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Posts posted by MrCaleyjag

  1. I'll probably get slated for this and while it was almost inevitable that RF would be announced as our new manager I'm a little underwhelmed - almost like a kid expecting a PS4 for Christmas and getting a PS Vita instead ......................... I'm sure the feeling will pass though.

    Good luck to RH, you'll need it and IMO you'll have to make some changes especially in the backroom department as being inside the club already changing the attitudes of those already there may be very difficult, possibly get a stronger assistant in if budgets allow.

    Pleased to hear that he wants to get stuck straight in and postpone interaction with the media until mid-June and also pleasing that he wants to engage with the fans as well, a strong indication that he understands that such a link is paramount to his and the teams success.

    An interesting few months ahead to see who his targets and potential signings are then pre-season, if only there was a big tournament on somewhere to make the time pass quicker until then .......................

  2. Hopefully Devine, Mutumbo and Roberts sign their extensions (if indeed they've been offered in the case of the later two) and it's not quite all doom and gloom and would give a good balance to the squad.

    Just need a couple of decent strikers in and you never know.

    However infuriating I found Vigurs performances to be at times, I'm glad he's signed a new contract and gives much needed stability on the left and in the middle, came onto a game at the back end of the season. Hopefully the next manager can get more consistency from him.


    • Agree 1
  3. 23 hours ago, iamthecaptain1 said:

    Law, Templeton and Clark have all been released.

    All good players I reckon. Whilst they may be unattainable financially it's very much a case of if you don't ask you don't get.

    Would not be surprised if Aberdeen have a look.

    All would more likely be at the top end of our budget even if they were interested.

    Wouldn't take Law as we have enough in his position, Clark would likely get around 10-15 goals max but IMO wouldn't be a reflection on his wage demands so not viable, we need someone who'll score more and Templeton, if he could recreate his Hearts form, then definately however with his injury record I would stay clear - we all know the effects of injuries all too well.

  4. 19 minutes ago, caleyboy said:

    So are we saying that the board made the wrong decision in signing OFW and letting Deano go?

    I don't think so, had DB had a less unfortunate season with injuries and been pushing OFW then yes possibly but given we're not sure how he'd have been once recovered fully along with OFW being an international going to the Euros, and a competent gk in his own right, I think they made the best decision all round.

    Sometimes it's not just about playing ability.

    • Agree 1
  5. I suspect if BR is still in his position when the new manager is appointed then he'll be allowed to decide if BR stays or not, should the budget allow.

    A lot of managers stipulate who they want as their number two and can often be a make or break when it comes to signing on.

    I don't know enough about BR to comment on his ability but I think its clear that he has had nowhere near as much effect on the team as Lattapy or even Malpas did as a number two.

    • Agree 1
  6. It's good to see that decisions are being made quickly and to those questioning the boards forward thinking maybe this decision will go a little way to proving that actually they do have a plan and know what they're doing along with listening to the fans as well.

    Remember they see and hear everything even when a manager doesn't and even when it doesn't seem they don't, not all business needs to be conducted in the press and media.

    Genuinly delighted with this news, probably the best right back we've had in recent years and a player who always gives it his all and someone who wants to be here.

    • Agree 2
  7. It was some what inevitable that DB would be released especially after OFW signing his contract offer, genuinly believe DB is the better keeper and I suspect he'll not be short of an offer or two.

    If none come from down south a see someone like Hearts possibly being interested having let Neil Alexander go unless they have someone lined up. 

    Unfortunately we cannot sustain paying two wages for what are first team gks while having a player coach and a development gk as well, something had to give.


  8. Firstly, and it's the first time I've done it since this time last year, I would like to say thank you to JH for his reign at ICT and the tremendous season he brought us in 2014/15 and for his time during his spell at the club - some have suggested for that you should go down as a club legend. For all you brought the club though that's not one phrase I would use to describe you I'm afraid.

    To become a legend you have to have it all, the full package and you didn't which is a shame because you had the chance to, maybe some better guidance in certain situations and it wouldn't have fallen apart especially with the press which ultimately was your short coming.

    Lets be honest you inheritted a a good squad, the way you got the team playing in 2014/15 was marvelous and deserves great credit which IMO makes you an excellent coach but once that starting breaking up as a manager you had to adapt to what you had which you didn't. Legendary managers adapted through their reign at whatever club they were at and changed, you didn't especially with regards to tactics and the ability to change a game and playing style.

    In the transfer market you were less than legendary, yes every manager makes the odd mistake but you made more and I think ultimately panicked at the situation you faced.

    With the media again you were less than legendary, before you started to bemoan the budget you had and publically slating the board, you had prior with the way you waxed lyricals about Celtic and at points Rangers as well, it got embarrassing and was cringeworthy at times. The way you talked the team up at times was a little overboard as well, we as fans knew we were good and had potential but even in defeat you stated your undying love for the way the team played and their efforts and the fact you couldn't fault them, you needed to slightly reign it in a little at these times.

    On the fans topic, well you could have worked a little bit harder on that subject, you didn't endear yourself to them very well at times.

    Ultimately winning the Scottish Cup was the clubs finest achievement to date but it was your downfall I'm afraid, from that point on IMO you saw yourself in a different light, almost as if you felt elevated above it all, felt bigger than it all and began to believe you were bigger than it all - no one person is ever bigger than the club I'm afraid, certainly not at our level.

    So while I am eternally greatful for the memories and success I am not sad that you are gone, we need a settled club, a club that can make progressive steps forward, a club that can live within it's means, a club that is an attractive outfit to come to and last of all retain our roots - it wasn't going that way towards the end and for that the boards decisions is justified.


    • Agree 5
  9. 10 minutes ago, alwaysblue said:

    Exactly -  they have allowed  the manager take all the flak while denying him the funds . Total catch 22 situation next season - no cash does equal no players ( of likely quality) managers come and go but the board - who many fans wouldn't even recognise ( Kenny C apart ) carry on same as ever !

    And may well they carry on the same as ever IMO, they didn't allow the manager to take all the flak nor did they deny him the funds.

    He had the biggest budget in ICT history during the 2015/16 season and that same budget set for 2016/17, at what point was he denied the funds? Do you mean the funds from a bank loan or director loan? If so then they can keep them there and I trust the boards decisions to keep it debt free while not bowing to pressure.

    They didn't allow him to take the flak, he brought it on himself by his ridiculous attitude in the press and public outcrys of displeasure over his playing budget. He was a victim of his own belief's and the more he spoke in press conferences the more his head got bigger and he started to believe half of the crap he was spouting, his dealings with the media over his full tenure have been his downfall, it didn't just start with outing the board. For a long while I had voiced my displeasure over his media handling.

    • Agree 3
  10. 17 minutes ago, forresjags said:

    Frankly my friend I couldn't give a toss if you agree with my posts or not.

    My concern is there is a distinct possibly that if we don't get our  act together on and off the park we could end up playing catch up to Ross County.


    I didn't expect you to 'give a toss' - it's a free forum so we're all entitled to say what we want within reason and without getting personal.

    Watch though because you might just start to sound like an Arsenal fan who measures their progress and achievements on whether or not they out-do Tottenham.

    If your only concern is being left behind Ross County then I suggest you take a look at what you want our club to achieve because I for one want to finish as high up every season as we can above as many other teams as we can and not just Ross County.

    You're probably entitled to feel aggrieved by the actions of the board or how you perceive their actions to be however just remember that no one person is bigger than a club and in the clubs 22 years of excistance since 1994 I think the board has done a pretty fine job in getting us to where we are today.

    • Agree 2
  11. 2 hours ago, forresjags said:

    Rainy day fund ... Have you heard yourself, sounds like we keep our finances in a biscuit tin under the stairs.

      We had our most successful season 12 months ago financially, yet this season we were still scraping around for players to bring in.                      

    Having read a lot of your posts on various threads it's fair to say I don't agree with them but then everyone is allowed their opinion.

    Lets get right down to it and ask the vital question - Are you John Hughes in disguise?

    • Agree 2
  12. 12 hours ago, ICTRoughi said:

    Without a doubt, the team of last season did improve individually under the influence of John Hughes and Russell Latapy.

    The season just gone by has been a total abomination from the start. The fact that we signed Owain Fon Williams 24 hours before our European qualifying match against FC Astra tells its own story. The preparation for the season was so lacklustre, I'm fairly certain by the Motherwell opening game of the season, Hughes didn't know what his squad would be. We knew for months that Graeme Shinnie was going to be leaving the club, did we replace him? - No. Same goes for the likes of Watkins, Mckay, Ofere and Ross. I found the number of midfielders brought into the club this last season quite unsettling. What was the actual point in Nat Wedderburn? What was the point in Liam Hughes, Ryan Williams? The club is crying out for a structed scouting system looking for quality players rather than quantity - says it all when you're signing players from DW Sports, to be fair Vigurs have been fantastic this season.

    Kenny Cameron has publicly stated that Hughes was given the biggest budget of any ICT manager, he's had all the support he needed and more, end of the day, it's his own fault for pissing it away on mediocre players like Dani Lopez.

    I will always be forever thankful for Hughes success at the club but he is not bigger than the club. I want and think the club needs fresh ideas and Yogi isn't the man to provide that anymore IMHO.


    You've hit the nail on the head, absolutely spot on in my opinion and I challenge anyone to argue your points.

    I think it's firmly the case that the board do not trust JH with his handlings in the transfer market and player recruitment and from the stories coming out it would appear to be true. We simply can't have the board and manager at loggerheads and  fighting against each other, the board will protect the club/business at every turn and up to now over the lifetime of the club can it be argued? I think not.

    The manager in general terms is normally blinkered and has one agenda, himself and the team unless he has bigger control which I doubt he does. I trust the board to make the correct decisions for the club but unfortunately do not trust JH to make the correct decisions for the team.

    I think Russell Lattapy was a bigger influence on the team than he gets credit for and we certainly looked a lot stronger going forward last season and played better football, that was the start of the fall from where I sit. Some of JH's decisions mentioned in the above post is baffling especially the OFW situation and the timing of him coming in.

    We simply must get this resolved one way or another, if the board do not see JH seeing out his contract then get him out now before frittering our budget away leaving the next person nothing to work with, if they see him as the man for the next two years then JH has to fall in line and work within the budget, simple!

    • Agree 2
  13. 1 hour ago, forresjags said:

    Mate, if we had cashed in on Tansey when we had the chance we would have been in a better place to negotiate with Storey or at least have the funds to bring in a centre forward. Lets be honest, central midfield is one place we are not short of options.




    I'm sorry but I wholey disagree with you on this one, Tansey is one of our best players and I think we did the right thing and did well to keep him in January. Yes we are not short of options in midfield but why make our team weaker for only £200000 - lets be honest I'm sure Storey is going to get a far greater wage at Aberdeen than we could have afforded over and above the fee which doesn't make it viable in my opinion, not a club with our limited resources.

    You base the foundation of your team on your best players then you add to it, you don't sell your best players to bring in other 'hopefully' as good as players, that's a big risk.

    This whole situation was some what inevitable to be honest and as soon as a bigger club with bigger resources came in we were never going to be able to sign him.

    Yes he's a good player but would he have been the 20 goal plus man we need right now - I very much doubt it.

    • Agree 2
  14. On 14 May 2016 at 6:27 PM, IMMORTAL HOWDEN ENDER said:

     Now Hughes wants to set his side lofty targets for next season."Don't tell me that a provincial club like Inverness can't go and win the Scottish Cup again, can't go and get third, get Europe," he told BBC Scotland. "I'll not accept that, that's the standards but we all need to be on board and keep driving it forward."

    May be construed by some that this is another pop at the board or players not buying into his philophy or style of play or anything else he's currently at logger-heads about.

    I'm afraid I don't share his optimism of a cup run/win and aiming for third place: Celtic; Aberdeen; Hearts and Rangers will all finish above us next season and he gives far much respect to Celtic and Rangers for this to change, he might as well be their PR consultant the way he goes on about them in the run up to games, it's embarrassing. This isn't even mentioning an upward Ross County who look like they're building slowly and a steady St Johnstone.

    Season 2015/16 was the one to be aiming for this not 2016/17, not now with what is happening, a team should always aim to build on success but sadly we haven't and are in my opinion currently looking back at we we did rather than what we can do no matter what JH says, I genuinely believe he is a victim of his own belief's and is blinkered to the point he can't and won't think outside his own box.

    It's an easy get out for JH, by distancing himself from the board and creating a divide, if his house of cards does all come crashing down all he will do is come out and say there was no vision moving forward that matched his own, that he didn't get the backing he wanted, that we didn't bring in the players he wanted etc etc.

    If he had come out and said that after this season our aim should be to rebuild the squad, aim for top six and be competative for a full league season with a good strong cup run thrown in then he would get a lot more respect from me and would look realistic and in touch with the board and the fans, the above statement shows none of this in my eyes.

    Oh and two months I did advocate giving him one more season as I believed he had earned it, not now I'm afraid, I genuinely don't know what to think now.

    • Agree 2
  15. 9 hours ago, caley100 said:

    All a bit of over reaction, remember the huge outcry when Granty was released by Butcher? we moved on and Granty was mainly forgotten about in a playing sense, so i think the club will move on now as well without Dave the Rave.

    He has been a great servant to our club and we thank him for his time and THAT goal!   best of luck Dave.

    This decision is bigger than David Raven and the affinity that the fans hold for him and for what he has given the club, it's about the way the manager is running the team at the present moment and brings with it more questions than answers.

    Yes eventually the club will move on, as clubs always do, however we currently have a manager who is clearly intent on pulling in one way while the board, fans and players want to pull in another. Someone has to be wrong and something will break.

    I along with many others do not see this as an over reaction, it could well be the straw that breaks the camels back.

    Progress is made gradually and built on, success comes from progress but sitting with 8 signed up players for next season is not progress, it's a sharp decline. Has JH got the ability to bring in and retain 10-12 players of equal or better calibre than we have currently or are letting go, I think not. Would someone else have the ability to do the same if the board lose their patience in a relatively short space of time, I think not.

    My biggest fear is we'll end up with quantity and not quality ............................ we have to at all costs avoid becoming another St Mirren!

    • Agree 6
  16. On 11 May 2016 at 7:57 PM, ictfcsince94 said:

    They'll have half a chance if the pundits dinna overdo it like they do at every tournament!

    Hang on you mean you didn't realise that it's only England that's playing at the Euro's?

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