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Posts posted by buckett

  1. TM4TJ - as I get older I find it gets harder to convince myself that it was all a dream, although, believe me, I tried this morning!

    On further reflection, I was very disappointed with Dundee United. Despite this great start they're supposed to be having to the season, they were absolute pish yesterday. And then we presented them with 3 goals.

    It's no less painful today.  :009: :019:

  2. It was a tale of two half-time team talks - ours was clearly less effective.

    I saw some real quality in blue and red today - we dominated the 1st half and were all over them. Niculae, Black, Cowie, Tokely and Bayne were spectacular. What a pity we didn't score! Still, I felt that a goal would come if we kept playing like that.

    Second half though - well I didn't see the 1st goal because a wide wumman with an armful of pies was passing in front of me looking for her seat. The goal seemed to knock us off our stride. Giving away the penalty was unfortunate - I thought Fraser had it covered and that tackle was unnecessary. The second penalty shouldn't have been awarded.

    Am I the only one who thought Russel Duncan was gash today? The number of times he gave the ball away!

    Anyway, the quality IS there. All we need is a decent manager to manage it. With Brewster we had a team that was very difficult to beat. That'll do me!

  3. Not a bad appointment in my opinion, and let's not give the impression that ALL Inverness supporters are against Brewster coming back.

    We played some pretty entertaining football at times during his previous tenure; no reason why we can't do so again.

    His knowledge and 'reading' of the game, as player and manager was impressive, although I sometimes disagreed with his choice of striker!

    He got the best out of some pretty average players ? Hastings, Dods, Wilson and Tokely come to mind ? all vastly improved under Brewster.

    Perhaps not my first choice as manager, but then ICT suddenly weren't his first choice of team when Dundee United came a-sniffing. He'll certainly have learned some lessons since he left us and I wouldn't be at all surprised if he rejoins with humility, ambition and enthusiasm. Let's not let negativity from the supporters spoil that!

    Can't see him leaving so hastily this time either, especially when we start climbing the table ? bear in mind that if Warnock got the job, his would likely be a very short-term appointment.

    Whether or not you approve of his appointment, we need to get behind our team and give the new manager and players our full support.

  4. Found myself in Tyneside many years ago so went along to see Newcastle at St. James Park.

    They had two pint-sized strikers - a Brazilian called Mirandinha and a Jock called John Robertson! They'd just sold Gazza to Spurs and they were absolutely dire.

    Week after week I went along to see them in the vain hope of seeing them scoring a goal.

    Finally, I think it was the 6th or 7th game I saw, against Liverpool, and my mate who was a lifelong Liverpool supporter insisted on going to the away end. Unbelievably it was from there that I saw my first ever Newcastle goal, by Mirandinha if I remember correctly.

    The absolute joy, euphoria even, and relief I felt had to be hastily suppressed as I reminded myself that I was a lone Geordie supporter surrounded by 6000 pissed-off Scousers.

    That game ended a 2-2 draw, but it was a flash in the pan. Newcastle got relegated that year, but I've followed them ever since.

  5. Agree with Yngwie there - sitting down to discuss a new nickname is all a bit contrived.

    "Caley" has become the shortened name by which the media refer to the team and if that's how it goes, so be it. I also like "Caley Jags", even "Thistle", which pop up now and again.

    My favourite though, has to be when the media refer to us as "the Highlanders".

    I remember at the time of the merger thinking that Inverness Ca'stle may have been a good quirky official name for the team, inoffensive to both sets of supporters and perhaps the subject of many a sports trivia quiz in years to come, but another part of me thought it rather naff!

  6. You can stick yer hanging baskets up yer a**e

    You can stick yer hanging baskets up yer a**e

    You can stick yer hanging baskets, stick yer hanging baskets,

    Stick yer hanging baskets up yer a**e.

    (To the tune of she'll be coming round the mountain. There was some post merger significance to this one and it was sung at Telford Street - funny as ferk, I thought)

  7. I'm going for Gretna.

    By a HUGE margin hopefully, every time. Because I have an inexplicable hatred for them.

    Aberdeen too, and Celtic, but I'm sure they'll be well covered in the poll.

    And Rangers.

    And all the others.

    But especially Gretna!

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