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Posts posted by ICTodd

  1. Was a time when I might have believed we were capable of lifting ourselves and salvaging something from a situation like this, but I'm afraid I have no faith that Brewster can raise the lads at half-time and do anything to change the onslaught.

    The unfortunate thing is that Brewster only seems to raise the boys to lose a goal in the 1st 5 mins of the second half. 5-0

  2. Gordon Chisolm

    Derek Adams

    Jim Leishman

    Can anyone think of any more?

    Jim Leishman are you having a laugh, and bear in mind we would have to probably pay Brew compensation and then if we went after a manager that is already in a job we would have to pay his current club compensation, I know relegation will cost us more but is there any guarantee that his replacement would be any better.

    What's the harm in TRYING a new manager?! IF someone comes in and does just the same as Brewster then what? We'll be in the same place. IF someone comes in and does a BETTER job, then where will the defence of Brewster be then?

  3. Nope, I've held my tongue for long enough now hoping that things would be ok and that just like last seasons bad patch we'd get through it. But now Brewster... HE HAS TO GO! I don't care for all of the excuses made, this is my opinion, why hold onto a manager that consistently doesn't get you results?

    It happens to the best of teams who let go off managers that don't get the job done, most recently Tottenham, Dundee, and anyone else that someone might like to add. It even happens in football manager!! You don't do things right, blame it on a computer glitch and that it isn't your fault or something, you get fired, realise you were sh*t with that team, start a new game and try again. Why shouldn't we be the same?! Why should we constantly HOPE for better things with the same manager that ISN'T getting things right and go for someone who might! Do you really want to spend this season on hope?


    And who would you replace him with, there didnt appear to be a lot of top quality candidates when CC went. lots of calls for Brews head but I havent seen that many realistic suggestions as to who should replace him

    I answered that question in the Falkirk match day thread, and people are already giving examples

  4. Well I think we are so close to giving someone are really good doing, it will happen soon, when all these chances we're creating will go in.

    As for our Manager, it's a wonder he's not getting blamed for the world's financial crisis?

    Sorry, you're absolutely right, I'm sure he's had nothing to do with coaching the strikers. So it's nothing to do with him that Dargo took ages to find a bit of form, that Wyness couldn't get in the groove again despite getting himself into the box umpteen times a game, that Niculae was frankly appalling in front of goal given his pedigree, or that Barrowman and Rooney and, recently, Wood, who should be banging them in for fun, are missing. Even taking the coaching out of it, even supposing that the player gets his own goals and that it's a confidence thing, if you stick a lad up front on his own, don't change your game plan to suit what's happening on the pitch, don't make the substitutions to match - anyone for Motherwell? - and basically make it ten times harder for your striker to score, aren't you then, as a manager, responsible for eroding the striker's confidence? People have to stop apologising for the manager and he has to stop hiding behind Lady Luck. I'm saying no more, sick to the back teeth of this. It's gone on way, way too long.

    I'm going to wade in here as well. Brewster has had wayyyy to long to prove himself, and week in week out people defend him even though its blatently obvious that he isn't a good manager! You wouldn't defend a sh**e builder if he built up your house then over the next few weeks it fell apart brick by brick! Cmon people wake up! No-one wants their team to lose, but no-one wants a diddy at the wheel driving us to those loses each week. Its time this club grew a pair and did the right thing!

    who would you replace him with, and realistically, there didnt seem to be a load of top quality applicants when CC went

    Realistically, there are better managers out there with track records far more consistent than Brewsters. And it isn't up to me HOW we could get them to the highlands, its the boards, but you seriously can't tell me you would sit by and watch Brewster steer us up sh*t creak because "there didnt seem to be a load of top quality applicants when CC went" and that might be the same IF/WHEN Brewster leaves. The board COULD get someone. They just don't want to upset their precious Brewster.

  5. Well I think we are so close to giving someone are really good doing, it will happen soon, when all these chances we're creating will go in.

    As for our Manager, it's a wonder he's not getting blamed for the world's financial crisis?

    Sorry, you're absolutely right, I'm sure he's had nothing to do with coaching the strikers. So it's nothing to do with him that Dargo took ages to find a bit of form, that Wyness couldn't get in the groove again despite getting himself into the box umpteen times a game, that Niculae was frankly appalling in front of goal given his pedigree, or that Barrowman and Rooney and, recently, Wood, who should be banging them in for fun, are missing. Even taking the coaching out of it, even supposing that the player gets his own goals and that it's a confidence thing, if you stick a lad up front on his own, don't change your game plan to suit what's happening on the pitch, don't make the substitutions to match - anyone for Motherwell? - and basically make it ten times harder for your striker to score, aren't you then, as a manager, responsible for eroding the striker's confidence? People have to stop apologising for the manager and he has to stop hiding behind Lady Luck. I'm saying no more, sick to the back teeth of this. It's gone on way, way too long.

    I'm going to wade in here as well. Brewster has had wayyyy to long to prove himself, and week in week out people defend him even though its blatently obvious that he isn't a good manager! You wouldn't defend a sh**e builder if he built up your house then over the next few weeks it fell apart brick by brick! Cmon people wake up! No-one wants their team to lose, but no-one wants a diddy at the wheel driving us to those loses each week. Its time this club grew a pair and did the right thing!

  6. Nope, I've held my tongue for long enough now hoping that things would be ok and that just like last seasons bad patch we'd get through it. But now Brewster... HE HAS TO GO! I don't care for all of the excuses made, this is my opinion, why hold onto a manager that consistently doesn't get you results?

    It happens to the best of teams who let go off managers that don't get the job done, most recently Tottenham, Dundee, and anyone else that someone might like to add. It even happens in football manager!! You don't do things right, blame it on a computer glitch and that it isn't your fault or something, you get fired, realise you were sh*t with that team, start a new game and try again. Why shouldn't we be the same?! Why should we constantly HOPE for better things with the same manager that ISN'T getting things right and go for someone who might! Do you really want to spend this season on hope?


  7. I have to say that we played very well today, held our own in the first half and not making it easy for them at all and creating our own chances. I really don't like the fact that we've lost a few goals this season in the 1st five minutes of the second half!

    But can't take away the fighting spirit for the rest of the half and the entire game. Good to see Wood get a goal and boost the confidence, and midfield holding out well!

    MOTM and it may come as a surprise to some but Duncan did well, rarely gave the ball away and made some good passes. Imrie, Cowie were close to that performance to.

    We were unlucky today! But well played!

  8. I think this may have been mentioned before but Dodd's has a habit of giving the Old Firm a win every week, a draw for the others, and Caley to lose. I know that I started this just because I thought it was a bit of a joke, but week in week out he's put us to lose and then followed the same score lines like I mentioned. Beyond a joke! How no-one at the BBC can see that?!

  9. Not to sound to non believer, but thats us lost this game :rotflmao:

    Oh ye of little faith.

    Sounds like a good win. Whats more a win at home - finally. Seems like an age!

    Well done lads!!

    Haha I did apologise for that wee moment of madness :thumb04:

  10. Great performance and great win taking us 4th for now! I apologise for my defeatist attitude earlier! Glad Black stayed on AND got a goal (even funnier that it was from a header :rotflmao: ) maybe Brewster heard all the boo's from last week when Black was subbed.

    McGuire was probably the last person you could have predicted to score but fair play to him and hopefully this will boost his confidence ten fold...

    All in all every player should be proud and this could maybe be the start of a run!

  11. Crowd 3426. Pretty poor.

    I live in Edinburgh now so can't afford to come back for the games, could have been 3427 today!

    Cowie on for Vigurs? I know Cowie has had a couple of bad games but maybe he could do a bit of damage coming of the bench?

    3-1!!!! Black header!! Haha :rotflmao:

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