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Posts posted by beachcomber

  1. Anyway Sophias post initially brought back images of Linda Lovelace but then: - it may not be Secret Window - it may be the return of :

    The squirrel won't be back - Beth Ditto ate him -  In an interview for NME magazine, she commented "I did eat squirrels when I was a kid, people in Arkansas just do - they'd think you were a freak if you ate squid there!"

  2. To get some more mileage out of it, I'll re-post my one from the other thread....

    Beth Ditto as IHE.......

    both have a propensity for dropping their drawers and flashing their erses


    With this being a family club and all, this is about the most tasteful Beth Ditto pic I could find.

  3. interesting, veeeery interesting. (said in best Marius Niculae accent)

    I've oftened wondered about the economics of web site operation, given that every Tom **** and indeed Harry has one now.

    If it's not too confidential, what and how do advertisers pay for appearing on here - do they pay so much for each time someone clicks on the link - and, is the advertising decided through those darn spider thingys analysing the text ???

    These feckin spiders probly know more about me than I do - told you they were the devil's disciples

  4. We're top of our league and your no :blah01:

    I can feel it in my water that this is gonna be our season - the proceeds of the golden mile will be tranformed into silver this year. Now that's alchemy.


  5. July 8 1919

    various amusements were provided in connection with it, such as hoop la, Aunt Sally, clock golf, bagatelle, palmistry, etc. 

    Facilities were also afforded for dancing, and a large crowd of young people indulged in that form of amusement,

    The Nairn County played their first match in the Highland League on Saturday at Nairn when they had Inverness Thistle as their opponents.

    The final result was a win for the thistle by 4 goals to 0.

    Mr Fraser of Inverness was referee.

    Nice one TBB

    Nairn County leading the way on the corporate front even 100 years ago. The music event predates Caley's Rory Gallagher gig by about 60 years. :003:

    A few lessons for ICT's fundraising dept. in that illuminating paragaph. They could have IHE read yer tea leaves for a few quid a throw in a tent outside the bridge end.

    As for the result - the ref's origin says it all  :015:

  6. as a youngster growing up  I paid sixpence at the gate and adults a bob--it was 2 and six for the stand.

    SP - money must've been easier come by in the metropolis of sneck. I don't think I ever paid to get into Station Park until I was old enough to start my own paper round. A run and jump on an old tree stump and over the hospital wall we'd go. If anybody spotted you popping up there, you could always jump back down, run round to Gordon's mill and jump the wall there then pop out through the bushes behind the goal. I think I'll take a recce down round TCS when I get back and see if I can spot an accessible bit of wall and start repeating the trick. At over 20 squid a ticket, it's worth the risk. ?20+ to go to the football - who'dve thunk it.

  7. a documentary about the venezuelan government being overthrown

    It's only a short hop from David Balfe's Sunshine revolutionary Europop to Hugo Havez.

    btw, did you know Hugo Chavez dad played for Forres Mechanics in the 60's  (nah, I made that one up.)

    I thought I was the only miserable ******* who watched things like that. John Pilgers new programme, 'The war on democracy', looked pretty good but these feckin things are always on to late for me. I fell asleep just after the first one started.


    Just noticed your motto there - that might make a better anthem than BIOH (especially given the amount of coverage we get from Scotsport & Sportscene)

    Did you know that Gill Scott Heron's dad played for Cellic at one time. (you probably did - it's a bit of a favourite football quiz question, but it's still a pretty extraordinary fact linking Scottish fitba with the brilliant anti-establishment poet and prototype rapper)

    I also quite like the Edinburgh Bike Co-ops motto which they lifted from it - 'The Revolution will not be Motorised'

    If ICT played 'The revolution will not be televised' Clach could play 'The Bottle'

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