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Posts posted by collectiveaction

  1. Please don't get me wrong here, JB was "got rid off" by the people in charge of our Youth Development because he wouldn't bow down - good on him! As much as I respect what he has done for YOUTH football in Inverness - he just does not fit the DOF role ( or what should be the DOF role). National and even International contacts are what is needed to be effective - not just being a contact between the board and the team management and seemingly negotiating players contracts.

    When I initially mentioned JD as DOF my tongue was planted firmly in my cheek. Perhaps I should have made that clear to you as it could have stopped you reaching for your angina pills!

    Oh it was Jud (JD) you were talking about. That is a completely different story ...................................

    I think I know where you're coming from. Keep up the good work and enjoy your trip to DK in 2009!

  2. Please don't get me wrong here, JB was "got rid off" by the people in charge of our Youth Development because he wouldn't bow down - good on him! As much as I respect what he has done for YOUTH football in Inverness - he just does not fit the DOF role ( or what should be the DOF role). National and even International contacts are what is needed to be effective - not just being a contact between the board and the team management and seemingly negotiating players contracts.

    When I initially mentioned JD as DOF my tongue was planted firmly in my cheek. Perhaps I should have made that clear to you as it could have stopped you reaching for your angina pills!

  3. John Beaton is a smashing chap, but he has a good pensionable job with the Council lighting. Do you really think he would give that up to be Director of Football with the most promising team in the top echelon of Scottish Football?

  4. You could well be correct with me suffering from the residue of Xmas, but come on, he's a better shout than Grassa or at least would have been if fully fit. Here's a question for you. How many teams in the S.P.L have a DOF?

  5. John was manager of Caledonian in the Highland League which to my mind is senior football. He has a vast knowledge of senior football and playing systems. He compiled dossiers on opposition teams in first division for Steve Patterson.

    Ask anyone in Inverness who they'd rather have as DOF - Grassa or JB.

  6. 1. Bruce Rioch.

    2. Bobby Williamson

    3. Derek Adams

    4. Colin Calderwood

    John Beaton - Director of Football

    Important that they choose their own assistants as they should have an idea of whether they can work together or not.

  7. How about when final whistle blows walk down to fence surrounding ground and hold on to it with both hands shouting "Brewster Out". Refuse to leave when asked to by stewards. Notify press beforehand and the ensuing publicity would force the board's hand.

    It would be a kind of suffragette move or rather a sufferagain move.

  8. Billy Connolly made a career out of swearing -a very intelligent move.

    Some people swear because they can't find the words to express themselves.

    Some people swear because they think it's big to do so.

    Some people swear because it appears to be a natural way to express emotion in trying circumstances

    Some people swear because it adds seriousness to their disquiet.

    Some people are offended by swearing.

    Some people swear to offend.

    Some people aren't in the least bit offended by swearing.

    I guess we are all different.

    Seems a bit much to suppress it completely.

  9. "....disquiet among supporters at our poor home record and league position... "

    Has to be the understatement of the year! Raging inferno on the point of major explosion has to be more appropriate than "disquiet"

  10. We require someone to come in who has a wide connection for possible transfer targets, has experience and who commands respect. At 61 years of age someone like Brue Rioch couldn't turn down a reasonable offer. Then again there are those who say-out of our league-why would he come to the highlands of Scotland?- too expensive. We have to ask first, before it's established whether anyone is a real contender or not. It's too easy to revert/hide within the village mentality. Going "Back to the Future" might work in the movies but in reality often ends in failure.

  11. Bruce Rioch managerial career

    1982?1984 Torquay

    1985 FC Seattle

    1986?1990 Middlesborough

    1990?1992 Millwall

    1992?1995 Bolton

    1995?1996 Arsenal

    1998?2000 Norwich

    2000?2001 Wigan

    2005?2007 Odense

    2008 Aalborg

    2009 ?

  12. We can throw all the names we want about....but its all wishfull thinking. We are stuck with the imbecile till at least the summer. God....how i hope am wrong tho!

    Fan power CAN count. In my book we're not stuck with anyone. Yesterday we were possibly outnumbered by away fans. Crowds are dwindling. Action, if not taken by the board can be taken by fans. Do you really think the board have the stomach for a "battle" with fans? Remember, it's our club!

  13. Although his record is mixed, at every club he has managed he has made an initial positive impact, he has knowledge of the game our current twosome DON'T have and he has the capacity to attract decent players in January. Worth a shout or is the concept too "out of the box" or just wrong?

  14. Brewster never knew how to get the best out of Wyness. He likes his strikers to be strong and athletic - hence we find ourselves with Wood, Rooney, Barrowman and Rory to choose from. These guys all have one thing in common - a similar physical staure to a certain Craig Brewster.

    Denzil's most consistent spell in the SPL was under CC, a manager who knew the importance of touch and vision in a footballer/football team. Don't judge Wyness' contribution on his goals return alone. Craig Levein was talking him up on the radio recently as a 'second striker' who creates space for those around him. He played that role really well on Saturday. We are crying out for a forward with that kind of class at the moment.

    EXCELLENT POST! Wyness is a classic "second striker" who was undervalued by Brew. A fit Denis playing regularly would not only create goals for others but weigh in with his own fair share of goals.

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