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Posts posted by buckett

  1. Perhaps he remembers how well things worked out the last time he left ICT!

    He's been great for us though, no doubt about it. What a boost that'll be if he commits himself to ICT for another 2 years.

    Here's hoping!

  2. Remember it well - the stadium was so packed I couldn't get near my usual spot on the terracing and ended in the away end, part of which had been opened for the large home support.

    As I looked around at the thousands of unfamiliar faces, I wondered where these b*****ds had been for the rest of the season!

  3. As it currently stands we only need 4 more points to guarantee SPL survival for another season. Of course Dunfermline will probably help our cause by losing at least 4 points in which case we can safely lose all our remaining games.

    I reckon we'll be safe next Saturday, either by winning while Dunfermline don't, or by not losing while Dunfermline do.

    Statisticians may prove me wrong here, but I believe that if we don't finish 7th, this would be only the second season in our existence where we'll have finished in a lower position than the previous season.

    I just hope we haven't peaked!

  4. As I said, a device for opening curtains - clearly my euphemism went over your head, Charles.

    I agree, however, with your interpretation of the corruption of history. I well remember my primary school teacher in Dalneigh leading a baying mob of 11-year-olds (of which I was one) in an ill-informed rant against the injustices suffered by the poor down-trodden Scots at the hands of the English at Culloden. Years later I was better informed about these events but through the years she must have been responsible for a considerable amount of unnecessary anti-English bigotry. Sewing the seeds at an early age.

    Teachers, eh!?  :006:

  5. Priapistic?? Is that a "proper" way of saying they were a bunch of pr!cks? Or did they breed a lot?

    Can't get my head round this need for our modern-day politicians to "apologise" for historical events over which they have had no control.

    Surely an apology from a person who is not in any way responsible for the event for which he is apologising, is completely worthless.

    I hereby apologise for the genocide of the Tasmanian Aborigines - see what I mean!  :006:

  6. Sounds like a knee-jerk reaction to a bad day at the office - the sort of thing we've all had, where we sometimes just want to jack it in and walk away.

    Of course he's only been in the job for 10 minutes and it would be foolish to walk away at this stage, but now it's probably blown over and he realises that.

    Agree with Scotty though - maybe he needs to be more of a b*****d and detach himself a bit from the shop floor.

    And no favouritism - treat them ALL like s**t!!!

  7. Black was very raw when he came up here.

    He quickly built a reputation for petulance and a poor attitude. This was, however, balanced by his skills and ability.

    Now he is clearly working on his temperament.

    It won't happen overnight but he is obviously aware of his weaknesses and the need to work on them and he is progressing.

    It would be foolish to dismiss him as a loose cannon and cash in when he is probably now on the verge of conquering his afflictions.

    Wouldn't it be galling to see him finally achieving greatness, but with another team, because we wouldn't give him time?

  8. Spot on, Clacher, but bear in mind it's never too early to make a prediction!

    In the HL days I always had a soft spot for County - they were probably my favourite 'other' team, along with Clach, strangely enough.

    So it was a bit of a surprise when I realised just how much the County fans HATED Caley. It seems they saw us as their rivals, something we could not reciprocate as our rivals were the 2 other Inverness teams.

    And I think we all hated Elgin City. (who will eventually overtake County in the SFL - you wait and see!)

  9. It was always apparent that whichever of the 2 Highland teams reached the SPL first would thrive to the detriment of the other.

    This now seems to be the case and sadly for County, I think that our attendances might benefit from their eventual relegation - who wants to go and see 2nd division football when there's SPL fare just down the road?

    There was never going to be room for two SPL teams in the Highlands, especially two so geographically close together and I think it is only a matter of time before County find their level in the second division.

    If they had won promotion to the SPL instead of us then we would now be in a very difficult situation. Come to think of it, if they'd won promotion to the 2nd division in their first SFL season, which they very nearly did, that could have set the trend for a complete reversal of the situation we have today.

    I predicted Ross County's subsequent decline some time ago on this forum (or it's predecessor) and suggested that Elgin City might well overtake County in the Scottish League. Sadly for County, as Elgin City lift themselves off the bottom of Division 3, it's all starting to take shape.

  10. Swearing (from which I exclude the use of the prefix "homo" - what does it imply anyway - homo sapiens? homo erectus? homosexual?) at football matches can be a very emotive subject for those with kids.

    Personally I think that anyone who swears in an environment where children are present is guilty of social pig-ignorance. There really is no need for it. Is it really that difficult for people to express their emotions without resorting to the use of f's and c's?

    Don't get me wrong - I swear quite fluently myself, but only in appropriate company.

    And yes, I know they hear much worse in the playground. But generally speaking adults avoid swearing in front of kids, and kids know it is wrong to swear in front of adults.

    Until they hear adults at football matches swearing at the top of their voices!

  11. Yes, I remember the merger one - not really so suitable for a family sing-song though.

    Thought you might be able to enlighten us further about that particular meeting CB - I remember hearing about the hanging basket alternative and being quite horrified by it, as I'm sure, were a lot of Caley Thistle supporters!

  12. Quite agree - far too long and complicated.

    How about this one then - it's sung to the tune of "she'll be coming round the mountain" and relates to a historical quote from a person during a council-level meeting prior to dishing out nine hundred grand towards the new ICT stadium as he/she sought to suggest an alternative way of increasing the profile of Inverness, and was first aired as an impromptu chorus during a 3rd division game at Telford Street:

    You can stick yer hanging baskets up yer a**e,

    You can stick yer hanging baskets up yer a**e,

    You can stick yer hanging baskets, stick yer hanging baskets,

    Stick yer hanging baskets up yer a**e!

  13. I agree with Buckett--- an expression of empathy and agreement that will no doubt be henceforth referred to as a day that will live in infamy, in view of our past history together. LOL :015:

    As time has passed , however, I have learned to appreciate the finer points of the Buckett in so far as , despite being as controversial as ever , he has again rescued this . . . . .etc.

    Kind words indeed Scarlet, for which I thank you, although I will not discount the possibility of the presence of a piece of  Pimple Irony in there.

    And good to see you got the point of my post where some dismissed it as just another merger thread.

    Yes we did have a bit of history, eh? I must admit I came in with all guns blazing – probably a form of defence against the inevitable newbie initiation rites. Maybe I was right, maybe I was wrong, but it sure was exhilirating.

    I'm older and wiser now, and like to think of myself as a bit of a serious poster – a sort of thinking man's Charles Bannerman, although there's still a place for a wee bit of controversy now and again!  :001:

    And when you get yerself across here to a Caley game, the person standing next to you in the Innes Bar buying you a post-match drammie might well be Old Buckett!!

  14. Buckett... it seems that "this old Thistle thing has cropped up again" because you have revived it through this tired, clapped out thread.

    Well, no, Charles – it was on another thread that I was made aware of continuing sensitivities over this matter.

    The thing is, if you look at the number of posts on this thread, you will see that it is still a live topic and when the thread has run its course, it will fade into obscurity until someone else sees fit to raise the subject again on a new thread.

    But please, Charles, don't fall into the trap of trying to stop people posting on subjects they feel are worthy of mention, purely because you don't. This is, after all, a democracy!

    And perhaps before commenting on someone's post you could have the courtesy to read it properly first!

  15. This old Thistle thing has cropped up again.

    For over 10 years now, fans have shouted "CALEY" from the terraces and the stands.

    It is maybe not politically correct, but how often do you hear people shouting "THISTLE"?

    Perhaps we should stop being so sensitive and accept that, whereas the history of the club's merger is safely contained within the official name, the nickname of the club, i.e. the name that people will shout and chant, and by which they will refer to their team, is and always will be "CALEY".

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