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Scarlet Pimple

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Posts posted by Scarlet Pimple

  1. Why are we so pally with Sheffield United all of a sudden? Or has this been the case for several years.

    Does Sheffield think that our performance in the SPL deserves the nomenclature of "Gay Blades" I wonder? Or do they simply play with such gay abandon that they feel that only ICT of the SPL measures up to their style?

    Sigh..it's so hard to write stuff when everybody else ins in their bed. :016:

    Oh Well...." I say, Gaylord, will you bring me another toddy please, that's a good fellow".  Sigh..I think  I'll keep him on at  the Hall, he does a good turn I have to say that and he can liosten very well without giving old Scarlet a lot of cheek which helps I guess in this day and age... :003:

  2. I agree with Kingsmills--doing that would be the thin edge of the wedsge and may be the start of an ICT decline as a result.

    And Celtic 1 Caley 3 is a thinker--I was interested in the new Inverness a to Ireland air service myself in the hope and a dream that I may finally get a holiday in Inverness sooner rather than later.

    Oh by the way I used a Real Estate Agent named Hoolihan, to try to sell my house last year, who had been the sports broadcaster for the local TV station and fired him 4 months later due to inactivity. He claimed woes and pain from  former injuries to his body playing in the North American Football League  but the first time he entered the premises he launched into a strong rendering of  Irish songs which left some lingering doubts right from the get-go that either (a) his mind was not on the job or (b) his self image was still dictated by his glory days on the small screen. Pity the contacts that I thought he would have from that lost era never materialised and we were left in the mire with one month to go to settlement time for the house which we had by then bought to move to..

    So let's hope Hoolahan doe not turn into Hooligan if all does come to pass. :015:

  3. Gretna may win the Division next season but it won't be a cakewalk I think.

    Some of their players are now reaching the veteran satge are they not-in which case they will have to splurge to bring in fresh blood?

    Mr Milesom is enjoying his success at Gretna so much that investing more cash for him is a no brainer.And he is an enthusiastic genuine punter so good luck to him.

    Watch Gretna, they are a real dark horse coming up the straight fast .... :006:

  4. Dods is the backbone of the team and should be held onto at any cost. At least until the current team matures a bit.

    Black and Proctor are young and if ICT can get the money for them that they appear to be asking , can be allowed to leave . These two are not currently leadership material whereas Dods appears to be all that and more. :012:

  5. Look--Brewster simply has not got a substantial budget allocated to him to get all four players. I doubt if he can summon up enough cash to get two. The Grocer is definitely not opening his purse strings this season as I see it and I am afraid that Craig Brewster is going to have a hard time getting out of the doldrums this coming season. Benchy, stop speculating --are you bored?--you will have to face the above facts sooner rather than later ;Brew's allocation is sparse , even niggling even niggardly Ha ! :003:

  6. And, as an afterthought, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush--i.e. if Dargo wants to go that badly, why...let the lad go and be happy with $100,000 because that' s still a n awfulk lot of money and ICT have good prospects in the wings don't they? :014:

  7. I didn't laugh at Clive running on the On the Park Forum IHE although I did think it was one of :cheesy01: your most humourous comments.so here is your reward for this one . ha! :021: :016:

  8. Like a few other players who have endured the ICT curse he may now wish he had not left ICT.

    In his eyes he may now think that indeed the grass is greener over the fence and if he got a regular place at ICT and scored a few goals and wsa appreciated do you think that would be worth a try--or a try-out.? :014:

  9. Nah! I don't think so--Because when Cyril was rumbled he really got upset and huffy and departed the field in a hurry :027: and you have to admit that Benchy is pretty calm and takes it all in his stride. Has to, D.U. are a hard team to support these days. :011:

  10. Aren't you two orange lads forgetting the terrible Inverness curse which lays it's fickle finger of fate frequently on uppity players (and Managers) who leave in circumstances unbecoming to ICT , especially after we have given them their real start and provided the stage for their talents to flourish.

    Playing with a new team of spiritless players will , by itself, hasten their demise let alone cope with the curse.

    Begone you two tangerine tuppers , lick your wounds elsewhere. :002:

  11. Let's face it , the guy who cracks negative needs a head review. My first reaction was ''"bah, humbug, ban the post". then I thought, no, just let it run it will draw out the posiutivity in all us fans who appreciate the fantastic efforts of the players ythis season just finished. But I do agree with IHE --we should have won the Champions League and thisa slip up cannot go un-noticed! :016:

  12. Didier Agathe--thats a diddy post and no mistake.

    nah! He could not stand the cold further North than Glen Urquhart. Mind you he could lodge with M.. I suppose and that would keep him South a wee bit for a few hours a day..... :002:

  13. Hey Alex

    Welcome to the old boys' club anytime. But the rules for entry have changed--Scarlet has dossiers on all hopeful entrants and a slight honorarium slid in a nespaper to him at the door has gone from non-obligatory to mandatory due to the dearth of good spy jobcommissions since the demise of the cold war.

    With the war against Iran just over the horizon prospects in my business have looked up but I still needa touch or two- you Do understand. Otherwise...out come the dossiers ....hmmmmmmmm :004:

  14. You got the stats --I completely ageree with you. In fact if the home form hade matched the away form where would ICT be today?

    Och well we can dream...eh?

    Its sunny but cold in Vancouver just now --got me a beezer of a sore throat and cold.. Off tae bed- now I am tired of the trollinga round on the site--good fun though. :003:

  15. I join you in not fully understanding this system. More to the point I don't really understand the point of it--of course it probably is designed to make more excitement and money for the top six but tell me somrthing new, eh?

    But that 58 points opposit ICT look good on the tyable don't they. ? In fact when I heard that Baloney remark on Jim Taylor's show on the ;ast day of the season when he said --"Och Caley are where they are because after the split they are playing the rubbish of the division".

    Really Jim? Just whupped the Hibees three of four times, Hearts at least once, came awfy close with the "Gers and the Celtic etc etc. C'mon give me a break pal --there is at least a reasonable chance that they would have still garnered more points than the others in the top six had they been allowed to play them---someone tell me I am wrong.... :010:

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