at wimbledon and year in year out provided us with entertaining runs into the later stages overcoming the odds. "Come on Tim!"

    Murray is an arrogant poser. Even though he's Scottish, it's harder to get behind him IMHO.

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