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Scarlet Pimple

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Posts posted by Scarlet Pimple

  1. Sophia

    Kerosene in Glasgow? --was he whispering fiery protestations of passion in your lovely young ear or sumpin?

    I will have to have a word with him-- "K,  don't protest, just put her feet to the fire, be a man of action and sweep her off her feet once they have been suitably warmed-up (er..so to speak).

    Ja? "

    Chas Bannnerman complains about my French,  LOL,  but he has not yet  heard me sing "The German Officers crossed the Rhine, caught the French girls and drank their wine etc"... and your sentences always intrigue me= so this is not a complaint.. :015:

  2. Yes, Scotty, I never tire of watching the match from 2004.

    And yes I had a very big lump in my throat also as the helicopter was flying in with the cup. I have a video of most of that match but it is in Pal format not suitable for north America. Do you have one too?

    Very funny thread.

    And the last video was superb. Rankin's goal matched anything I have seen in ages. Sigh--that was great! :021:


  3. The BEEB---huh?

    I emailed them a note asking if the game in Inverness is going to be broadcast on Saturday to Overseas listeners since their Sportsound website does not have a single reference to date about the ICT versus Rangers match.

    Surprise, surprise, they ignored me and did not reply..

    Can any one on here please advise about Overseas broadcasting for Saturday?      :33:



  4. So long as Sophia keeps on saying "unlike Queen Victoria I am amused" we can overlook her journalistic references. My reply is "you are awful...but I like you"!

    Of course. Sophia it would have been most inappropriate to quote the real name of the reporter as Kheredine Idessane since the Pimple Organisation does not rely of reporters to glean their news, only home grown talent honed and nurtured at the "Hall" in Fort George  and who come up through the Pimpernel Organisation  ranks.

    More scoops later--stay tuned to this frequency..... :016: :sillywave:

  5. Charles

    Anything for a laugh, Mun! ...sniff.

    Actuellement, Curly was the bane of my existence.A mean-spirited man as I saw it then.

    In the fifth year at the Academy I elected to take French for  a second language to get a Lower--but not full time. He was not impressed and since there were only five of us in the class, all smarty pants including the Dux of the School, Curly one day decided to inform me in front of the class that I would not even get a lower viewing me as not out of the top drawer  in his class so to speak and therefore not worthy of his superior attention. Good job for me I was a worker.....hmm.

    I studied his face carefully  since I was at a very formative  and sensitivestage of my existence and consequently  learned  from this artful studying how to sneer in total disdain at the expense of another , inflicting maximum contempt and hurt for no particular reason at no expense to himself.

    Not much later I sat the exam and passed with flying colours; and that was the end of my involvement with Curly the Cute. My French has remained spotty  since then but life's lessons are not all in French as I learned fully that sad day-- there you go mCharles--top that story if you can. :012: :004:

  6. After I had been here in Canada for a few years I got to thinking " Hmmmmm, there are benefits going here and if I am getting a living from this country maybe I should just get my Citizenship"--which I then did.

    Taxes---yes they are always there Grrr.  My property taxes have gone up by a net amount of 13%, whilst inflation, like the U.K. is about 2%,--castigated the mayor who chickened out, fobbed me off to the Municipalities Financial officer who supervised the Annual budget preparation and he  never replied Grrrrr2.I am still mad... :008:

    Pokey--never tried to get it, never needed to --always worked . Passport--you can have a British Passport and a Canadian one--but why bother with the British one, probably costs a fortune now to get it. Canadian passport costs about $100 (close to 47 pounds) and the only advantage to renewing the British Passport is that you maybe get through the line-ups when you arrive in a British Airport a bit quicker.

    And the cost of living, not to memntion the cost of homes, in Scotland does not inspire me to retire in Scotland...but who knows....?

    Beautiful day here in Lotus Land, Scotty--probably humid as usual in the East, eh?

    Cheers  S.P

  7. Yes, Eddie Turnbull and Pat Stanton must be green with envy.

    In their days players were scrambling to get into the Hibs team , not leave it.

    Well, every dog has its day so no doubt  the great Hibs teams of the past will come to the fore again.... :009:

  8. Well, I guess that is why Niculae has signed for ICT rather than some of the other European clubs. He sees where the income stream is.....

    He seems to be a lad who does his homework--has reviewed the ICT web site and knows Scottish history forby!--as Frankie Howerd used to intone on the TV.    OOOOOH! MMMMMMMM! :003:

    I have said before that the prices do seem high and I completely agree with Tin Can Fan that reducing the price and filling the stadium is just common-sense (don't answer that--just start a new thread  :crazy07:).

    The only way for any protest to succeed is when they price themselves out of existence--maybe that could happen sooner - rather than  later .


  9. The Pimpernel Organisation in an exclusive interview with Gordon Smith, SFA Chief Executive, is reliably-informed that commencing 1 January 2008 the following will be in place and players/responsible will be issued yellow cards:

    Cheating/Diving infractions will be reviewed on a video tape within 72 hours of the game by that game's referee and yellow cards will be issued for infractions by diving to players who have got away with it unscathed during the game.

    Similarly if a player has received a yellow card due to the fact that he was placed in a position of apparently fouling the opponent because the oppnent cheated,  his yellow card will be withdrawn (or may be) and in addition a yellow card will be issued to the opponent who caused the problem in the first place.

    MR Smith in a forthright, absorbing, interview stated coolly and clearly that a review is currently undserway in the S.FA of all ssues such as this (see below) that have been creeping into the Scottish game and the object is to clean up the game in Scotland. :33:

    Also, our representative spy, Kerosene Idiot-Insane, interviewed Mr Don McVicar, the SFA Head of Referee Development and we are pleased to advise that as a result of information obtained during  an incendiary interview we are now in a position to  advise that  the following issues will also be under intense scrutiny from now on:

    1.Pushing, jostling , shoving and jersey pulling in the box during corners, free kicks etc--infractions here that are detected will result in penalties. Mr McVicar opined that some of the decisions by the Referee in this regard may prove to be controversial but did not explain  what measures the Committees had in mind to offset the is.

    2.Brawls in which players come to the rescue of their poor little colleagues who have  been hit by opponents' powder puffs and  are aggrieved and upset resulting in massive brawls of 22 or more disgruntled, overexcited, players in indulging in unseemly spectacles will also be subject to strict unspecified disciplinary action.

    3. Overcelebration by players who have scored a goal , by running into the crowd, etc, will be subject to ongoing  disciplinary action in some fashion, yellow cards etc, in order to avoid a situation where football police will in the future have to be formed, trained and paid to be on site.

    Our organisation will continue to monitor these developments and will update the news as and when it occurs. Remember where you heard this breaking bombshell advisory  o this site first.

    ICT Unofficial Web Site--where all the highest and the best news views and clips are ticker taping as you think and speak.

    :022: :002:

  10. Charles

    Are you sure that Telford Street could hold  up to 6,000--that seems just a tad too many--the stand was really very small and there were trees at the back of the very SMALL terracing along Telford Street too.

    :rolleyes02:But maybe....

  11. Well that is a surprise Scotty. Noy yet a Citizen of this wide and handsome country.

    .No idea how long it takes these days to get your Citizenship but if the Passport Application is anything to go by --for me it was some 22 weeks-- good luck !

    Sounds like your "permanent Residency"  is akin to a Permit Ha! Ha!.

    :003: :014:

  12. As to the last pic he definitely is  "getting along" avec les amis so that's the main thi8ng .

    As to the other pics he is at first stating clearly that ..." cela est une acte de dieu mun" that was an act of God mun.

    Second pic he is complaining that he has been unjustluy accused of having an nunclean top, stating...." cette seagul had his yeux vers moi tout le temps, ou sumpin" it wisnae me...that seagul has targetted me totally all day .

    Whatever, it's all good clean fun.....eh? :rotflmao:

  13. I completely agree with Alex MacLeod--give the man a break!

    C' mannnnnnnnnnnn,  as they say in Canada,  give the guy a break.

    We have sure had our say about Rory. and I think it is time to lay off and cheer the young man when he is on the ball--maybe he will try harder , be more determined and get stuck in-a-boorit.

      If we do, but he does not, then CC should try someone else. After all  these players are being paid very good money to perform and in the world of reality if he does not then should be re-assigned until he becomes more mature, more agggressive, more energetic and more determined to succeed. :018:

  14. I have it on good authority that County had the caravan, in which the the copy of the  permit was in on its way back to Romania for scrutiny, hijacked since they were envious of the superior floral embellishments on its side .

    The latter had been lovingly created in water colours compared to County's ball-point pen efforts on their official caravans. :002:

  15. Why do so many posters refer to McAllister as a player who should be put out on loan.

    Do you mean "put out to pasture" ?

    What is so great for him to have that fate thrust upon him--assuming that playing in the reserve team at home might suit his progress better?

    Do you mean that he would be less nervous out on loan than playing in Inverness? :011:

  16. Good reports, Mee et al.

    Mee have you been on hols in the Caribbean all these weeks? :003:

    Rangers will be taking  players ti Tulloch who have never been there so what with injuries, permit scares, gash pereformances etc should we be nervous? :007:

  17. The lives of some of you younger  posters is exceedingly complicated---ignored, being ignored, trying to ignore, quote, non-quote,broken quote, broker quoted, reference the quoted broker...

    Heck, if I was not ignored all the time I would be ...overwhelmed  :002:

    For Scarlet read the KISS factor--just keep it simple Sam :

    ---just let me in the door, let me read , let me post, let me  be as controversial as possible, let me wind up the Admins , ignore Toronto F.C. and tout the Vancouver Whitecaps, let me research every football site and every football journalistic article I can find the time to access,  let me try to be as amusing as IHE , eschew techno babble, blabber away for a few minutes, be tolerated, be tolerant of  the young and bright -eyed and bushy tailed and  and I go home happy.

    Sigh --I wish life was like that ......EH? :016:    :sillywave:

  18. When I saw Rory in the pre Under -20 warm-up games in Vancouver here in Canada I got the impression that he lacked drive and aggression.i.e. determination.

    Very tall and strong young man but seemed to wait around for the ball to be delivered to him. Yet when he did have shots on goal they were  hard rockets--pity  most of them  flew over the bar or past the side netting.

    Do you think he is so tall that it is hard for him to be speedy off his mark and therefore he might tend to think that there is not much point in his tackling aggressively.

    The truth is  that on the one game that I saw it probably is not fair to come down hard on him or indeed any player. But if he doesn't get mucked in somehow I think it will not be good for him or the club.


  19. So we have to hope that a permit is not going to be granted, then, to quell the D R U?-- Dratted Romanian Underdog, like? :011:

    Too late fer that me hearties, let's all get on with it now, permit or not,  including the rest of the team---sink or swim time, like... :crazy07:

  20. Scotty/Don

    See left column on Home page--Club Guide--under General Information.

    The Club Captain is shown as S. Golabek. Should this be changed/updated?

    One more suggestion --under this same heading--how about adding references to the Supporters' Club--staff names, etc, plus a tel/fax number. I know it shows elsewhwre but this eems to be a general summary glossay--? :symbol_question:

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