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Posts posted by clacher_holiday2

  1. Some decent points there CH2 and glad to see you backing them with a bit of reasoning.

    However, you seem to have summed up your entire reasoning for following ICT and contributing to these forums with...

    the solution is simple to me and im glad i managed to listen to the second half today to hear it for myself.

    So your whole reasoning for listening was in the hope that you could find something to prove yourself right and you were glad that the team had a bad day so you could come on here and gloat about it.

    In all honesty bud, I'd take myself off on a bit of a soul searching mission to find out which team you really support cause it ain't ICT.  Any real fan/supporter would have  been sad/disappointed to have listened in on the game to find any fears they had being played out in reality - not, as in your case, get their jollies from it.

    hang about where did that come from.  i said i was glad to listen to us playing better after black came on, i never said i was glad we got beat?!  if anything its a positive message, theres a solution to the problem and it involves mixing up the midfield.  where did i gloat about how bad we were?

    sounds like youve been waiting a while to throw those lines at me, which reflects poorly on your abilty to judge character and possibly puts into question your role as a moderator and definitley puts in question what right you have to challenge my support on ict/the team in the future.  not that i have to prove myself to anybody on here but i can promise you will never get the chance to use the 'clacker hates ict' line legitimatly, i have never expressed satisfaction at watching/listening to us lose and i promise you i never will

    stating problems on the park is not being negative about what i want to see from us in terms of long term results, if we lose and play like you on the park then saying so isnt being a boo boy at all.  theres no soul searching required at this end im well aware of where my soul stands!

  2. too much emphisis is being put on the frontline not being good enough, simply not our problme at the moment

    the solution is simple to me and im glad i managed to listen to the second half today to hear it for myself.

    ian black was on the bench; nobody in the midfield could take control or even string 5 yard passes together, dont think we sent in a single cross all day.  black comes on and instantly sets up a couple of chances that rory in turn ballses up, for the final 20 minutes the whole team starts to click and we put motherwell under pressure.

    obviously the guy has skill and vision, but hes also a leader, he dictates play in midfield for both sets of teams.  its his confidence in his own ability that influences those around him in a way we've been lacking lately, i dont think we've had any leadership from dods, the vetrans or the bench for a while now.  we just seem to be hoping for the best at the start of every game, relying on luck to go in front and taking it from there, never any real gameplan or drive.

    one of the commentators sumed up my veiw on whats wrong with the side at the moment perfectly .. 'whatever christie said to his players over half time seems to be working.  i wonder why he didnt say it at the start?' ...nae gameplan, his problem is he thinks we're doing ok, which breeds the complacentcy ive talked about before.

    according to the bbc he was going to work on 'creative midfield passing' after the hearts show, his real midfield problem is 'how to make a challenge' ... you need the ball first before you play a creative pass charly.

    (and also guys, dont kid yourselft that we were unlucky against hearts, they were sh1te but we were much much worse)

  3. ross county dont even have a monopoly of fans from easter ross and have been making up (even their falling attendances) for years.

    i would often find myself surrounded by ict fans on the train from inver g to inverness for a matchday (when i was unfortunate enough to visit my father by the sea)

    its an area we should definitly be doing more in, though, all hope i ever had of us attempting to lure in more fans was shot to death on saturday.

    this honestly icts plan to bring in more fans - play good football, as nothign else is required.

    worst of it is that charlie christie has actually said he doesnt know why fans arent turning up, as he has them playing really really well  :017:

    all talk of how to increase support is pointless, as ict will never do anything about it.  poor management at all levels

  4. going back to the point of my first post, its clear that people on here dont view team selection as a weekly issue but rather a stuttering long term thing, people saying 'dont bring back black because duncan is playing well' have no football brain at all.. theres games where black will obviously be a better choice in the middle (like yesterday).  its not even like keeping the same 11 for several games at a time is going anywhere, theres no obvious development in consistency or teamwork and we seem to go in cycles of playing well and playing sh1t.  no player should view their place in the team as a 'reward' for doing their jobs well, but thats exactly what getting picked for this side has become.

    as fans we've been ruined by ict over the past year by cc, we think that a side who beats dundee united at home in the cup one week should be good enough to put on a show away to hearts in the league, despite the opposition and competition being completley different.  thats why we were poor yesterday, the players on the park were not set up right to deal with the changes

    if black plays against motherwell and does very well, that shouldnt automatically put him on the teamsheet for the following week, as it shouldnt for ever player.

  5. To clacher_holiday....I was just re-reading some of this thread and thought i would clear a point u made in reply to my earlier post. When i was referring to crowds of 8000 in 60s, I wasnt meaning for OF teams or the like. I was meaning run of the mill Highland league games against the likes of Lossiemouth etc!!

    proove it..!

    the club doesnt have a clue about pr and marketting, as i learnt through various conversations on saturday evening!  they will never, ever, do anything.. they have a budget of about £20 a week

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