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Posts posted by clacher_holiday2

  1. kids and their families... jesus the merger was only 12 years ago!  all have minds of their own.

    ultimatley the numbers who believe the old way of things in inverness was better are a drop in the ocean, or the puddle

  2. well done alex you win first place


    now baagger off and unregister yourself or something.  the time will come to bring black back eventually, today wouldve been as good a day as any, unless youve got the charlie christie philosophy on team selection.

    thats trial and error.  if we win a game we keep the same formation regardless of opposition, if we play ok and lose then we dont change, we have to lose several games in a row for a change to be forced.  one of the two main reasons we need a squad larger than 11 players is to offer flexability with regards to tactics for each individual game, theres no question black wouldve been right today in a 451 formation that wouldve forced us to play through them and given rankin the chance to get forward without leaving kingston free reign of the dance floor.

    its worrying that somebody suggesting a different set up might get a strange reaction around here, which there wouldnt be if cc wasnt spoon feeding us the old 442 with the exact same players week in and week out until injuries or suspensions force his hand, as we'd be operating like every other club in scotland and mixing things up on a game to game basis.

  3. That's me just back, how unlucky were we, that was blo ody robbery !!

    The players fought for their lives, they really did deserve more than that.

    I don't agree that Charlie got it wrong by playing McAllister instead of McSwegan. Do we honestly think Gary would have lasted the pace ? And besides it's unfair to criticise young Rory, he did alright, was it not him that hit the bar ?

    I thought Russell Duncan was superb, Johnny Rankin just behind him.

    Fraser, for me, showed that he's definatly arrived, very confident good kicking and unlucky with the goal, Tokely and Hastings were superb although Richard nearly got punished for his possession loss.

    Dodds and Munro, especially Munro, solid.

    Up front Graham Bayne did the target man centre-forward thing brilliantly, all we really lacked was Dargo or Denzil to stick the blo ody thing in the net.

    robbed...?  we never deserved to win that!  we were awful front to back with theexceptions of bayne and fraser.

    dods and munro, solid, true... but they also punted every clearance aimlessly towards coolio (russel latapy of 10 years ago, great player, dominated us in midfield) and grant munro attempted his party piece with the throw ins again with usual results.. a waste!  most of them came from the right hand touchline (from the attackers perspective) which is a dangerous position, if youre attempted to swing one in or get a corner.  i was waiting for him the whole game to dummy a long throw and drop it at wilsons feet, itll never happen.. pure desperation

    rankin and duncan were not superb, they were sh1t, compare them to brellier and kingston who were excellent, they werent in the same league today.  neither even attempted to dominate the central area of the park that black seems to mince into as if he owns it everytime, once they wereon the backfoot there balls forward or down the channels became as desperate and rushed as munros throws.  that said taking rankin off was a mistake.

    hastings was solid and covered other areas of the midfield well but couldnt make anything happen going forward as the midfield were all over the place, the moment he lost it and gave them a chance was due to there being nowhere but the touchline to put it, he had to carry it forward.  roscoe was impressive coming forward but lacked the fitness required to make an impact.

    macallister did hit the bar with an excellent header but he did nothing else, gary shouldve been given much longer than the 2 minute cameo when the game was lost.  rory did a great hissy impression of sprinting as fast as he could into the corner flag, before giving away a throw in or a goal kick on several occasions.  he was very poor and needs to learn from bayne how to close players down and make a nuisance of himself

    bayne, looks like he missed a sitter in the first couple of minutes but otherwise typically solid performance, rarely wasted the ball and chased everything.

    sorry i cant see past this ---  "The players fought for their lives" :015: at least we know the identity of christies speachwriter, can all of those who attended the game post 'AGREE' or '  :015: ' to this statement from stevie.  ill start

    [The players fought for their lives -  :015:  :015:]

  4. ill assume you mean ict and not scotland, the national team has loads of bad keepers to pick from (and an excellent one  with a big gob who thinks hes bigger than hearts) before they consider the current AD Ceuta first choice.

    for us though he could be worth a trial

  5. motherwell made the stand behind the goal opposite the away end £5 a seat.  over an 8 game period the results showed an increase in attendances of about 1,500 a game but it never lasted as all the fans who normally paid to use the other ares of the ground ended up sitting in the stand too, shafting the club £15 a head.

    when the stand went back to the normal price the attendances did the same.  i was worth a try but we'd be foolish to not learn the lesson for ourselves.

    offering price incentives to attract new customers will result in the loss of hundreds/thousands of perfectly loyal fans to the same deal

  6. point being that ticket prices count for balls all.  if 10% was added onto the cost of a regular hl ticket to see the league champions back then people wouldve paid it, as theyll have to now even though the game isnt anywhere near as big

  7. "I see it like this. As an ex....er.......em......Caley fan ( am i allowed to say that?), why is it in the old Highland league days of the 1960s etc, you would get 8000+ turning up for games yet the population was prob a third of what it is today?"

    as an ex....er.......em...... caley fan (its ok you can say that) you would probably only see the league champions maybe once or twice in a decade (i dont know if they even did that) and its very unlikely that it would ever be a scottish cup quarter final, comparing todays gates with those of the past is ridiculous when you consider how huge a game that would be compared to the kind of run of the mill quarter final fixture we're used to now.

  8. sadly i think the only way we're ever likely to genuinely increase home support is with consistent success on the field, home and away.  that will never happen at a level thatd effect change.

    where we can move forward is in the close season and with seaosn ticket sales, thats where the marketing should be targetted (starting now even), as we're never likely to increase pay-at-the-gate numbers without remarkable success in the spl.

    a realistic target for next season should be 4,000, get the thinking caps on now and sort it

  9. football 100%.

    no idea if ill be home for the game, i did buy a train ticket but itll be a last minute decision as always.  since working in edinburgh ive actually bought transport to three games that i havent gone to, because friday nights always go to far and i hate travelling at the best of times

    i love the cup though so will try.  f+ck the rugby

  10. Clacher - I think some of your comments in here are a wee bit unfair given that some of the folk working with the Supporters Club and the Trust have been very supportive of you in the past in many ways.

    im not sure what im supposed to make of that.  from memory ive only ever had one problem i couldnt deal with myself once and the supporters club were no help at all!

    as for everybody else i stand by what i said before, ive no problem with the trust or it taking shares in concept but i dont think the right people are behind the scenes.  12% might be impressive in respect to the rest of scottish football but in reality its buttons youll be putting into the club compared to what the alan savages or david sutherlands of inverness can.  i dont say that because they are personally rich but because they have the attitude and intellect to find income streams that may not have previously existed or strengthen those that do, for the benefit of ict as a whole whereas the supporters trust have yet to demonstrate that ability.  had the trust raised the money to actually earn the 12% my attitude might be different and a **** of alot more supportive but you didnt, this was a gift and the last thing you should be doing is patting yourselves on the back for it.  you should feel under pressure to show youre grateful and really put yourselves on the map by raising big money... because at the end of the day thats what alot of you guys want isnt it?  no problems with me there, just prove youre worth it!

    ive been invited casually on here by les kidger (the trust is in very safe and capable hands there by the way!) to attend meetings in the past (as have others) but ive never been, i honestly dont feel as if i have anything to add to the trust just now.  in an ideal world i wouldnt have anybody involved who wasnt there to raise money or improve the club in some way, i dont think anybody should have even the smallest possible stake in the club purely for being a supporter.

    ps. besides all that, i intend to buy ict when we next get relegated and cut the supporters trusts stake to about 1.2%, so enjoy it while it lasts.

  11. token gestures like this share transfer is about all i could stomach to be honest and im glad we (ict) arent going any further.  the supporters trust, members club or any other fans group are exactly the type of people i wouldnt trust to run a football club, especially the supporters trust as it stands today as theres far too many disruptve personalities behind the scenes.  anybody with enough free time (ok thats horribly unfair to most of the members and i expect to be taken up on this!) to spend getting involved with this kind of movement clearly has some psychological damage somewhere, i imagine them all to be a bit compulsive or insecure in the real world and id just rather they didnt use ict as part of the healing process.  but hey who am i to say, everybody needs something in their lives to belong to, right?  i just hope the board see straight through them and they concentrate on their own agenda, which at this stage looks like 'lets make as much money and be as successful as we can', magic.

    and caley d, that last part of your message made me laugh quite loudly  :022:

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