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Posts posted by HawkeyeTheGnu

  1. Is it just just me or does this make us look like the amateurs from the sticks?

    Our ability to handle the media for 'awkward' issues is very poor. Look at various contract signing/non-signing faragos.

    Any negative news that encourages predators seeps too easily from the walls of the TCS

  2. Is it just just me or does this make us look like the amateurs from the sticks?

    The PR side of things, and dealing with the media has always been a farce. When things go well, e.g. Feb 8th 2000, things are fine, but otherwise.....

    Just look at the various contract signing/non-signing faragos. News that is either negative, or encouraging to predators seems to seep too easily from within the walls of the TCS.

  3. Yes, thats the unfortunate thing.  If it wasn't for Gretna, we'd be the laughing stock of the SPL (apart from the SPL management themselves, of course), for washing our dirty linen so openly in public.

    It's no wonder we've being playing so badly, the rate at which we keep shooting ourselves in the foot! The club need to employ someone with some media Savvy stop this happening. Give Mr bannerman a job!

    By the way H the G, good to see you back posting again. I've always thought you have just about the best user name on the forum

    Gee, thanks.

  4. No, he shouldn't have said any of that if he didn't think it.

    But, there are ways of pointing out what the problems are without saying that you don't want to play for a manager.

    If you tell your boss you don't want to work for them, there can only be one outcome.

  5. There is the matter of diplomacy too.

    Although it was a stupid question, Black must have been aware that there would be consequences of answering the way he did.

    If you told your boss you didn't want to work for him, even if asked directly, what would you expect the outcome to be?

  6. If the frank and honest reply is "I don't want to play for you", then what's Brewster supposed to do?

    If he plays him, then he isn't interested in the opinion. If he doesn't play him, then he's being childish.

    Although it is a pretty stupid question to ask in the first place.

    And WHY is this being aired through the press?

    Our next signing should be a PR officer.

  7. Following Brewsters refusal to take my advice last week, and our according loss. This week. I have selected a team of self-serving egotists.


    Heather Mills, Stalin, Robert Mugabe (capt), Donald Trump.

    My wife's boss, Graeme Souness, Satan, Earl Haig

    Kim Jong-Il

    Craig Brewster

    I have put Heather Mills, on the side of her good leg, where she can do most damage with flanking runs, but it is Muagabe's distribution that will cost Gretna dear. The Defence, In particular "Tower" Trump, will hold firm against a Gretna team intent on impressing for next season. Long balls to Jong-Il and Brewster may distract.

    This team will holdout for a 1-1 draw against Gretna Boys Brigade/Scouts select.

    You haven't a leg to stand on, selecting Mills. Although, apparently, she did out jump McGuire in training.

    I assume you've selected Adolf for his bunker mentality.

    Selection of Mugabe is a master stroke. No matter how many goals we concede, he'll still claim we won.

  8. "The 4th Official has indicated there will be a minimum of 4 minutes stoppage time"


    Yeah, but that's supposed to cover any time-wasting durring stoppage time. You're not meant to play next goal the winner.

    Still, if Hearts win on Saturday, we'll get another crack at the barstewards. 18th time lucky, eh?

  9. Calum........sentiment counts for very little these days. Clach (like everyone else) has to be able to susutain itself or it will go down the pan. It has Happened in the not so distant past to Meadowbank Thistle, Airdre and Clydebank and am sure they were equally "part of the community".......so it can happen to clach too.

    Actually, Meadowbank Thistle didn't go bust. They were bought over by Bill 'Blobby' Hunter and relocated to Livingston. Perhaps the first example of the franchise system in Scottish Football.

  10. Just read on the follow follow website that there are going to be 60 extra police at sunday's match. There is even a knobend on there moaning that any Rangers fan in the home end who cheered at the last match was chucked out...*****.

    Well it will be like that if your ticket isnt in the gers end. I was at the game when Barry scored we won 1-0 and I was in the inverness home end, the stewards were throwing out anyone who cheered Rangers, I will be watching this 1 on tv. 2-0 gers WATP

    WATP - We are the Papists?

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