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Scarlet Pimple

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Posts posted by Scarlet Pimple

  1. And why does a professional footballer get so unfit that he has to constantly work like a dog week in  week out to get in to the kind of shape that he is supposed to be in to prosecute his career?

    If he is looking a bit overweight at his age does that mean that he is not into keeping his weight under control in the off season? Or--

    a party animal?

    Just speculating ..... :024: I am sure time alone will answer these questions.

  2. The Rangers walked away with a victory at Tulloch and St Mirren held them.....? It would be foolish to take them lightly--or any team in the SPL especially Gretna who must be fortified by the fact that they were 2 up on the Hibs  recently.

    But at the start of this season the Scarlet Pimple had a foreboding and apprehension about this season which is unsettling but remains unspecific. I believe that the loss of Dods was greater than that of Dargo because the whole of the thrust of ICT over the past three years has come from a solid defense.And the other concern is the factor of the spirit of the team which, if eroded, can be a very negative factor.

    The question of complacency after three successful years, if and when it raises it's head, will be an unexpected ingredient in the mix with unpredictable results.

    Finally the introduction of highly-priced players with the possible unsettling effects already referred-to above can and may have changed the dynamic and temperament of the team. Which leads me back to the opening lines--this is a 50/50 situation at ICT right now . I remain apprehensive and would love to be proved wrong. :010:

  3. If the guy had had the ball at his feet and under close control it would have been a penalty IMHO. However, the highlights show that he had lost it before the tackle pulled him down so.......?

    Interesting thread  this one.

    I also saw theTokeley patting his hands in a calming gesture after he scored and wondered why. It was  as if  he was saying--now don't go totally bananas  here because it was nothing really, just what you would expect from me ........... :001:

  4. You need Real Player (NOT  the Windows Media Player which is not supported by the BBC streaming video) in order to be able to play these streaming video clips of the matches.

    I have no problems at all receiving them--I first found them via the BBC Sportsound website -- there are links there to the video. Actually it's great getting anything about the matches  here in Canada and the Video has now been greatly upgraded by the BBC.

  5. O.K. maybe I will try again. My last attempt to post here resulted in the post disappearing.

    Penalty--not a penalty since the Motherwell player had lost the ball completely without hope of recovery before Munro had tackled him.

    Perhaps not a dive exactly since Munro got his legs under him and he had to fall over.But a prety soft one none the less.

    BBC standards in both Sports and general News reports online are rarely checked for grammar or spelling nowadays and I deplore the former icon of excellence going downhill alongside all the other baloney in society these days. Sometimes they even miss out words so that you have to read the sentence again just to try to get the gist of what is intended.

    I don't blame the reporters but their reports are just not edited for correctness anymore.

  6. Well, more and more often these days even the BBC news and /or Sports reports are  written but not checked for spelling , grammar, etc. This does sadden me since this would not have happened in the good old days.

    I am not having any problem viewing the highlights of the ICT matches on the BBC Sportssound links. You DO have to have Real Player in place to view them, however, since apparently the BBC have nott yet got round toodoing a deal with Windows and do not use the latter's Media Player for broadcasting steaming video.

    About the penalty at Motherwell-in my view the video clearly shows that the guy had lost the ball without any chance of recovery prior to Munro hitting himso how could it be a penaty. Does that mean if a player who does not have the ball at his feet falls over a divot in the penalty box then it is now a penalty? I think the ref was very quick to give the award.

    Better luck nexzt week. Has anyone got some comments about the overall performance of Niculae ? :029:

  7. Stick to your guns Scotty and don't take some of these  huffing and puffing remarks too much to heart. Sit tight mun. You are doing your job and your word "goes" regardless of who disagrees with you. If it continues to get close to abusive just ignore it. You are the boss and some of these newcomers on here must learn that. :012:

    They are trying to goad you into doing what you consider not to be a correct course of action so don't allow this to happen. These petulant critics  themselves are taking things altogether far too much  to heart  and are now allowing this whole issue to become a  personal crusade instead of merely a jousting commentary of differing opinions.

    Mr McAllister is not by any stretch of imagination a kid, whether he is 20 or 30. He is probably the biggest kid I have met in a long time and when I stood beside him in Burnaby, B.C. he towered over me and  he should be able to hold his own in any SPL company.

    However, a reporter in the Herald referred to him as " so and so substituted the industrious McAllister". That having been said I would like to learn whether there are other posters on here who agree with that comment. If so maybe he needs just a far better service to improve.

    And in any event good luck to the 20-year old "kid".

  8. With friends like these who needs enemies...eh?

    Gretna?--may be more like GREET-na soon? (as in crying)

    Hoch Hoch.

    Oh Rowan , you are indeed a naughty boy  ("Backstabbing little C." :015: :015:...Ha! Ha!

  9. Well, well, who would have thunk it?

    Top marks for vision to Hibs--this site is huge. Imagine five full pitches and a synthetic pitch up to FIFA top standards for International matches. Plus the top rate facilities and all due to be in place and finished by the end of 2007.

    I wonder what all this is costing them?  :022:

  10. Wasn't Craig Gordon one of the rebels that angered vLADIMIR?

    In addition to getting his 9 million pounds it looks for once , by getting his desire to shed Mr Gordon, that Vlad will be quite happy at the end of the day--3 teams now after him. Villa to put up more money up front than Sunderland though...intriguing  :014:

    What is really surprising that Vlad does not seem to want to keep him at any cost. You would think since he seems to be so ambitious that he would want to keep the very best players to keep him in contention. Adfter the dfefeat by the hIbs where is he really going with all his changes et all?

    I wonder if he has already shot his bolt .......... :symbol_question:




  12. Noted :021: Scotty

    I use Shaw cable for TV and Internet access. There has been some talk here in B.C. that Rogers and Shaw are going to merge. Probably inevitable.



  13. Colin Samuel played well yesterday.

    So did Toronto

    Other team L A Galaxy were better than their record states and were stuffy, quite determined, passed well in midfield but could not burst a paper bag when it  came to putting the ball in the net. Good defence though--worked very hard to keep out a very hard working Toronto team

    Big crowd--what was it 20,000?

    the streamers etc--what a mess --really seemedv to get  the players upset too., Wrapped in streamers when tryingf to take a corner?

    I don't see the point in them--what a mess that goalmouth and that end of the park was in. Time to vacuum the stuff up once and for all. just my opinion of course :016:

    O-O was not very inspiring but Toronto did play with verve and enthusiam but lacked that final topuch. Great work effort  though.

    Good luck with your team Scotty.

  14. In his interview CC's main complaint was the lack of effort and passion by a lot of the players.

    That's not very inspiring--since the Caley thistle team in past years has been NOTED for just that--spirit. Something that has kept them afloat .

    Being overseas I could not get the audio report of the game so am not in a position to comment but the consensus of the reports on this site is not encouraging. Even sounds like a bit of a shambles and if it is then bringing in Marius Niculae is unlikely to change it overnight.

    O.K.--one swallow does not make a Summer, ket's see what happens....eh? :rolleyes02:

  15. In the Dundee United game against Aberdeen today defender  Flood, on loan to D/U from Cardiff City, earned a first booking for a high challenge on Lee Miller then was sent off for a DIVE following a challenge from Jackie McNamara..

    Does this mean that the flood gates are about to open on Divers ?

    Diverse comments are welcome at all times on this site.. :003:

  16. The C'astle may not be appropriate since after the 0 - 3  "doing" today by Rangers can you honestly say that there is a Fortress Longman still in place?

    Time to draw up the portcullis to regroup and repair the parapet crenellations before we rename the team :004:

  17. The craic is the fact that Mr Rowan Alexander was turned away from Fir Park at the entrance.

    He said that he had turned up there to "do the job he is being paid for--i.e manage the club".

    However, it appears that Brooks Milesome and the club Directors have a different view of his role now or in the future since there is comment on a recent BBC report from Brooks  that "a settlement is being worked out"--no subsequent updates about this it seems.

    I mean , if a settlement is being worked out why would Mr Aleander show up for work other than to stress the fact that he and his lawyer are making a point that he has not yet been given formal notice.

    I think that Brooks iis now feeling the finacial draught --evidenced by wholesale clear-outs prior to the start of the seson of older players, some of whom  have been classified as not fit for SPL duty in terms of ability.

    Good luck Gretna--you are just experiencing your  :010:teething problems

  18. Rangers have a different team this year and this could be a severe test for the Caley Thistle team. Four at the back to prevent an early goal  surely is a must.

    But if ICT can get their nose in front this could lead to a fine result  provided every member of the team plays to their potential and Charlie gets the selection right from the word "go".

    However, I do hope that the team is fully fit and can last the 90 minutes....hmmmm.

    C'mon Ict.  On fire... :burning:

  19. Oh well I can see that no one is available to inform me about broadcasting on Saturday to overseas punters. How come the rest of you punters draw a response from Charles but not the poor old Scarlet Pincer (oops, sorry, that's my uncle).

    The fact is that only the Motherwell game is going to be broadcast overseas tomorrow Saturday, 4th August, 2007, so Scotty you and I might as well live on Mars ....

    Quite an impressive line up of commentators too, I see..... :022:

    Maybe I will  try the chat room instead but 4.30 a.m is indeed early out here on the West Coast of Canada to be getting up.

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