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TopSix last won the day on October 18 2018

TopSix had the most liked content!

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Midfield General

Midfield General (6/10)



  1. That's an excellent choice of colour. Easy to pick out teammates.
  2. My favourite away ground is Ibrox. Not a favourite awayday though.
  3. You could also pick Tynecastle for a Championship ground.
  4. Haven't listened to any of these but the The Wyness Shuffle is excellent. Highly recommended the Scot Gardiner one.
  5. You'll have to wear your Palace top at the TCS Mike
  6. Look at the Marius Niculae debacle. It was clear the guy oozed class on the pitch. Did his wage divide the dressing room though?
  7. Referees train in the evenings. In terms of fitness levels, referees in Scotland have the most stringent fitness levels in the whole of Europe. I guess it depends on the players. I feel we've always been a window club, with players signing for us in the hope of moving on to clubs who can offer higher wages. OP makes a good point.
  8. Looks like the an ICTFC fanzine.
  9. 10mb upload limit or I'd have put some videos up from today 5 years ago.
  10. Steve Paterson would be brilliant. I remember he was on Off The Ball years ago. It was a brilliant interview.
  11. This is the best post I've ever read on CTO.
  12. Ten years ago to the day. Rooney scored in the 28th minute. 6031 in attendance.
  13. TopSix


    Shocked to learn this earlier today. Heartfelt condolences to his family. Rest in peace Simon - we'll miss you.
  14. You love to see it. Especially when they're locals ?
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