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Posts posted by TopSix

  1. We come down, we're the team to beat. Who is to blame for the situation we're in. TB and MM? The players? Or the board and lack of investment?

    All of the new threads today have been aimed at the management team and the players which, while I understand the frustration and upset, are hardly constructive and helpful.

    What will be the situation come January? Will there be ANY money to strengthen the squad?

    Just thoughts...

  2. I'm at a loss for words today really. I nearly got the train up (from Edinburgh) this morning to go to the game. I'm glad I chose to not use my season ticket today and stay at home.

    From speaking to friends who were at the game the message 'tactical ineptitude' was glaring.

  3. If that is the case then 3400 will cover it. There's probably going to be a number of folk put off from going down the A9 on a Sunday during the winter. I'll be making the journey up to if from Edinburgh. I'm actually quite looking forward to it.

  4. Interesting to see you post on behalf of MS Caley D. Also interesting that the complaints came from 'caley thistle' fans in the North stand. Not that it matters now, but the club needs to crack down on people in our stands who are glory hunters supporting Huns - green or blue.

    The crowd today was pretty poor. The stewards eyeball everyone. This is in no way a dig at you Caley D as I realise you are the messenger but the club needs to get them sorted out. We, the fans, pay their wages. Perhaps a wee course on customer relations could be a suggestion for the stewards?

  5. from the p& j article: Northern Constabulary Inspector Blair Marquis said: ?Allegations of racism are rarely encountered at the stadium, though if they are then they are treated seriously.?. How many allegatons made against ICT fans exactly?

    I think under freedom of information legislation it would be possible to put this to bed. It's hardly portraying ICT fans in a good light. I also think that the "fans representatives" at the meeting were unhappy with the fact that the word bas tards was being used before gypsy. What is with these precious "fans"? is there ANY football club with such a negative, boring element?

    Here's the full p&j story:


    after alex pointed out the overthebridge boards on this issue it's pretty evident that the whole thing is an absolute farce.

  6. I've got it on video. I believe it was actually Celtic who put it out on the Market. There's about eight minutes of highlights on YouTube. On a more satisfying note I have that 3-2 game on my hard disc recorder taped off celtic tv. Still watch it from 60 minutes in on a fairly regular basis. I was lucky enough to be at that game. Unlike the 3-1 game back in 2000 cos their stadium was falling to bits on the Saturday.

  7. Gordy, @ half time it took every Oz of myself respect to stay, having had the Stewards pi%%ing on the bondfire, to then be 0-3 down.. I'd only just a couple of weeks ago had a pop at the folk who'd left early the time before at home in the leauge, I'd bet TB wouldnt be a happy bunny if season tickets did start being returned....

    MaryHill - I just think the boycott route can only be detrimental to the club, it would be but then maybe something would be done about the way Fans are treated and looked apon by some up above, after all we pay there wages too and pay to enjoy out match day exsperiance.....Oh and I didnt take it personal, it just wanted to clear up incase you thought i was one of our teen posters.. all be it they can spell better :D

    would TB be really bothered. MM and TB will be offski at the end of the season...

  8. If , and its a big if , anyone gets thrown out of the game for singing against County then I'd urge all true fans to boycott the next home game to show our displeasure . Hit them in the pocket and they might sit up and take notice , but I'm not daft enough to think our support would show a bit of solidarity .

    Here's a radical thought, why not abide by the rules? By buying your ticket to attend a match you agree to behave in a manner that doesn't infringe any of the club's rules, it's not difficult.

    pass the sweeties...

  9. I'm with the OP to a great extent here, but on this ocassion I won't be boycotting the game. It does seem strange the way in which green and blue huns can stand in the south stand for the duration of a game yet not told to sit down or be ejected. This thread reminds me about a thread I posted regarding increasing crowds and the way ICT fans are treated (or not treated) by the club. Take the bottom six game Away to Killie toward the end of last season. Killie fans were standing for the game, while the young ICT fans who were trying to create an atmosphere were simply moved to the back so they could stand and sign.

    These Caley stewards are a bit ott to be honest - especially as WE pay their wages. I'm sure there are people put off from going to games with steawrding being a factor. I had hospitailty tickets to a game last season where a supporter of the opposition team ( a young girl) was told by a steward to take hef scarf off! This was despite her wearing the scarf through lunch.

    On a final note I won't be going back to tannadump. Their stewards are shocking.

  10. Been trying to find the prices for the game on Sunday. Can't find anything here or on official site. Surely the club aren't charing full price for this game considering its live on tv and the fact that we're not very good, that might put a few people off!

    Hopefully only true fans will show up then. Tickets are ?10 for concessions, ?15 full price. I got some last week.

    Golly for MotM in this one.

  11. less than 5 mins before kickoff and still no team lines :lol:

    always seem to be slow to get it online when we are at home ... not good for our NPL predictions !

    Skysports haven't even got us kicked off yet

    Yeah I noticed that, the county game took a while as well but thats on now. Dont get it

    any updates?

  12. Does anyone recall rumours of Ann Gloag investing in ICT? I've been thinking about where the club is heading and where it may be, in say, ten years time. Will we be playing in the first division or the SPL. I personally am hopeful of the top tier expanding to 16 teams and ICT being one of them. Will our fanbase increase? Again I am hopeful that younger people will be attracted to the club and our fanbase will increase with time. This thread is purely hypothetical and I only post from sheer curiousity as to what other ICTFC fans registered on this website think what the future holds for ICT.

  13. If click on the Grant Munro one, you come up with some interesting info. I had no idea he works in Tesco!

    More to the point why is the club not sponsored by Tesco?! They play in Tescotown after all...

    Grant working in Tesco... I used to work with his sisters there

  14. But we have lost only one of 10 competetive games this season - sadly the worst possible home defeat of the lot - but who wanted it most on the day. We are in the semi of the Alba Cup and just off the pace in the league. We have had five clean sheets and only conceded 8 goals in 10 games

    Things don't sound so bad when you put it like that.

    Although i missed Airdrie, i've been to the other 5 league games (3 decent away performaces and 2 very poor home ones) and still haven't decided if this side is capable of making a challenge. My expectations are not especially high - i'd like to see us finishing in the top 3 and challenging for as long as we are able. The return of Imrie and Odhiambo should make a difference and i see a lot of promise in Cox, Sanchez and Hayes. Butcher deserves a certain amount of respect and understanding for the way he has handled such a massive turnaround in playing staff - it needed doing. However, that's not to say he gets his team selections right. He's stuck with the same midfield 4 since Imrie's injury and whenever i see it emerge from the tunnel i just think - inexperienced, lightweight, tidy enough on the ball bur never going to win a battle of wills. Butcher conceded almost as much in today's P&J:

    A lot of the players have not had a consecutive sequence of games in their careers let alone this year. They are finding it, mentally, a test for them.

    I think the answer should be obvious then. In the nicest possible way, give a wee rest to the ones who are struggling most (Stratford and Eagle) and bring in a bit of steely experience for the Partick game. If we sort the midfield out and find a bit of home form then i don't think we'll be too far away.

    Very good points. The other thing we must remember is the budgetary constraints the club has had to adjust to.

  15. Is it just me do most of the ICT team are completely unable to control the ball? Most of them, when the ball comes to them, it just pings often and they seem to be unable to trap it and control it at all. A couple know and have known how to do it. Barry Robson could do it, Black could do it and from the current line up, Cox seems pretty capable of controlling it pretty well. The rest seem know hee haw about what to do. It's about time they started practicing this at training. Discuss.

    crystal meth or crack cocaine... What exactly is your drug of choice?

    I wish you and all the other boo boys would **** off.

  16. F**kirk, without doubt.

    Personally I detest old firm fans from Inverness. Especially when we're playing them and you get some ersehole behind supporting them. I dislike Aberdeen fans and their club, st midden too. I think it's amusing county hate us. Suppose it's an inferiority complex with them. Good feeder club though.

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