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Posts posted by MrsICTFC

  1. What methods have they used at teams down in England? Any ideas from down that way??

    My suggestion would be to get a group of people to wait outside the entrance after the game and try and speak personally to the board? Maybe with print outs of conversations on here? A list of pros and cons to keeping this manager? Why you all feel this way. Do it in a non aggressive way, shouting about Craig will not help get your issues across. If you speak to them face to face (that's if they are brave enough to walk out) then hopefully they could address all the concerns???

    Or another one would be to make boards that don't say get Craig out but suggest that the fans aren't happy. As a small club I don't think they would take kindly to behaviour directly attacking Brewster, I feel that in Inverness people want to stick up for people even if they are at fault. It's this bizzare highland trait. If they see it as a campaign for ICTFC interests over an attack on one person, they may take more interest? Just some ideas.

  2. A draw would be brill.

    However, my prediction is - HT ICTFC 0 - Rangers 3

    FT ICTFC 0 - Rangers 6

    Although i hate to say it , your prediction probably isnt far wrong given our home form this season

    The only good thing to come from a right gubbing is hopefully it'll be Brews FINAL game

    Well I would hope so but because it is rangers the usual guff will be said and they will have expected a bigger score difference with this being a OF team and blah blah blah! I don't think I would have been so generous for Rangers if it wasn't for the fact they lost against celtic. They will go out for a win and get it.

  3. Oh dear that's that not very nice is it. :rotflmao: We all have to have a bit of fun in our lives. Mine is football. Yours obviously is complaining. And secondaly this is a football forum. I know this bit isn't but a large part of how I feel about my football team is in my signature. Understand know? It's really very very simple. Am I ashamed? You bet I am. I'm really really really ashamed. So ashamed I don't want to see the outside world ever again. Maybe you should do the same.

    You as a typical man are totally missing my point, my point is if it is alright for you to mention about how you want Graig Brewster to leave as he obviously isn't up to your standards, then why isn't it ok for me to complain about swearing?????? I don't see why me saying swearing is wrong should be compared to children dying?? Really don't get that, if there is more important things in the world then you certainly shouldn't be supporting football.

    I understand it is a football forum, that's why I am on it, or maybe I missed the point???

  4. Attendances would plummet as folk have plenty to do during the good weather,spectating at football is a fill in during the crappy winter weather,used to be fine when ya could stay warm singing and kerrying on, on the terracing,now were forced to sit freezing oor bulllocks aff on freezin shiny plastic seats,wi nae craic and little entertainment.

    (Did i mention i am getting disillusioned wi fitba)

    That is true! I just can't freeze my bottom off at the TCS, far too cold. Whose idea was it to put the stadium right next to the sea???

    I think we have all become disillusioned with it! x

  5. Do you think more people would attend TCS if they seasons were over the warmer days and finished over winter?

    Someone mentioned to me today that they refuse to go to TCS in the winter or on cold days because it is too cold. It got me thinking if the seasons were over the summer what would attendance actually be like, would it change, stay the same etc?

    What do you all think??

  6. I have children and when I take them to the park or collect them from school I often hear colourful language from infants. It is a society problem that will take decades to reverse but that will never happen as the will isn't there.

    Where do you take your kids? I don't hear that language when I am out with mine.

    I think some people are missing the point though, hearing the odd swear at the park is a bit different to over 90 minutes of constant swearing, don't you?

    I would never try and hide the fact that people swear and that the world is a big bad place however, I would like to think I live in a civil place and could take my kids places where I wouldn't have to hear language like that. Also if I hear a child saying that I would think they haven't been raised well. I teach my children that they have to respect their elders now if they hear bad language coming from them how are they going to learn to respect someone, when I am telling them that speaking like that is bad????

  7. This coming from the person who at the bottom has "Brewster must go". People are dying in the world and all you can worry about is who manages your football team. Shame on you.

    I can see both sides of the argument. If you sit in the family section then you should be immune to exposing your young 'uns to swearing. However that all goes to pot when half the stand chants "Brewster GTF" - You have to accept that swearing on that scale is unavoidable.

    I understand that swearing is unavoidable. However, MissICT was just making a point that it could be cut down on.

    I will ask any of you who work in retail, hospitality, care, hospitals etc. Would swearing be acceptable at work? If you swore at a customer, patient what actually would happen? My point is that although it is unavoidable that doesn't mean people should have to accept it?

  8. Trying to justify awful language,

    Oh come on, there's people dying in this world and all some people can compain about is words. I for one find that rather sad.

    This coming from the person who at the bottom has "Brewster must go". People are dying in the world and all you can worry about is who manages your football team. Shame on you.

  9. You all make me ashamed.

    Trying to justify awful language, so just because you hear it in other places doesn't make it acceptable? As adults you should be setting an example.

    This club needs all the support it can get and if this is offensive, in the family section, and drives the families away, you are no better than Brewster at tactics and indeed, are very similar in reducing the support!. This quote is exactly right.

    You all rant on here about wanting to get rid of Brewster, I am sure the board listen to a bunch of men who think shouting Brewster get to f**k is acceptable. Of course they don't!

  10. Miss ICT, unfortunately you seem to be alone on this one (with the exception from me).

    Swearing shows a complete lack of intelligence, people who swear especially at football matches have no understanding on swear words, they just use them like everyday language. Swearing is used in a offensive way, if it wasn't why on earth would you be using such words????

    I would also like to ask to all those who responded and were down right rude, do you have children?

  11. I think what we need to remember is at the end of the day he is only HUMAN. We are open to errors, not all of us will do well in certain jobs.

    I work in the care sector and would be appalled to here someone call me a **** because I couldn't do the job. I would prefer constructive criticism.

    I agree that ICTFC needs a new manager, I want them to do well and I don't think Brewster is the man for the job. However, calling him every name after the sun isn't going to make any difference, it just shows lack of intelligence.

  12. KMCN I hope and pray justice is done. I hope social workers are given more suppot also hope that they are given tips and more training eg to hold the child wipe the mess on them with a tissue etc.

    Just to check them and more spot checks dont tell the at risk family they are coming and they should have the right to turn up when they want.

    May this little boy rest in peace xxx

    I think in cases where you know abuse is already been addressed that two social workers should go to the house, plus a support worker. This would never happen of course, because there is no money!! Constant training, better systems when liasing with the police. Also what stops people taking children from houses is a lack of homes for them to go to. This also needs addressed.

    If only the government could see that more needs done before something like this happens....

  13. He is a sweet lil thing .

    Have a look at the time line.

    Time line

    Its is so sicking that they parents covered him in chocolate to cover the bruises. Evil people i really hope they suffer in prison and for the mother to be involved a mothers/fathers love is uncondional. The boys natural father has to got to be devestated. I wonder what his contact with Baby P was ??

    I agree, gorgeous little boy. May he rest in peace xxxx

    I just hope justice is done, and maybe now the government will look seriously into the procedures and resources they enforce on social workers.

  14. KMCN i know how understretched Social services are and yes they have a very hard job and some social services workers do an amazing job but something has gone VERY worong in the case of these poor kids.Someone did not do their job properly.The system should be fail safe. When our eldest broke her arm at four god we were asked 101 questions in A&E as to why it happened and she fell of the bottom of a slide just landed akward. To me they were only doing their job.

    I agree, but papers like the sun etc are solely placing blame on the social work, ignoring the fact two people have done something terrible. I don't think one social worker is to blame but that council, the training and help given to them is obviously straining. I believe that social workers should have more help, more support. Like you say the job they do for some people is a god send to some people, yet others do not appreciate this. If the social work had the resources more could have been done.

    My issue with papers as well comes from the fact they highlight all the bad cases, what about the hundreds of people like you who could not have done without them, the good cases.

  15. I think people forget the difficult job social workers have. It isn't as easy as just walking into a house and removing a child. The government have implemented many procedures, cut costs and over work their staff which create major problems for the social workers involved. No one social worker should be blamed, the system should be blamed.

    Why is there always this sudden need in Britain to find someone to blame, the only two people to blame are the sick ***** who murdered this little boy.

    More money needs put into social work and mental health, the government have their priorities wrong.

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