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Scarlet Pimple

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Posts posted by Scarlet Pimple

  1. Scotty's two posts in this thread are outstanding and reveal a clear understanding of the issues here. I completely agree with his summation of the Warnock situation vis-a-vis the fact that ICT do not even APPEAR to have approached him....man -oh - man, imagine that.

    Kingsmills also has a good post.

    And at the end Clacher Holiday is mentioned in despatches-- only if he reveals his age, though :002:...EH?

    What bothers me is that Brewster's appointment smacks of desperation---or WHAT? It does not seem to be a reasonable choice so what is the reason for his possible consideration?


  2. It was not so much that Brewster left to better himself--who could complain about that?

    But he did make  certain statements prior to his leaving which contrasted heavily with subsequent statements he made ? In short, hypocrisy which revealed previous insincerity. This is what galled most of the fans. and rendered himas his own worst enemy which was his downfall.

    I predict that Warnock will not be appointed since I think that his (history) touchline antics and choice outrageous statements  have already turned off the ICT Management--the report of the meeting with the Shareholders' Trust mentions cryptically that the appointee's character and "CONDUCT" must fall-in with the standards already viewed as a requirement  for ICT senior staff.

    As for Brewster I suggest that ICT WILL hire him . And will rue the day!  :018:

    And by season's end the team will be in frantic relegation battles and he will not be successful. His playing days are well nigh over and he has not proved to be a successful and BRIGHT manager. A poster mentioned his after-game comments , above, and Charlie Christie was streets ahead in the clarity, lucidity and ambassadorial demeanour department in this regard compared to him.

    However, if appointed we should  support him 100% from the start since every person deserves a second chance. I just don't think in this case that he HAS the character prescribed by our very own ICT Directors nor the smarts to hack it at Tulloch Caledonian Stadium. :symbol_question:

  3. C'mon Clacher Holiday...

    It's time you published your age on this site --wave the flag and all. :011:

    It's challenging to try to always consider what every person in the world is thinking about one's posts but if  the best we can do is simply to be honest and forthright and let the chips fall where they may then that's not a bad approach is it.?

    By contributing an honest opinion on this site we emphasise that our opinion and feelings have a valid outlet, are open for review and in essence the act of expressing them is more important that what other people think of them because when others follow our example by responding in kind we always have the option of changing our own minds by  reading their thoughts. In short, the expression of opinions results in a balancing process with the object being to get things right. Go on..make my day by saying yes.  :023:

    The fact that the Management of the club may be accessing these forums on a regular or even a semi-regular basis is encouraging because this implies that they are tacitly acknowledging the existence of the fans and , accordingly, their often unacknowledged but important influence on the club.

    Therefore it promotes a sense of togetherness that is a good thing and makes some of us feel warm and fuzzy. No one likes to be ignored no matter how independent-minded a person we may think we are.

    Whether they choose or decide to act on what they learn from this scrutiny is up to them but, if nothing else, it is smart PR.

    Next chapter..... :022:

  4. Of course the Board/Management has talked to Warnock and the latter has just found out that  although money might not mean everything to him perhaps ICT's offer is  just a tad ...................far too low. :029:

    So his interest has waned?

  5. Action Man.." we need a boost not abrewst"  :003: :clapping03:

    Yep, hope we don't get "bruised" by his appointment aussie.

    I will fall off my chair if Warnock comes--this would signal great flair and showmanship by Management, not canny Highland caution, which heretofore has not been their forte with the exception of Niculae, finiculae. And it would certainly signal a more adventurous and courageous approach as in...nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    But somehow I can't really see it happening..but.... :002:

    A fresh face would be a very good thing, not backward glances to old love affairs that  brought as much controversy and heartache as  joy. :023:

  6. CK has his tongue so far into his cheek that when the cheek bursts there is going to be a real mess.

    Misguided post!

    I have misgivings about Brewster whose possible appointment seems motivated by a touch of desperation by a Management possibly affected by the pressure of the short time-frame with which they are faced. But boycotting anything is ridiculous and will achieve nothing positive at all.

    Why is everyone getting so het-up about this post? It's a non-starter.  :029:

  7. Mr Christie

    It's plain as a pike staff that you have done your best...and more...for ICT and the fanbase. No one can ask more than that.

    A very courageous decision, and an agonising one , to decide to quit.

    All the above kind comments are in my view richly deserved so all the very best in the future.

    You can look back  with your head held high and no doubt a good many fond and joyous memories too.

    S.P. :clapping03:

  8. Don't be so sure that Warnock would go soon after arriving.

    I say send the Cessna down to wherever he is and strong-arm him onto the plane. And enjoy the ride. !!

    I am jealous of CaleyD 's brains and common sense but I just loved his post so...... praise where praise is due, sigh. :012: :004:

  9. Warnock could easily move on to better things but not necessarily within two years-especially if he is successful at ICT. But you never know, a big **** on a small heap rather than the opposite ,a small **** on a big one, may prove attractive to him and he may get to love Inverness. You can speculate all you want ; careers can be short--go for it ICT :clapping03

    ICT attracts headlines and controversy so Warnock could be the man. Great for putting excitement in the air for Inverness.Yesssssss!

    Has flair and exciting football is what the fans are paying to see --provided the team can stay in the SPL. Crowds will come back in droves.

    Very experienced Manager with lots of past Managerial posts in his bag,

    unlikely to crack under pressure. :022:

    Of the two others I prefer Robertson to Brewster since Robertson managed whereas Brewster's strengths were on the playing field and at his age his days must be numbered- I said days not years.

    The comment about Robbo leaving another team only a short while after joining it as not being a good thing is right on --unless he has an agreement in place that he can go if a bigger team came calling in which place  his position in possibly accepting the ICT post is legitimate  and there is no fault attributable .

  10. Activity at Codswallop Hall has been red hot....

    Agent Orange has been feverishly working the lines  and finally reported in with another sensational scoop :-

    In the event that the current ICT Manager has indeed resigned ICT's sights have turned West and Robbo is now firmly in the frame ..

    "Forget the Hearts " he is reputed to have intoned breathlessly.." my heart's in Inverness".

    "I am reasonably confident that my past reputation is resonating  strongly with every ricochet off the walls of the Boardroom at Tulloch and the fact that I became redundant is now purely a rueful reminiscence and is really rather ridiculous and rightly so..." he further intoned.

    Watch this space for breaking  updates... :022:

  11. Dods dominated!  But has not been replaced adequately.

      The poster who said the Management had a fair bit of time to try to find a similar replacement but failed is right. And by "Management" I mean not ONLY CC but the Executives also since they should be working hand-in-glove with the Coach. I just wonder whether in fact this harmony now exists at ICT.

    From my vantage point Dods seemed to have stabilised the defense in addition to playing very well himself. The wheel tuned nicely because he was the  hubwhich was solid and respected by the other teammates in defence.  :024:

  12. So Niculae' nuances will not be understood nor anticipated by his teammates  .....or.....he will have to turn in genius-like performances and deliver frequent glorious goals to win matches all on his own to remain at ICT?

    Nah! Gotta give him a chance to settle down , get to know the boys , get to be liked and loved by the "boys", get presented with  a new comb for his locks, a new coach for his fitness, another limousine by the Management ---for starters...........

    Then we can decide whether maybe he is too good for  our SPL and ICT ? But not yet . :029:

  13. Guys like Ferguson of Manchester United have a real temper and have lost it on more than one occasion. But I could not see Mr Christie ever throwing a boot at any player and I get the sense that he is different in other ways from that Manager.

    Powder puffs can have tempers but can also be ignored whereas  Managers who command  respect apparently don't give a hoot what people think of them and have a determination to reach that goal that is constantly in the forefront of their mind and are prepared to go through anything,  and do, to get there.  These are tough S.O.B's and no mistake.When they are kicked in the teeth they get up spitting blood and just get on with it regardless and don't stand about waiting for sympathy.

    But , from words written that I have read in the past, Ferguson was seen by many at the clubs where he worked as a barsteward and feared by many players and he got results because of the single-minded intensity of his attitude and instilling in players  the sense that  woe betide them if they did not play their heart out or to the full extent of their ability. It is doubtful if he fell down crying at the stress of the job. In short he leaves the indelible impression that in terms of toughness he is a cut above the average. Like it or lump it he is , for want of a better word, a "winner".

    If CC is a kinder gentler man then so be it but that is not an indicator by itself that he is a failure. Nothing is ever what it seems and perhaps the worst stress that he may find galling is the fact that there may be too many fingers in his pie. Is there any question at ICT of nepotism?

    I find it interesting that at least one player who seems to have attracted almost universal attention from a majority of posters on here as to the alleged inadequacy of his performance was again in the team selection recently and again on the bench at St Mirren..this could  simply be because the coach felt he did not have an adequate replacement but personally speaking I wonder.

    As for Mr Brewster I think that bringing him back would be a mistake , and no mistake, if you will pardon the pun. John Hughes of  Falkirk with his passion, honesty of purpose and courageous frankness would be  not a bad choice as a potential replacement in the event that CC decided to move on ----and he could bring Latapy with him  :023: But then again......... the wages?

  14. Yes--the dentist on Castle Street in the year 1954 or thereabouts was a Mr Nixon of whom I have some uncertain memories.

    A rock busted my right front tooth and he put a crown on it after taking off half of it without anaesthetic.The crown was fitted with posts which had to be glued to the upper part which in turn had to be drilled out to take it. All this without anaesthetic and whilst I was squirming around and sinking lower and lower into the chair he was castigating me with "sit still boy, sit still". What kind of a person would do that to a small 16 year-old boy...I mean....cccccmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaannnnnn!


  15. Like Scotty if you live in North America long enough it is true that you can get confused by the uses of words and grammar.

    When I arrived in Canada over 32 years ago I was dead sure about how to us the English Language . But , for example,Canadians use words like "momentarily" in the sense of "it will take place very soon" as opposed to "existing for a moment of time" and so you gradually seem to morph into the way they talk and frankly you end up very confused at times.

    One also does not want to hurt the other guy's feelings so you can't "correct" them since then you are a smart *** and they don't understand you anyway so....what the heck.

    Other differences , like a British flat is the same in the U.S. but in Canada it's  an apartment, so all in all it does take a bit of getting used-to. :014:

  16. This is the first time that I found out that all three stands burnt down --at Caley, Clach and Thistle.... my my, I wonder why ?

    I do remember watching the smoke and flames at the Caley Park (Telford Street) looking  across Howden's Nursery  as a youngster and wondering what was going on but do not recall the other two incendiary events. Maybe they happened aftyer I left Inverness.

    Dpo you have dates Charles by any chance? :023:

  17. CC must be looking for a win and to achieve this the picked players must be 100% fit because CC should be expecting a full 90 minutes full out from them.

    That is, all injuries healed and fully trained and up for it..  :021:

  18. I like IHE for being so different to other people and so in tune with my bizarre thoughts and sense of humour. His style is inimitable and his timing impeccable. It is weel known that only the most imntelligent are the most crazy..... :002:

    I like Johnboy for seeing through and into other posters' thoughts..smart like. But he must realise that SEERS are unique and needed and must therefore be cosseted not controlled.

    And it  therefore pains me to read any suggestion that IHE should be  urged to go on  loan anywhere--holiday, perhaps, from which he can return refreshed to once more re-engage us with his winning ways , but never to depart to foreign shores from whence he may never return . And he will take HMS Sneck with him with possible terrible consequences for the team spirit.


  19. 'Well--that report is SCARY and no mistake.

    Not a word on the performance of Watt.

    One of the longest reports I have ever seen.

    'Well written , however, if you like intense detail by a dyed-in-the-wool 'Well supporter.

    Dean's hair is neatly done with his braids and little clips at the back. Got a good goal too. mmmmm :003:

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