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Everything posted by GMD

  1. Trying to find words to describe my experience watching "The Call Centre" I'll just be glad when the footy starts in ten mins! I'm aff to shave my head until then!

  2. I think the only way to cure my broken body after jujitsu yesterday is to have a curry. I looked it up on WebMD, so it's cool.

  3. Gonna try and configure my dad's fathers day roku box whilst Jake'd. I may be awhile.

  4. Fuckin Dying Someone get this fatboy a Pepsi...STAT!

  5. Lookin forward to my first Brazilian Jujitsu class tomorrow, not so much setting my alarm so early in the morn.

  6. Somewhere right now, Kyle Tucker is doing a spittake after a great snapchat from yours truly.

  7. The Darkness playing the Ironworks in November, I think it's gotta be done.

  8. 10 mins of the Inverness "come dine with me" annnnnd I'm done.

  9. Disappointed with the GoT finale, I feel the red wedding should have finished off the series and that episode ten was the equivalentof lighting a sparkler the week after a massive bonfire.

  10. Lots of things to look forward to over the next 7 days but I'm lookin forward to the delivery of two lazy greyhounds today, only on loan but hey.

  11. Off to Findhorn to chill on the beach, listen to the Joe Rogan Podcast and see how much of a tan I can get! I'll take a few coronas aswell, if I can't get tanned I'll get tanked.

  12. Just noticed our Sky Package is going up by 10% in September....Sorry Sky, don't think you're worth 10% more for absolutely no reason!

  13. Holly lookin banging on the voice tonight, adding to a fairly excellent Friday!

  14. Dear Scotland, Don't be a chunt and kindly keep up this weather so I can enjoy a week off getting a "made in scotland" tan and enjoy lots of corona sat in my garden listening to Planet Rock. Cheers Gary McDonald

  15. Holy ****, that's how you make a f'n tv show.

  16. Bus driver was early and giving me cheek, careful buddy....its Monday and I've nae had my coffee yet.

  17. Snapchat: gmcduk I'll send you pictures of myself lookin bemused.

  18. Started off my night drinking Russian Vodka and Tesco energy drink cocktail on the bus to Elgin....start as you mean to go on I guess.....

  19. Kelly: You missed a goal. Gary: it's half time, that was a replay. Poor, sleepy Kellybean.

  20. Wish they'd just show us the bloody kit, ICTFC are always slow with the new kits. get them on the go early, get people pre-ordering it so they sell more!! Should have done the teasing of the new away kit towards the end of last season!
  21. Good riddance, the fact he's one of the tallest on the pitch and won't jump to win a high ball annoyed me, seen him in a preseason against Forres and he looked promising but then got injured for A long time. Good luck in the bottom six.
  22. Famous last words "I'll just have a quick game of FIFA"

  23. Just won £100 on a scratchcard, this brings the PS4 fund to a total of £105.34!

  24. Made productive use of my lunchbreak, pumped out near 500 words for the relaunch of The Teep Kick! I'm looking forward to finishing it off, checking the structure and getting some no doubt high quality art from Brett Tucker.

  25. Fancy heading along to the brazilian jujitsu class in Elgin anyone recommend if its any good?

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