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Scarlet Pimple

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Posts posted by Scarlet Pimple

  1. Full marks to Scotty for this one.

    Many a time and oft in the scheme of things have I talked to the BBC about this and got the sterotypical stuffy reply about rights.

    Looks as if a deputation from the Supporters club might have to be formed if they want to help out us overseas listeners and to request a meeting with Management of ICT. I would be the first to thank them.

    It would appear that single fan's views are ignored whereas a deputation to the club looking for answers to reasonable questions might fare better.

    Also, the club can demand an answer  to Scotty's questions from the likes of the BBC.

    I cannot imagine why, in view of the very small number of overseas listeners who would actually want to listen to these matches, the BBC would want to block ANY of them. It is quite "over the top" ..

    Thanks for raising this issue again Scotty--a voice in the wilderness I fear when dealing with the "Authorities" whose interest appears to singularly focussed on big business and money without any regard for  the  small number of fans who in nboi way whatsoever can adversely affect their interests.


    So tomorrow there is not a single game all weekend that us overseas guys can listen to . My goodness this means that I can't even tune in to Jim Traynor's show---how will Im get over it Ha!

    SP :008:

  2. How in the world can Taylor and or the SFA be blamed for expecting Smith to live up to the letter of his contract?

    Did he say to the SFA when he signed it that his understanding was that in the event of a better offer that suited him (better) coming along he felt that he would have the right to ditch the SFA and his country if he could think up a sanctimonious and devious excuse enough.

    Anhd the thought of his opining that he thought that the young Hibs players should  (nowadays) be more into respecting their contracts with the Hibs "a bit more" is completely laughable.

    Who ever heard of a contract being a bit of anything--you either meet the terms and honour them or you don't--there is no such thing as choosing to honour a bit of what you  want and the expect the other party to smile and thank you for not honouring the other bits.

    Bottom line is that his word is not worth the paper it was written on. Unless it is written in blue ink of course...... :011: :020:

  3. So it's the Flying Finn to win then? Or does his hairdo make him Mr Racy Pacy? :021:

    Or was that Jackie Hather who used to electrify the punters with his pace on the wing fer Aberdeen in the year past dot..eh?

    But, och, it seems like he's no vindictive  so he won't be gaeing intae the Sin Bin too often then? :014:

  4. As previously stated Mackie is same old, same old.. and his wages would not fit in with the scheme of things.

    Stick a big carrot in front of him and he will try hard, otherwise.......?

    Nah--old news. :024:

  5. Just from reading and listening to match commentaries etc I always got the impression that Morgan was a good acquisition and if played regularly could do a good job for ICT.

    Probably was not happy about NOT being played regularly and slipped off the ball a wee bit.. :006:

  6. All of this is a bit unsettling. Should get it settled .

    Moving to Falkirk will not in my opinion greatly improve his International ambitions. Falkirk under John Hughes are coming on but all it takes is the loss of one player (e.g. Latapy) and the team turns downhill. It's not the location of Inverness that affects the situation it's just that the big nobs down the South will not give credibility to Inverness after they tried so hard to keep them out of the SPL. Aye that's it! :023:

    If ICT improve his remuneration too much they risk destroying their credibility of a club that  treats all players on the team as equals as far as pay is concerned.

    And Dunco it's not true  about the J.Calder comparison..--I have it on record that  Mark Brown sat on the crossbar once waiting for the ball to come near him... :015:--but he fell off whereas Jim Calder didnae...

  7. Mr Murray is oot of the cup and he disnae believe in contracts being honoured either!

    And Mr Murray looked so nice and neat and impressive in his photie in the paper with his short haircut, pin-stripe suit and pounds hinging oot his pockets .. :023:

    Michtie me, what is Scoattish Fitab  coming tae?

    And where are Rangers F.C. gonney end up -----answer, .naeplace :017:

  8. Eh wonder if you are all missing the point 'ere mates.?

    Walter can change jobs at any time--it's only another big payday.

    The real sad thing is he and others in Scottish Football have never been told that ....

    "a contract is a contract is a contract".


  9. "A contract is a contract is a contract"--or at least it used to be.

    Smith takes his cue from the attitude of  players who don't agree with that statement-- and now players can point to Smith's attitude to vindicate their breaking of a contract.

    Either way honour seems to be a thing of the past .

    What forgotten in all this is that other people's life and careers are always affected by this kind of cynical behaviour which sees a contract as only a piece of paper to be signed as a matter of expediency and to be honoured as long as it is expedient for the signer  to do so.

    Shocking.. :012:

  10. Not to mention the fabulous results in the swimming pool in Australia last year of the youngsters winning something like 5 gold, one silver(or 2?)  and one bronze. Unbelievable performances by "Scotland" athletes.

    But Scotland doesn't have polar bears or Indians. Ha!?  :012: :006:

  11. Short of a barrowload of  money can't stop Dodds and perhaps Brown going--might as well bite the bullet in January , get some real dosh (not $30,000K--- for heaven's sake),  and splash on at least one strong back to replace Dodds. You say Fraser is up to the task of replacing Mark--O.K.

    D Mackie in from the Dons? Well now, there's a thought---always fancied him at ICT , thought he never really got a chance to show his calibre but he sure is plonking them in at Pitter Patter Park and seems to be winning his place all right consistently. Wages might be a tad high though and I sense that he might be a reluctant bride as far as coming back to the Longman....so.....  Naw, fresh blood is maybe a better bet the noo.


  12. Strange--no one interested in this one?

    A reliable source  states that a prominent French Journalist close to Le Guen opined that he was already planning his resignation a month or so ago in case his reputation as a top Manager went completely down the tubes;  was pissed off with the fact that players were on the booze ; that they had also gone  against his wishes to stay off the booze which he had laid down as a condition of their going to a party in Newcastle after a Celtic match but they turned up for training on the Monday worse for wear anyway; the fact that Ferguson had been told to stay in midfield at the Motherwell match but had roved all over the place anyway..etc. etc

    Another British journalist was of the opinion also that he had "not settled into Scottish football" because French players were tee total etc, etc. And Ferguson, according to his brother Derek ,who also used to play for Rangers, was not happy at the fact that his Manager had lost his job which was always a sad thing for anyone ..... :019:

    Sad tale of woe, but... he probably got a really hefty resignation bonus to get  awa' and leave headstong Barry i/c the team (sob)--what,200,000 or 300,000 pounds maybe???

    Not bad if you can get it for the number of games of which he was actually in charge.....eh?


  13. High quality players won't come cheap.

    If Dods goes he should be replaced by a quality player  but wholesale signings won't help the club financially. Steady the Buffs ( oops, sorry, ....the Blues).

    And if ICT sign a right or left back and then plonk him in the middle of the defense how will he perform there--as well as Dodds?

    Just a thought... :023:

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