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Posts posted by TopSix

  1. Young man, why thank you, I know we are a great team, and i love it down here, everyteams got everything to play for!! and no TV money to lose!! as ive said before in the SPL what were we playing for... a top six spot... oh dear thats pish, down here we have loads of wee cups, a couple of cup upsets and the leauge to chase, be honest, we were playing every season to avoid the drop, thats negitive in its self!! loving it!!!

    We'll be top six next year. Believe.

  2. The city of Inverness is the principal settlement of the Highlands

    Like it.

    This quote looks like it's straight off wikipedia.

    Sherrif street? That's where gately's funeral was last week.

  3. O.K. A few points from this discussion.

    You don't have to sing and make a lot of noise to be a true supporter.

    Supporting the team means applauding them when they do well and not getting on their backs when they are not playing well. If you have the energy to voice a criticism then voice some encouragement instead.

    Booing your own team provides support and encouragement to the opposition.

    The ground does not lend itself to creating an atmosphere. That does not mean people shouldn't try. People should be free to stay quiet if they wish but let's encourage those who want to be vocal in their support for the team.

    For me, a key thing to emerge from this thread is that we are not a united support. There has been a bit of a block G vs block E thing which is nonsense; we have folk who do little but criticise the team and never get behind them; and we have folk who criticise the critics rather than support the team. Away from home we are united. Everybody gets behind the team and an atmosphere is created which clearly the players notice and appreciate. Is it not too much to ask for that kind of positive collective spirit at home matches?

    Conclusion: If you want to support the team vocally then please make as much noise as you like. Everyone should encourage that. For those who are vocal, remember that the more vocal you are the more likely it is that other will join in.

    If you don't want to sing and shout encouragement; fine, but please make a point of showing some support to your team by applauding good play.

    If you just can't help but be negative, do the rest of us and the team a favour and keep quiet. Vent your spleen on the forum or go and support County instread because they must just love you.

    A final observation. If you attend a concert - whatever your musical taste may be - it is usual to give the performers a good round of applause at the end. Contrast that with Saturday. A fantastic performance by the team and a long overdue home league win - and what do half the crowd do? Most didn't clap at all but just got up and walked out. I stood to applaud the team and was jostled by the guy next to me who was wanting to get out of the row. If everyone had stood and applauded the team for a couple of minutes, wouldn't that have been good! How good would that have made the team feel? After congratulating each other and shaking hands with the Morton boys one or two looked over to the North stand and saw just a handful of folk clapping - the rest couldn't get out quick enough. After all the effort the team put in, do they not deserve a bit better than that? A good ovation at the end of the game would have encouraged the team to come over and acknowledge the fans. As it was, one or two gave a half hearted wave in our direction but frankly that was more than we deserved. Its all a bit sad really. Not surprising, but still sad.

    Thanks for setting us straight as to what to do.

    Is it ok to boo when we're winning then? And berate those who leave early?

  4. I agree that it is really annoying that there are so many negative folk who get on the players' backs after minor errors but how does being negative towards them help? If you're going to sing, how about supporting the team rather than getting on the backs of those who are annoying you by getting on the backs of the players?

    Clearly you need to familiarise yourself with the concept of irony. I would say it highlights how daft they are being hence a daft chant. I noticed this week somoene who started berating the team when they were 2 - 1 up and a slack ball led to a Morton throw in on the half way line. A shout of "***** Caley!" came from this guy. I guess he obviously saw a bigger threat than we did from this dangerous half way line throw in.

    Your point about not getting on the players backs is interesting especially when you say...

    I just hope the reluctance of the majority who go to the games to actually get behind the team will not rub off on the few real supporters, most of whom seem to be in block G. Keep singing lads.

    ...this is of course the same Section G who boo our substitutes, shout abuse at our back up keeper and after one defeat talk about throwing season tickets on the pitch*. Doesn't sound like a real supporter to me.

    *I should point out this isn't the majority of Section G as I know a lot of the guys in there and they are indeed good lads who get right behind the team.

    Everyone needs to get a grip of themselves or Section G will stop going to the home games and then what will you do in terms of atmosphere?


    That post is so full of self importance it would make an Old Firm fan blush.

    I have to agree with RiG especially on the point of booing Kyle Allison. Also there are 'fans' who berate the players when we're winning.

    It really grates on me having to listen to the boos and negativity ergo our sarcastic booing.

    By the way I can hardly hear the G section in section E.

  5. I knew you liked a drink Alex, but never had you down as a freeloader :lol:

    I didn't have a drink. I was sat there because it was raining and I wanted a dry seat. There was some seats available up there. Missus and I got settled down then a dozen total erss's came out of hospitality and spoiled our game. We actually moved to the N stand for the second half.

    Went to the North Stand for a bit of peace and quiet?


  6. The home support is dire. Whenever the boys at the back of Section G start singing they just get growled at half the time.

    When your away from home the majority of people look to get behind them team, and alcohol consumption helps it a bit aswell.

    C*unty next week should be awesome. :lol:

    What's with this Section G obsession? Section E is where it's at. It's amusing people coming on talking about the atmosphere and singing when they didn't even attend the game.

    I thought the atmosphere was ok yesterday. Not a patch on Ayr BUT as Iain? pointed out, all home supports are poor.

  7. who cares about Danny Alexander...as an MP...he is a waste of space, and thats putting it politely!

    maybe when nick clegg becomes PM he'll make Danny Alexander the Sports Minister now.

    I'm with you 100% SMEE on how poor an MP is actually is.

  8. Following last weeks great win there was much talk about the need for the fans to get right behind the team today in order to encourage the team to a first home league win this season. What happened? Has swine flu struck and caused everyone to lose their voices? Despite a great performance on the park there was only very sporadic half-hearted singing from the crowd. At times, there was almost complete silence. It was a strange atmosphere in the circumstances.

    From where I was sitting (block E) the loudest chants seemed to be a rather unhelpful "lets all be negative" and a rather more entertaining "is this a fire drill?" at the end when some people were leaving the ground before the final whistle.

    So there's 2 issues here.

    Firstly, why do a small number of supporters make a lot of noise and provide constant vocal support away from home and then stay quiet during home matches? And why do so few people join in the chants and songs? Are they worried someone they know might see them? Worse still, some people don't even clap good football. I was sat behind four lads (late teens, I guess) - 2 of whom were wearing Caley colours - but apart from clapping the goals, I was not aware of them ever applauding anything else let alone give any vocal support. They didn't even applaud Rooney when he was subbed! How can we pursuade those who turn up to watch the team that is it actually not naff to support the team?

    Secondly, why do so many people leave before the final whistle goes? What message does that give the team? If they are losing it suggests you have given up hope and if you are winning, why can you not stay to applaud the team at the end? It strikes me as rude. Some may have a weak bladder but for most I guess they just don't want to rub shoulders with the great unwashed in the crush to get out of the ground at the end. If that's the case, then how about waiting till the great unwashed have all gone.

    The lack of support and atmoshere at home is getting embarassing and must impact on the team. What do others think?

    I'm glad you enjoyed the 'is this a fire drill' chants I was getting going. Picked that one up in Dundee when we drew 2-2.

    In terms of the 'lets all boo the Caley' chants, we were singing them with a good dollop of sarcasm. And a lot of people leave early cos the club don't have stewards on the car park to direct the traffic.

    I enjoyed the game today. Can't wait for the terracing next week.

    6/12 so far. Here's for 12/12

  9. Lets move like we did at Pittodrie - lets groundshare with Ayr United fer a few months, close the stand and open up the terracing, move the Supporters Club to the Black Bull.

    Terracing would be amazing! No too sure about the black bull though - did you have a guinness in there?!

  10. I don't buy this whole look to the past stuff and how we should all be pleased about it, it's over. It's now that matters. Currently ICT are being run by a man who only gets management jobs, not because of his record but because of his name. ICT aren't even a shadow of the team they once were, it's been ripped apart by a couple management duds, one that was even given a second spell! In the beloved past, ICT used to be a fun team to watch and support, now it's not. Even just a few seasons ago, the ICT side was one made up of good core players that made ICT, ICT. Now all I see are mainly a bunch of strangers on the field, constantly failing to be able to pass a ball to man a few yards away. This is today's reality.

    I agree with you on the point about the lack of togetherness among the team, though I also think the idea of the players making ICT, ICT, a little naive. There's little doubt that many of our former players enjoyed playing for the club. On the other hand, many have moved on - understandably - for larger financial rewards. I noticed the dundee v rangers score last night and assume rangers played a number of youth players?

    I'd actually quite like to see TB do likewise have some younger squad members getting a game.

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