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Scarlet Pimple

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Posts posted by Scarlet Pimple

  1. It is irritating to find almost constantly on this site  a hard , thankfully small, core of fans who are continually coming  down on CC. The man has not even had the chance to get his feet under the table yet and negative judgements should be suspended until a future date based on progress made.

    This club is wisely-run financially and throwing money around on big name players does not guarantee that they will play to the top of their ability nor the club's success. Slow and steady progress has been, and will continue to be, a sound policy for ICT.

    There also does not appear to be justification for throwing money away on further stands yet , since rarely does the club have full houses to cover the cost of the investment.The bottom line is that the top brass have the figures, appear to be astute businessmen and surely know a lot more about the financial structure of the club than the naysayers amongst the fan base on here who cry for money to be splashed around willy-nilly. I'd like to learn what the total wages bill is likely to be at the end of this season and whether the club will even break-even let alone make a profit.  :024:

  2. Happy New Year to one and all.

    A bit late maybe but that's because of the different time zone and on account of the fact that I have to get to the post office with this letter by boat on account of the floods an all in Western Canada.

    First time I saw a black bear doing the breast stroke fer heaven's sake. Made me shift I can tell you.

    Anyway there it is -it's off  now- ...Slainthe.


  3. Aye, Caradoll uees the sepell checker--I know it is toerft, soryr  effort, for youy but once you leave school that usyally si required to be sussecccful.

    Re Blackie--refer to the last post on  Humble Pie Version 2 also--

    To recap--why should CC ask the players --if he does do you think he should go to them cap in hand? Hey , this is CC's decision, not theirs.

    Drop Black and if there is one more spat put him on the transfer market at a high price. Since no Manager will want to pay a high price for a liability he will languish in the reserves until he realises that no one is indispensible.Then he has to go to CC eating humble pie, which will make him swallow hard and will raise CC's profile or his career can finish there. :022:

  4. Caradoll--I think you are on the right track but...this is a modern site and if you use the spell checker before you post it will be easier to understand you.

    Thank you, young man

    S.P.  :003:

  5. Are you sure it was Falkirk that skinned us or was it just latapy and Stokes---and of course  the inimitable John Hughes pulling their strings in the background?


  6. It's time to bring back HMS Sneck, take the covers off the cannons, splice the mainbrace,

    re-install IHE as Mon Capitaine,  scrape off the barnacles and contact Canada Bob for the odds  on  whether this will turn the tables on the ...er...poor results to date.

    Harry Chibber for the Crow's Nest-- scanning the horizon for the enemy. :002:

  7. Clacher

    How dare you knock the Pimple off the "long-posts" perch and left him stumbling  in the dirt as an " also ran ". Quite cruel -I no longer admire you for your spirit fer that... but I do admire your perspicaciousness, grasp of facts and knowledge and research capability just to prove a minor point about which , in your opinion , you are right .

    Very persistent laddie even if you miss the whole point that it doesn't matter a **** if CC has not had many past games etc in the top flight- the football is still the same shape for every game and so are the goal posts. What matters  is his intelligence quotient, his capability to instil discipline and respect in his players and his tactics .

    But if I were CC I would be hindered and vexed and in despair if I was to look to you for succour and support. With a friend like you who needs enemies fer heavens sake? If he is so poor and ineffective in your eyes why don't you support him??

    Brewster has had a long and successful playing caraeer and deservedly had an outstanding reputation as a player but as a Manager with D.U he was dismal.

    Based on results his performance  was a complete failure and, although we don't know a great deal about his relations with the players,  subsequent events do tend to prove that he was unable to successfully motivate them in the way that Levein seems to have been  able to do.

    Robbo did not fare so well at Hearts either did he since what happened there could easily be looked-upon as his inability to handle the challenge and adversity of Vlad the Lad? Yet he was a former hero at Tynecastle based on his playing career. So maybe he bit off more than he could chew,  but he still was unable to achieve the results ..

    CC talks well in interviews and looks good on camera. He is different from John Hughes of Falkirk whose enthusiasm greatly overshadows his lack of education ("I  hink that Latapy played well the day and he played great balls  intae the box... etc; ) and is a good ambassador for the club in that regard. Maybe his "inexperience" and nervousness has led to a certain lack of decisiveness in dealing with some players who lack discipline - when Black threw his jersey into the dugout, and talked back in a disrespectful way to Charlie at the same time ,I think he should have been stamped upon and finally made an "example-of" .

    But if you admire Ferguson's approach of aggressive ruthlessness over the presence of  CC I must remind you that you have said in your soliloquey that Ferguson had several contretemps with Management and failures before hitting the jackpot so who is to say that such an approach would have brought a greater number of wins to ICT?

    That is...if you consider wins to be the only measure of success at the club ....?

    Personally I think that ICT have done exceptionally well under CC , all things considered, and it can only get better.

    C'mon , get with the programme.. :019:

  8. Agree completely with Caley D.

    The club can only be faced with the stark choice now of coming down on him hard, even going so far as to take him right out of the first team. If he can't handle that the club should transfer list him at the inflated price of $150,000 which the player probably thinks he is worth and when he finds out that ...(a) the price is too rich for most other clubs to hire him in view of..... (b) his reputation for lack of control etc, he will really find out the hard way that nobody is indispensable.

    I agree with IHE up to a point that his "indiscretion" after play at half-time in kicking the ball away was probably harsh since this was surely frustration rather than dissent but he also probably got booked for that first offence due to his past reputation as much as anything . However he then deliberately provoked the ref by doing it againand frankly6 got what he deserved.

    The club has to view him now as a loose canon and deal with him decisively.

    And, as someone else put it, to show the other players that discipline and character are attributes as important to the success of this team and  their reputation as a high quality professional entity in Inverness. :024:

  9. So the consensus then is :  ????

    The  edge is off the verve. Enthusiam to run other teams off the park is no longer at a premium. Complacency is in to a degree.

    The players are not as fit as they were under Brewster.

    Some players are not getting intae it and helping out others as much as they could.

    Some players are on junk food and pop ---and just don't get it.

    Charlie's changes on the park are , well, always  a shade too late .

    We have to Bring back Brewster because he was at least a good player on the park.

    (That will never happen--mostly because he is too old and in any event could hardly be expected to show his face at Tulloch C. S without the booing affecting his performance. Eh?)

    Three players at least will be gone at the end of the Season so that supposition justifies blooding several new reserves into the first team as soon as possible.

    The lack of success is  contributing to the players' wilting and general Brewer's Droop.

    It's all the Manager's fault and generally speaking all the players, apart from maybe some sterling members of the defence, are running around without direction or not seemingly  knowing their role.

    The old SPIRIT  is sagging and may soon be gone.

    I could go on but I'm almost there. All of the above may be true or not  and I don't know what the root of the problem is but I am listening to the radio every week and I think that there appears to be a grain of truth in all of it EXCEPT I think it is unfair to blame all on the Manager--frankly ridiculous as well.

    The players are professionals  and must take responsibility for the action or lack of it on the park. At a crucial time in the game today a player takes a penalty , does not even get it on target and belts it a yard or so above the bar--SURELY a little bit of composure could have been used to keep the ball at least on target, score or no score--that's called professionalism from highly skilled and trained players...c,mon.

    ICT seem to me to be at a bit of a crossroads and relegation battles are a possibility without a change in heart and spirit all round.  If Dundee United can do it why cannot ICT? Apparently DUFC are playing  some terrific football these days whilst only a few weeks ago their team was a shambles of disconcerted ,dispirited , disorganised, players looking more and more like relegation fodder.

    It is certainly not too late for the needed changes to take place but decisive decisions and leadership appear to be needed immediately--mostly relating to the fitness and grit department without which the ordinary team cannot play consistently at a higher level than their alleged abilities would otherwise permit.

    And whatever happens Mr Christie deserves to be given the support of all the fans andthe benefit of the doubt at least until the end of this  season. :024:

  10. And a guid New Year to you all from Vancouver, Canada, where the floods are still ten feet deep and the rain is still coming down in sheets at -18 degrees ( with the windshield factor, only -15 degrees without) and we have only had one burst pipe so far.

    Great skiing though just up the road in Whistler.


  11. Well, it looks like CC is, unlike Brew at Tannadice , a bit of a very determined thrawn b..ger with an iron fist in a velvet glove.

    So, he likes to win does he?...hmmmm--sounds to me as if C.C .is IN CHARGE at the Tulloch  Stadium....................

    C'mon the Caley thistle :022: :025:

  12. De temps en temps tout va bien pour le Rangerrrrs. N'est ce pas?

    I zink that ze Caleeeeeee will get ze roasting eeef my playerrrs do as they are telt ....and melt them..

    On ze other hand, de temps en temps je ne sais quoi--c'est un sine qua non, oui? :016 :012:

    C'mon Caley Thistle.......yesss! :016: :clapping04:

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