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Everything posted by Jay_7

  1. This is pretty much the polar opposite of reality. Tuffey - agreed, good back up. Nothing more. Foran - Yes he was good in the First Division, but this isn't the First Division. He is crap in this league, you know, the league with the good players? Cox - A poor mans Ian Black. Not a match at all. Gillet - Was good, then he got injured (I think) and he's been crap since. Golobart - Not convinced at all. Tansey - Mr consistently crap. I struggle to see what he takes to the team. Tade - A threat to our teams ability to remain in this league. Can't finish a fish supper. Dorans - A poor mans Hayes. Scarcely a replacement. Meekings - A ticking timebomb. Too slow, can't defend, and always good for a red card. Always. A. Shinnie - Crap start but has improved. The question is, what's he going to be like when he comes back? Davis - Doesn't play for us anymore... But when he was here, he could beat entire midfields on his own when he wanted to. Also to address the topic... HE'S HAD THREE YEARS!!!! He's relegated us, promoted us from the worst First Division in recent memory and unsuccessfully attempted to rebuild from "losing" most of the ageing core of the team. Does he have to be photographed taking a dump on the club crest before some folk on here turn on him?
  2. I post about how bad we are because ***NEWSFLASH*** we are worse than bad, we are relegation material. This season we've been bloody fortunate that Dunfermline just happen to be worse than we are. I'm confident on showings like today, Hibs will finish above us. Don't be surprised to see us as bookies favourites for the drop next season. Being better than the opposing team for 64mins, isn't good enough. You can't polish a turd but you're certainly doing your best to roll it in glitter, eh? You're saying that the only difference was that they had better finishers. Well is that not fundamental to the game?! Who's fault is it that we don't have clinical finshers? Who's fault is it that we're stuck with a clueless but hard working First Division level forward who can't finish a fish supper?...
  3. I'm sorry, but what? I can only assume that you're on anti-depressants or something but really there's no excuse for the rainbows you're vomiting in that post. The entire team (Hayes excepted) was crap from start to finish. OK, so Tansey got on the score sheet with a well taken penalty and he had a better than average game but I'm afraid a better than average game is just not good enough. Our team as a whole, is just not good enough. The fact that we have to solely rely on Hayes is nothing short of a joke. It's not really saying a lot though to say "we were better than Wednesday"... Faint praise and all that. I admit on first reading, I thought that's what was said too but on reading it again, I interpret it to mean they only intend on attending the derby games. Which by the way, myself and my mate had decided on long before todays result and it's very safe to assume that there are many current season ticket holders will do similar. ~£300 to watch absolute horsesh*t like that is not value for money. Even the money involved in attending one game does not represent value for money right now.
  4. Still waiting to hear any of the "usual suspects" come on and tell us all how desperately unlucky we were and how we're doing really well considering how injury-stricken the team is.
  5. Yes that's exactly why people are staying away. Nothing to do with paying top dollar to watch absolute pish on the field at all, is it? Could you please point out where I turned his performance into a negative. I'm pretty certain that I praised his performance. But let's not let little things like facts get in the way of a good ol' witch hunt for folk who disagree with you eh? May I suggest you stop trying so hard to be a smart arse? You obviously crave attention constantly... Or have you grown up now? *actual facepalm* You think negative people lack perspective yet in the very next sentence you say you didn't think we deserved to lose? Are you unstable? Injuries is a massive cop out of an excuse used by happy clappers. Isn't the point of having a squad rather than just a team so that the club can cope with injuries? Did we not have a transfer window in January to further alleviate any injury problems? You can use the injury excuse all you like but it's just not washing with this fan. Glad to hear you're so confident of beating County. I have actually taken the time to go and see them this season (in the away end with the Falkirk fans, naturally) and I actually know what I'm talking about when I say they'll see us as 12 easy points next season. Happy clapper, negative or realistic? Well from where I'm sitting, it's you who doesn't fully understand the meaning of "realistic" and you're definitely looking like a happy clapper to me. But by all means continue to drum up support from your fellow happy clappers. There's plenty to choose from on here.
  6. Call it what you like. Face, bothered? I'll still attend the derby games next season, if we make it. But I'll be content knowing that I'm not being fleeced of my hard earned, listening to empty pre-season promises.
  7. Rossco may well have put in a man of the match performance. Wasn't Djebi-Zadi capable of a similar performance? The problem was, all his other performances guaranteed shipped goals. Tokely is a massive liability, I've lost count of the number of mistakes he's made this season and last season that either led to a goal, a penalty, or both. The happy clapping on here is absolutely repulsive. Reduced prices or not, if folk are doing their best to take positives from the pish that I wasted my money on last night, then here's some negativity for you. The more bargain basement signings, incapable of playing football and by that I mean the kind of productive football that people are prepared to pay good money to see, then the closer this club is getting to regular sub-3000 attendances. The club can dress it up however they want and include season tickets in the attendances etc, but there's absolutely no way that there was over 3000 there on Wednesday night. Here's a healthy dose of reality for those who are just waiting with baited breath to accuse me of being negative. If by some monumentally sized stroke of luck (because that's what it'll be... Luck. Not some master stroke by Butcher, just plain luck) that we finish above the relegation spot this season, and if I'm right about Butchers signing policy (which isn't a kick in the arse away from Brewsters signing policy) then County will see us as being the source of 12 VERY easy points next season. That, ladies and gentlemen is realism, not negativity.
  8. My thoughts (after putting up with the pish on show on Alba) I don't know who it was who said Tansey and Foran were both good but have a word with yourself, eh? Both absolutely rotten. Gnakpa must never, ever pull on a caley top ever again. I don't even want him on our bench. Just get him out. We must sign Golobart.
  9. Jay_7

    Butcher OUT?

    For me an interesting point raised by CapitalCaley is the phrase "when the players don't seem to care" I recall much earlier in the season that questions were asked of David Davis' motivation, directly via Twitter. His response? Well the next game played was against Kilmarnock... There are very few players this season who I could accuse of regularly looking like they give a flying f**k about the result of any given game this season.
  10. You suspected I was on the windup so I then gave an example of me being on the windup. To be honest I thought it'd be fairly easy to spot!
  11. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. We are by no means playing as well as we can do, but I do think Butcher is probably the best we can do in terms of a manager at the moment.
  12. Are you on whacky baccy or something? I only intentionally wind up folk on P&B and even then, that's when I can be bothered. When I rant about the team, I damn well mean it. Tade being top scorer means nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. Rooney was our top scorer in our relegation season with 6 (six) goals. Was he good in that season?
  13. I completely disagree. Yes he gives 110% just like Bayne did. Bayne for me was never SPL quality. Neither is Tade. When he first arrived I liked Gillet because he was better than Golabek and Shinnie. Now... I'd say with a lack of serious competition for the left back slot, Gillet has degraded to Shinnies level. And yes, I'm saying both Gillet and Shinnie are both not SPL quality and neither are worthy of being in this squad.
  14. Jay_7

    Butcher OUT?

    GIFs can convey 1000 emotions.
  15. Jay_7

    Butcher OUT?

    This for me is a problem. The general regard that folk seem to have that Hogg is a "big miss". Like he's some sort of key player? Hogg is absolutely gash, do you think Hibs just let him go for no reason?
  16. A fair point. I don't believe MacKay has ever played along side a proper targetman who lays the ball off to his feet for MacKay to put in the net. Therefore, he's fed off scraps for pretty much his whole career. Given the correct service, MacKay can do a job for us.
  17. Jay_7

    Butcher OUT?

    It's not just that though, is it? On top of needing defenders and forwards, we also need midfielders who can dictate a game. Where was our midfield against Dundee Utd? It's a whole damn team we need, not just a few players.
  18. Updated my original post to reflect the lack of Chippendale action..... ahem. What I mean re: correct positions; Shane is not a winger, never has been. The best I've seen him play was as a target man, which is exactly how he should be used. He can hold the ball up well and lay off to someone who knows where the net is (step in, Billy MacKay...) Ross plays best in the hole behind the front men but ahead of the centre midfield pairing and given a license to roam. Certainly from what I've seen of him in the past anyway.
  19. From the current crop: Ryan Esson Jonny Tuffey Johnny Hayes Aaron Doran Nick Ross (If played correctly) Shane Sutherland (If played correctly) Billy MacKay (If played correctly) Roman Golobart (Needs a decent centre back partner, Williams looks like he fits the bill currently but will we ever see this?) Andrew Shinnie Owain Tudur-Jones Undecided: Steve Williams - Flashes of good play against Rangers, but far from blame free for that game. Sam Winnall - Not seen him at all I suppose those good at deduction can deduce that the rest are simply not good enough (polite version). Massive rebuilding needed this summer, the question is, is Butcher going to fill the empty slots with more dross? I worry that we won't be keeping all the players in the team currently who are worthy of a first team place. I've no doubt, those who cannot see the wood for the trees will decry this, but I'm genuinely interested to see if my assessments match those of others. This is easily one of the worst ICT squads I have seen for around 10 years. The team of Season 03/04 would chew this current team up, spit them back out before chewing them up again and the current squad still wouldn't know what was happening.
  20. Just waiting on the happy clappers to tell us what positives we can take from this performance... More absolute pish. Tokely and Tansey should never have started. The rest of my post writes itself.
  21. Good post up til this. Then I was like:
  22. Fair enough - I can only go by what I saw of him and haven't seen much of anyone at the club since my last outing (Dundee Utd). I was also fairly critical of Andrew Shinnie at the start of the season and I'm delighted that since then, he's made me eat my words. I think we're almost there with the attack, but for next season, the defence needs a lot of change.
  23. Ok so I didn't say "loan signing", perhaps I should have made that clear that I knew he was a loan signing? Not sure why you're picking up on that? Golobart - Played in 13 games for us this season. When I saw him earlier in the season he didn't impress me. Williams - Played in 3 games this season. Scored against Rangers but looked as equally pish at defending as every other defender on the field. Tudur-Jones - Almost entirely an unknown quantity, not quite sure why you're even mentioning him in your post? Aldred - as you've said - dross. Others this season: Piermayr Tansey Gnakpa - Only played 3 but so far not impressed. Past dross: Robert Eagle Dan Stratford Nauris Bulvitis Stuart Duff Dani Sanchez Gil Blumenshtein Chris Innes Alex MacDonald Do you now see what I'm getting at? I also note that you've mentioned the Killie game where we scored 6. Did it escape your attention that I've praised the attack of this team earlier? My problem is the defence (Which conceded 3 goals in that game you mentioned by the way). Things not as bad as I make out? I can't disagree with you more, from a defensive point of view things ARE that bad. If you really want me to go through my problems with last season in detail, I will... August - November (4 (FOUR) Months) = 4 points. (1 draw against St Johnstone and 1 win against Hibs) December - February (3 (THREE) Months) = 5 points (2 draws against Rangers and Hamilton and 1 win against St Johnstone) March - April (2 months) = 4 points (1 win against Motherwell and 1 draw against Hearts) May was our most successful home period picking up 13 points including that win against Celtic. Still think Home games made pleasant, entertaining viewing? Again, going to have to disagree with you completely about who's problem this is. It is up to the club to provide entertainment to get the punters through the door. Times are tough and if I don't feel like a Saturday afternoon watching us get pumped is worth £20-odd then I'm afraid I'll be keeping that in my pocket. Pffft.
  24. To be honest, that's not my problem. Nor is it any supporters problem. As I said originally, I went to games last season in the hope of being entertained. You can trot out whatever nonsense you like about last seasons league position, the fact is at home we were absolute cannon fodder and that's not what I paid to see. If the club want to retain or possibly even build on attendances, then they better start looking to bring proper talent to the club and not the English back-water pish that has mostly come through. David Davis was a fantastic signing, yet we couldn't keep him. What's the ratio of gems to dross that we've seen being signed for this season? Butcher can say what he likes about the season starting early, but he knew that this was the case and he didn't prepare adequately for it.
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