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Stirling Observer

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Posts posted by Stirling Observer

  1. As McCart Trafford Calder Oakley Dan Mackay all started against Fort we can presume they won't be starting on Saturday. I would guess the only change will be Austin in for Trafford. A 4-4-2 diamond with Chalmers sitting Polly and Doran wide and Walsh in the hole. 

    Only other thing is maybe Welsh being thrown in but not sure. 

    I would have McCart in for McKay but looks like it won't happen

  2. The 100 fans game is a great idea. Reckon it may grow and grow as more kids want to experience what their mates have been boasting about. Could do it over 2 days as I'm sure it's not that taxing on the players. 

    Instead of the players going out to the school. The club could invite classes to the stadium for a P.E related session which involves a quick tour of the changing rooms etc and a Q and A session with the players. Perhaps use the minibus to transport them. Take them round the shop in case they have any pennies. Free tickets for the next home game aswell. There will be a slight cost to the club but I presume it will be offset if any kids are hooked from this. 

  3. McKay Chalmers and Trafford were poor today. Really hope McCart starts against Falkirk. We don't really have a proper defensive midfielder which could be a major issue. Trafford and Chalmers have proven they can't play this role. If Robbo changes the personnel and can perhaps bring in a loanee to break up play it could be the difference between a playoff place or sitting 7/8th. 

    • Like 1
  4. Hearts are nothing special. They have made wholesale changes and the squad hasn't gelled. We are the polar opposite, the players know each other and are on a good unbeaten run. They should be fearing us. They need the win and are at home. This suits us, our problem seems to be creativity, if they come at us, we have more space to attack. Perfect situation. Let's not play for second, let's win and gaurantee a seeded spot in the next round. 

    • Agree 1
  5. It's perhaps a tactical decision to wait and see how beneficial the league turns out to be. No point entering if there are no benefits. Let the league play out, speak to other clubs and guage whether it is worthwhile. Look how thin our squad was last season, sometimes only managing a few subs. I think it may be the same this season. 

  6. Pretty straightforward, when you watch your side win, you are excited for the next game, everything is rosy. 

    When you toil, you find yourself in a rage at games, it's difficult to motivate yourself to go. You question players desire and work ethic or the managers tactics. 

    Either way, it's part of football. We as fans can't control it. We are extremely fortunate to have had the experiences we have. Looks just down the A96 a bit. There biggest achievement in a couple of decades is a draw with us!

    Life isn't so bad after all is it.

    • Like 1
  7. Jake doesn't mention respect. He mentions things are more professional. Which makes sense considering the gulf in revenue between the clubs. Hearts can afford for more professionals to be employed to aid each player and their specific needs.

    • Agree 1
  8. I don't care about what I can eat or if I have to walk through puddles or if the tannoy is ****. I fell in love with Ict and that's that. If fans are persuaded by this type of thing then it's maybe better they stay at home and watch the EPL. The club should be hammering the schools to ensure that the next generation doesn't fuss over 'match day experience' and has passion for the club and the ups and downs that that will bring.

    • Like 2
    • Agree 2
    • Disagree 3
  9. Some people aren't getting it. Most accept that moving Gary on was a necessary evil. However what is disappointing in the nature and manner of the exit. He was a player who went above and beyond his duties. He was our club captain. He therefore deserved a bit more respect rather than forced out the club via the backdoor with a shoddy statement. 

    • Agree 6
  10. Different if he was sent on trial to Raith Rovers. I presume Hearts were interested and asked if he could go down for a week during the winter break. I see that as the club not standing in his way on his own progression. 

    I don't fall for this poor Jake routine. Every time he performs well he improves his chances of getting an improved contract with a bigger club. It would be unfair if he wasnt allowed the opportunities to perform, or was left out the team despite good performances. Neither of these are true. Jake's destiny is in his own hands. He has a fabulous opportunity at Hearts who are severely lacking in wide players with pace. Will he take it, time with tell. Going by his time with us, I doubt it.

    • Agree 5
  11. I presume it is a reference to his petulance at Falkirk stadium which was of little help to his teammates, fans or club. Some mini strops as well as head drop moments if things didn't go his way have led to this assumption. Which is fair enough.

    • Agree 2
  12. No-one said super wages. Obviously assumptions are made but assumptions are based on educated guesses. The fact that he has been at the club for several years, renegotiating contracts whilst he was a key player and the club were earning/spending much more. Also the fact the club hinted his wages could be used for 3 players. What are your assumptions that he wouldn't be the highest earner or at the very least, one of the highest earners at the club?


    Oakley and bell are kids. They would have been relatively cheap I would imagine. Trafford, not so sure.

  13. This is purely speculation but I presume with the players who have left/loaned out, that Gary is perhaps the biggest earner by some way (no fault of his own). If he is not a stand out player and perhaps not a guaranteed starter then you could imagine other players you are performing well may be phoning agents to request parity to GW earnings if not more.

    The club have perhaps used a self preservation tactic to prevent this, it needed to be done publicly so the rest of the dressing room know the situation. The board want the wage level reduced and the squad earning similar amounts.

    Again this has no evidence base, just some thoughts bouncing about my coupon . 

  14. We deserve better? Careful with that phrase. Entitled Rangers fans like to use it. Not the kind I would like to be drawing comparisons with. 


    Take your point though, think most fans agree its a bit dull for both them and the players. I get the point that these are purely fitness exercises but mixing up the opposition wouldn't do us any harm.

    Club could argue it gives fans opportunity to watch the games and keeps the costs down. 

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