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Posts posted by clacher_holiday2

  1. harry chibber !  have to admire somebody who isnt affraid to make an idiot of themselves on a public stage

    "you don't realise that the players aren't there for your entertainment, they are not hired monkeys but players playing for the club and are making history for a team that will be about long after you or me are 6 feet under. "

    :015: tw@t

    agree with most of the anti cc stuff, although i havent read the words arrogant, cheeky or 'spent too long living within the prehistoric bubble that is inverness football, where back patting in the heathmount counts for more than the opinion of fans who pay big to keep you in that lifestyle youve freeloaded from ict for the past few years'

  2. we didnt budget for a semi final place so we havent lost anything.  wouldve been nice to know we couldve secured dargo with the cash and probably brought in players we want, rather than cowdenbeath ones, but nevermind we still made money on the exercise

    any estimates on what a replay wouldve earnt us?

  3. agree 100%, been a favorite of mine since his goal against dundee at pitodrie, hes a better finisher than hes ever given credit for

    him and dargo can work, with black behind them in midfield giving rankin and wilson the room to play

  4. means nothing to me caley100, if a club like rangers with their fanbase existed in inverness id still not support them for the same reasons.  most of the rangers fans in govan are broughtup to believe that being a bigot and racist is ok, as is imposing that same belief onto the identity of their football club

    if you can see a difference between out of town bigots and home grown bigots then ferry muff.  even the small number of huns in that area of glasgow who claim to love the club but hate the sectarianism thats supposedly tagged onto them are to blame, if they were serious about hating it then they would prove it by denying their support for rangers.

    thats like saying you'd vote bnp to save the pound or to cut crime, regardless of racist imigration or defence policies theyve come up with

  5. "Calling for CC's head? - Not at all, he continues to learn from his errors IMO, and thats a strength in itself.  If we had scored a second yesterday as a result of his substitutions and went on to win he would have been hailed as a hero and his decisions refered to as 'Brave' - as it is, it all went wrong and he has to live with his decisions being refered to as 'Stupid'."

    ok what mistakes has he made and what where has he learned from them... ?  ive seen no evidence of this

  6. its his defensive qualities in the middle we miss when he doesnt play, rather than his attacking..

    he wouldve stopped the move for the second goal about 30 yards further back, as i said on pie and bovril when he came off we always defend 20-30 yards deeper and invite teams onto us, feckin nightmare to see him leave the park

  7. nobody becomes a good rangers fan just because they live close to the ground.  im sure if i was brought up with the same family on ibrox road id probably have hated them at a much younger age, next door neighbours or not.

    those who claim to be fans of just their football or fans because theyre from the southside of glasgow are as much of a problem as those with somewhat more sinister reasons for following the club.  theyre guilty of the same bigotted crimes by association, if ict were associated with the same anti-catholic / anti everything brigade then theres no chance id support them even though theyre my local team (well, kind of, i dont live in inverness!)

    you know im right  :011:

  8. Perhaps a few people do support Rangers and Celtic as their local team.

    im not having that as an excuse, if the nazi party set up shop in inverness would you join them because they were your local party.  regardless of where their fans come from theyre all guilty by association

    brand new poster why did you start crying when RIG said he hated rangers.  are you a fcukwit

  9. aye mantis  :017:

    alex youre bringing tears to my eyes here; no wages, no players, no sponsorship, no fans and the fact(?) we will have to accept relegation because we have a less than 7,000 average gates is heartbreaking.. why do you bother turning up at all?

    playing the right tactics and playing the right team on a game by game basis is the way we will win over the 90 minutes a week all of this matters.  the rest of the time good leadership from the boardroom, intelligent scouting and hard work in training will all combine to ensure our survival.  atm we're stuttering on all fronts;  we have no marketting budget to bring in new fans (true!), we dont look as fit as we used to be which saved us in the past, we couldnt bring in anybody over january and we seem to be playing the same bad 11 players in a system thats had us rise to 10th in the spl. 

    and you know what, i couldnt care less about it all, its all fine.  the problem is that charlie still thinks the boys are doing no bad lyke and that we're just unlucky in all these one goal losses, when we're actually just sh1te

  10. diddum alex.  poor old ict.  im sure thats your heroes view on the situation aswell

    what happened to the good old days when robbo could fire the team up with the exact same facts and at the very least mske sure those who are available are 100% fit and willing to fight for everything.  if we really are so hard done by then motivation should never be an issue

    i for would never critisice cc if i thought we were going out and giving everything we could

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