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Posts posted by MrsICTFC

  1. I have noticed it on here people take it upon themselves to make sarcastic remarks at grammar/spelling mistakes.

    Should that not read "about" grammar and spelling mistakes?

    If you think so then yes.

    I you think so[insert comma], then yes [insert p1ssed off Smiley face].

    (only joking)

    Haha! :rotflmao:

    Obviously I am on my own with this one!

  2. I have noticed it on here people take it upon themselves to make sarcastic remarks at grammar/spelling mistakes.

    If someone can not spell etc why not help rather than acting like a big man! Really not impressive.

  3. Rather than sitting an end of semester exam at uni, I have to create a portfolio of photographs that could be used to advertise the Homecoming 2009 celebrations. I have lots of ideas buzzing around my head but what represents Scotland to me will be very different to others. I don't want to submit an entire portfolio of men walking around in kilts or people playing bagpipes. There is so much more to show but first I want to get a broader idea of what "Scottishness" is.


    What represents Scotland to you? What makes Scotland different to other countries? What is it you love most about Scotland?

    The flag to me is very important, it symbolises to me something that is recognised world wide, I am very proud to fly it. Our land is beautiful (although slowly getting spoilt), knowing we have loads of country and rubbish weather represents us, it also makes us different to other countries.

    Our traditions and food are also very important. Hearing the bagpipes makes me very proud, I love them. I love how other coutries see the bagpipes as an important symbol. I love haggis and how it is different to other foods, it is our own.

    I love how Rangers and Celtic fans hate each other at the old firm matches, but they don't give two hoots when they get together at a Scotland match, we become one. Yes our football team isn't the best, but god do we try and win or loose we are happy.

    Will think of more.....

  4. Don't scotland do something for comic relief??? Like there own 1 just for scotland

    It is children in need who do a Scottish show, don't think red nose day has done that before. I could be wrong.

    I don't like that James Croden either but that was funny!

  5. Yes Duncan was wrong to fall over like he did.

    Now Barr is in the press saying that its ultra wrong of Duncan to do that. Isn't that a bit ironic on his side considering he was down faking an injury which looked serious until Duncan said something to him, then he got straight up and squared up to him?!

    Im not making excuses at all for Duncan but a bit silly from Barr coming out and saying what he's saying considering he had dived just seconds before it and also the conduct of other Falkirk players during the game i.e - Pressely.

    Some people just can't see past the end of their nose. Also if he didn't say that it would be like him admitting he was wrong too.

  6. What I actually said was that we don't have any hot players unfortunately (sorry to any of them that might be reading this).

    I wouldn't say so either, some are more pleasant to the eye than others I suppose.

    Must admit if dyron daal played for ICT he would be on top of my list :rotflmao:

    fecking dyron daal!!!!!!!!!!

    He is on my fit list haha! :thumb04:

  7. Yes these marches attract bigots on both sides but it is not the march itself which should be tackled it is the idiots and their viewpoints which need to be addressed, people who wish to march with the correct intentions should never be stopped from doing so. The bigots would disappear from these events if people would stop giving them a sympathetic ear. After all we as a species are nothing without our history, it needs to be remembered.

    :rotflmao: 100% agree!

  8. What I actually said was that we don't have any hot players unfortunately (sorry to any of them that might be reading this).

    I wouldn't say so either, some are more pleasant to the eye than others I suppose.

    Must admit if dyron daal played for ICT he would be on top of my list :rotflmao:

  9. At the risk of going off-topic slightly, it struck me a while back that all the footballers I can think of who have been referred to as a "bombscare" have been black defenders.

    eg Tebily, Balde, Bamba, Lionel.

    Is that part of the definition or is it just coincidence?

    Myself and my husband were discussing this last night. They all are pretty tall also so maybe that is a factor.

  10. Hastings was always the team poser but he's obviously lost his touch, not a single vote so far.

    There's obviously more competion these days, probably because Brewster loved working with fit players :rotflmao: :thumb04:

    He's too old now haha, like em young! x

  11. quote name='MrsICTFC' .I don't look at the past, must be a man thing.

    Yes I can understand yer answer dearie but in football it often happens that tacticians, coaches and managers look at how a player has performed in a wee bit more than in the last six games. Now go and do the ironing and leave the football thinking to the lads.

    I take it you model yerself on Marge ??

    Back to the ironing haha. If only I could take you seriously, then may I actually get offended.

    Obviously, ICT didn't because in that case based on what you must have seen they would have never employed him? So maybe you need to leave the football to those who actually know what they are talking about............

  12. Time to get real. We all know that everyone makes mistakes and that is a pretty poor response. Bottom line is some guys are more prone than others and Lionel is right at the top of the tree. That's why we were his only option, that's why he left County, that's why he can't play in the Bundespubliga, that's why we need him out of the picture as fast as possible!!

    IHE you are 100% spot on.

    How on earth do we really know that he is prone to more than others??? This guy has only really played since TB?? How do you work this out? Do you average it out from games, get a percentage or what??

    There is such a thing as "history" - he has played before - DOH - typical feckin woman. Have to 100% agree with the last sentence though.

    I don't look at the past, must be a man thing.

  13. Time to get real. We all know that everyone makes mistakes and that is a pretty poor response. Bottom line is some guys are more prone than others and Lionel is right at the top of the tree. That's why we were his only option, that's why he left County, that's why he can't play in the Bundespubliga, that's why we need him out of the picture as fast as possible!!

    IHE you are 100% spot on.

    How on earth do we really know that he is prone to more than others??? This guy has only really played since TB?? How do you work this out? Do you average it out from games, get a percentage or what??

  14. Lionel rightly sent off, a la David Weir, no complaints there either.

    This was my point a page back. How people can sit and slag someone off for giving a penalty away when that is what got them off the bottom of the league. Yes I understand how annoying it is etc etc, but whats happened has happened.

  15. You're right to inply that no player is 100% reliable. We've seen that many times this season alone. However what you need to understand is that once IHE has a 'down' on a player, there is no changing him, no matter how well that player does. We've seen it before with Marius. Fortunately, not all ICT supporters are so blinkered. Keep the faith!

    I understand that now. We could spin round in circles day after day about whether Lionel is the man, whether he shouldn't be played again etc. However, as has been seen many a time, we the fans have no say, lets hope butcher makes the right decision and for me that is put him back on the park.

  16. Oh - fer fecks sake - he is a nice guy but he is not SPL standard - he will never make the grade - if we go fer the nice guy routine - we may hit the SPL. He is / was an accident waiting to happen. We are now in a situstion where we cannot take risks.

    I just don't understand you.

    You still haven't answered my previous question - which players are consistent and a 100% reliable???

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