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Everything posted by MrCaleyjag

  1. I agree with @Fraz, you've had your say on more than one occasion and he's had his, move on. What are you going to do, single out every poster and question why they don't want to renew their season ticket just now? There's lots, everyone has a valid reason. I like to buy my bread at Asda, my wife likes to buy it at Tesco, in the end Mr Warburton gets his money. If fans buy now or buy later, the club still gets the money but for most it means SG doesn't if they wait. It's simple.
  2. In my head, a strip a season alternating makes more money. Who has enough money to buy two a season these days? Where's a new one every season fans are more accepting. Reverse economics in a way. Like you say though, it'll be driven by the manufacturer and likely a term of their contract.
  3. If the board actually grow a back bone and are serious about having a team of local/young players then he should have no choice; put up, shut up and get on with it otherwise tatty byes and see you later. Possibly a twist of the hand from a board who see no way out and hope he'll walk. On the other hand, give him some rope at the start of the season, if we field and team and have a club, and he might just hang himself (figuratively speaking of course)
  4. SG is just finalising the correct shade of orange, one last act of defiance from a man who's on his way out. Seriously though, I've never understood why teams would release home and away for the same season. Alternate it and keep a strip for two years. A strips a strip in my eyes, like other middle aged posters on here, I much prefer training tops, polo's etc.
  5. It's ok though, we'll continue to pay Gardiner, Ferguson, Dodds and Robbo to the tune of five figures a week combined. Genuinely, when you think you've heard it all, I knew more would come out but not to this tune. If the club goes under, you wonder how the Supporters Trust would feel about stepping in to help Aaron. After all the fans and Trust members surely would back it given the additional backing, members and funds that have been taken in.
  6. There's certainly enough doughnuts at the club but I wouldn't necessarily trust throwing hundreds and thousands at them We're crumbling quicker than an empire biscuit
  7. @bigterrybutcher first of all welcome. Must have been some task reading through everything posted over the last two weeks in such a short space of time and gauging fellow fans thoughts. Just out of curiosity, how much do you feel in actual £s, as you put it, do you feel is a reasonable amount for each fan to put in? I only ask as most fans probably can't afford the sums needed and if buying a season ticket and say a first team strip isn't enough, where does it stop? If I'm buying both the above then I reckon the £350-£450 it would cost is quite an undertake for a normal fan. I for one could afford it, if I wanted to, but there's an awful lot that would feel it's a lot and couldn't. My point being, that every extra £ put into the club by any fan, is a £ that the club wouldn't already have and is very welcomed. Everything counts. Fans are well entitled to voice their opinion and speak out, it doesn't mean it signs them into a contract to spend money. Everyone is well within their right to step back and wait to see what happens in the very near future before spending anything especially having seen what the club has done in the past with the money fans have put into the club in one form or other.
  8. People know that however he is central to the reason why we are in the position we are and central to any potential new investors coming in so yes him going does change the immediate future through one form or another. If I were an investor, which I'm not although I wish I had money as I would be, I would want him out the door without his feet touching the steps before I invested even £1 in the club. At the very least I'd have him on gardening leave pending a full disciplinary into his conduct as there's more than enough incompetency to get rid of him. No one person is ever bigger than an organisation no matter how much people think they are. The man should never ever set foot inside a football club again and be allowed to carry out any business in the name of a club.
  9. Seems this is the current view of the boardroom.
  10. Way we operate, we'd probably end up paying them for the privilege.
  11. At the moment do we even have enough players to play a friendly? Genuine question as well, I wasn't trying to be funny or sarcastic. The way things are fairing, I'm not taking anything for granted, just being in business and having a team that can cross the line is a big question right now.
  12. I find it highly unlikely that will happen, the Chairman's statement speaks on behalf of the board. Anything otherwise will show a split in the boardroom and show that someone or more are going rogue. On the basis this took months of planning without even a slither of info leaking, suggests to me that the board is united in this decision and everything before it.
  13. Everyone will have their opinion but for me, the ones defending this decision have been caught hook, line and sinker. Everything that you state as a defence is a regurgitation of the board and previous managers since Foran. First they have to convince people that there's a problem, make it out worse than it is, push the agenda, repeat, repeat, repeat before convincing you that they have the answer to something that didn't need changed in the first place. It's of no coincidence to me that we have a manager with central belt historical ties, who from day one spouted about poor home form, constantly on repeat and still will, but yet never questioned. The man before also with central belt historical ties, also spouted the same lines but never questioned. Planting the seed about poor home form but clearly with an underlying meaning. We hear how difficult it is to attract players up to Inverness, have done since after Foran, on repeat, constantly, the same lines over and over. It must be Inverness! By gosh, how didn't I figure it out myself, I feel so stupid having to be told on repeat before I realised. Dwindling investment, dwindling income, disengagement with the fans, alienation of the local business community, picking fights with local government. It's always been the fault of others, make people believe it's others. Could it just simply be that those who are in positions of power and decision makers just aren't good enough? If this next ridiculous venture fails, who's fault will it be then, will they claim travelling distance is the problem? The biggest issue in everything is staring us in the face, we all know it, and it falls firmly at the hands of the board.
  14. You've missed your calling, if the club are ever looking for someone in their communications team, you should apply.
  15. That's like saying the Westminster Government only have the interests of the country at heart when they pressed on with their Rwanda project. Nothings ever clear cut or portrayed in the vain it should be. All I'm saying is don't blindly look at things at face value especially with a regime that shows so much distain towards it's followers. Unless I'm missing a sarcastic undertone in your reply pointed elsewhere.
  16. Call my a cynic, many have over the years, but who else stands to gain from this decision? Think about all the bad decisions that have gone before made by this board, Chairman and CEO and at the root of everything it's how to make money but unfortunately not directly for the club. Who at Kelty Hearts stands to benefit? Who are Kelty Hearts main beneficiaries? I might be wildly pointing accusations and jumping to ridiculous conclusions however there are far greater minds on this forum than me that I'm sure could otherwise dig into Kelty's background, affiliations, backers etc. Why specifically Kelty Hearts, there must be more to it than we're being told or led to believe.
  17. Somewhat ironic that it's a local lad given today's revelations, wonder if this will happen again.
  18. Add me in as first team coach driver, mind though, I might run out of weekly and fortnightly driving hours after all those north and south jaunts up and down the A9.
  19. Not detracting from the statement and everything surrounding it, as my brain can't process the ins-and-outs just now, but for me the rot and decline started when the club allowed people to come in with no vested interested in Inverness Caledonian Thistle as a whole. In that I mean people who had no understanding of ICT as a club before they came in, it's battles to become what it was before they came in, to understand the history, where it came from. Who had no understanding of Inverness as an area, a community, the way of life, the different pace in the Highlands and certainly no idea of how to deal with it or desire to manipulate their way of thinking. What we see now is a club who are beseiged by power brokers who have a complete central belt mentality and at the top of that are the CEO, manager and Chairman. Just look at their backgrounds and where they've come from, where their allegiances were and probably in some ways are. Taking the SG as point in case, everywhere he's been in football has turned to rat ****, no one heeded the warnings. I'm utterly dumbfounded that those in positions with money and those that claim to understand ICT as a whole and what it was supposed to stand for, are allowing the club to be ripped apart, bit by bit. I said in another thread, when I banged my head and agreed with Dougal, that the statement 3/4 days ago was only the beginning and I feared for the future. Well, I fear there's going to be more. Argue what you will about how it matters where the team trains, not everyone will agree, but what no one can surely argue with is that the team surely must be located within at least a plausible distance and catchment area of where the club is based. The statement effectively says the club doesn't give a toss where players stay and advocates for central belt living. We're not talking about any old job, sport, team sports are different. We should be championing the Highlands, it should be a place where younger players come to learn their trade, mature, learn a bit about life, get better and we sell them on. It should about attracting an older few players of quality, not interested in money, who want to play out their career because they want to play and pass on their experience to younger players. There's no coincidence that our best two managers over the last decade and a bit loved their time up here, they couldn't speak highly enough of it. Ok one got dazzled by bigger city lights, the others head got too big but deep down everytime they spoke, they championed the Highlands - I'm not sure this allows us or anyone to do that.
  20. Tbh, we'd all do the same wouldn't we, regardless of love (or maybe lack of) for the club, you would accept it and would definitely be laughing about it especially when you are freelancing all over the place at the same time.
  21. I think the whole situation is getting to me because for once I actually agree with you, someone knock some sense into me again Genuinely though, I think and fear that there's a lot more to come and a lot more that we'll never know about until it's possibly too late.
  22. That also stretches to manager interviews with DF and laterally BD, who was never asked a pressing question. It was actually very boring, lazy journalism but why would they want to disturb the old pals act. The whole thing now surrounding the club is actually getting tedious, I'm not surprised in the slightest by the radio silence.
  23. When I read far East, I secretly hoped that there was some cash rich saviour in the wings, gauging the support of the fans before deciding to make a move and buy us out. That may be a little far fetched though
  24. Well done @Gringo on another win and also thank you for running it again. Always one we enjoying playing every week.
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