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Posts posted by Scotty

  1. actually, just found another, slightly less blurry. no league badges on arms, but definitely the wrong badge. The other thing about this shirt is the CityLink sponsor logo was an iron-on logo so tends to bend after a while. This picture looks perfectly flat and the borders of the writing are also wrong - look at left and right margins. 


  2. Definitely fake as hell .... I think the shading looks all wrong (although that could be the picture) but the glaring error is the badge. That's an Inverness Caledonian Thistle badge not a Caledonian Thistle one. 

    I don't have a good pic of the 94 kit, but this pic that came from the club back then (of Mike Andrew in full flow), zoomed in as far as I can without getting too pixellated shows how big and clunky the badge was. 



    A similar picture from the following year shows it more clearly. There does not appear to be SFL badges on the 94/95 kit otherwise that too would have been a red flag for a supposedly authentic shirt. 


  3. 44 minutes ago, old caley girl said:

    Anyone else notice it's all the players fault? Whilst they are not blameless on Sat it was more than obvious they were under prepared and didn't have a clue what was expected. Seems like no responsibility coming from the coaching team at all. 

    Players have to shoulder some of the blame for performance but if the manager and coaches have not set them up with tactics and a game plan then its on them just as much .... When you fail to prepare you prepare to fail !

    • Agree 1
  4. Its a hard job, and like others I would say cut him some slack ... He is trying to manage our team with basically nothing in terms of resources. The pandemic has put paid to a lot of income and any measures in place to help are temporary and minimal to say the least. We are at the right end of the table and the recent activity in the window to release Duku and get a few bodies in that might turn things around are an acknowledgement that things need to change.

    We can all look down the road to Rugby Park or elsewhere and wish it were us (except Starks Park), but Killie are betting the farm on getting back up in one season - just like we did after our first relegation - and if it fails they are in deep s***.  We can replace Dodds if you want, but then the new manager would have the same players, and even less finances to work with once we deduct any payoff needed for him and any of the backroom team that might have to go too ...  Who do you suggest that would provide the spark that Dodds cannot in your eyes? 



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  5. 5 hours ago, IMMORTAL HOWDEN ENDER said:

    Who remembers Colin Samuels - now he would have been perfect - Perhaps it is an omen ?

    Remember him well ... Mo Johnston signed him for Toronto FC in 2007 ... scored 3 goals in 19 appearances. Not exactly a box-office success here !

  6. Its always the same ... but realistically, as the saying goes, you can only pi** with the co** you got !!! Whilst we all love our team, in the eyes of the rest of the world, and regardless of whether it is a right or wrong perception, we are a small provincial club in the middle of nowhere with piss poor crowds playing outside the top division in Scotland, a league which is not highly rated, and with no money to spend. Our benefactors have put in money as and where they can, but unlike some other clubs, that too is not a bottomless pit. 

    We cannot force players to come to Inverness, on loan or otherwise, just as we cant force existing players to sign longer terms deals .. and while we all know that we are only an hour or two flight from London or Amsterdam and therefore the rest of the world by plane, the rest of the world still seems to think we have steam powered carriages coming up the single track A9 to the quaint village of Inversnecky. 

    Where I think we can and must do better is in our vision for loans ... We seem very narrow focused when there is a wide world out there. If any of our staff have contacts in the game at other clubs in the UK through agents or employment then utilise them. These can be clubs at home or abroad. Barry's played for a few teams, Doddsy too and Robbo should have good contacts. Our CEO also has those within Scotland ..... I will also repeat myself about MLS .... its a great place to look for up and coming youngsters and with Canada now in the top 40 (fastest rising nation of 2021) and the USA at #11 the work permit situation is a lot easier ... I notice Dundee just signed ex-TFC player Jay Chapman from Miami for example, a workmanlike midfielder who didn't seem to have an issue with permits due to his involvement with the Canadian national team. Liam Fraser, previously at Toronto and on loan at Columbus for last year just signed for a second division Danish side and he would have done a job for us too and also would not have permit issues .... The point is that there are bound to be a lot of gems out there and some quick phone calls or emails to contacts they already have may bear fruit (pending those ITC papers). 

    • Agree 1
  7. Being in Canada I get different ads to almost everyone else. Today its adverts for the Bay (think Arnotts) and also antivirus stuff .... as well as the new Nissan Ariya even though I wouldnt buy a  Nissan and recent car searches (for the missus) have been for the KIA EV6 and Subaru Forester to replace our dead Sportage.  


    Think this is my favourite of the day for some reason though: 


  8. ... and these are all contextual based on browsing habits ... so just what are you looking for on AliBaba ? 


    seriously though - I am working on a site upgrade soon. I hope to make only minor tweaks although I am looking at whether or not to change the theme design a bit more radically ... placement of ads will be a part of that. I need to maximise revenue - as previously stated - but I do have an eye on doing that in a fashion that doesn't flood everyone with ads ....

  9. On 12/23/2021 at 7:21 AM, Kingsmills said:

    England now seems to be the only country now in Western Europe that feels it unnecessary, or more likely finds it politically impossible, to bring in fresh precautions in the face of omicom.

    Google Doug Ford - our erstwhile provincial premiere (conservative) and his counterpart in Alberta (Jason Kenney - also conservative) could give BoJo a run for his money in the stupidity stakes .... coupled with Trump south of the border until recently and it was a true cluster**** of epic proportions.

    Think we should all move to New Zealand. Their leadership at least seems to be consistent and decisive even if she too has faced challenges.  

  10. The site costs me personally about £1500 - £2000 per year right out of my pocket once you factor in VPS hosting, bandwidth costs, domain name fees, software upgrade, support and maintenance fess for the forum software (which just went up by 40% in September 2021) as well as other costs that occur here and there. Simply put, without ads the site will not exist as I cannot afford to take that out of our household budget to run a free website. I am never going to get rich from the ads, that's never been the plan, hence why I am always open to tweaking them a bit. I also do not have any interest in trying to charge everyone to access the site to pay for its upkeep. I have always said that the site has to be self-financing and luckily - other than the time of volunteers who help to keep it ticking over - the ads have allowed all the external costs to be covered so far ...

    I do look at the makeup of the ads periodically and try to strike a balance. Recently I got rid of the transitional ads (Vignette Ads in google speak) that appeared in between pages every so often because people didn't like them ... we took a 10% hit in revenue due to that but I think it was the right decision as they were somewhat intrusive. These were originally placed automatically by Google as one of their 'tests' but i was able to opt out. The ad you refer to - at the bottom with the arrow on the left to minimise it was also part of that test. These are called anchor ads because they anchor themselves to the bottom of the screen but they are easily dismissible/minimisable. These ads should not appear on every page, just every so often and they were enabled primarily to give us some mobile revenue because more than 50% of our page views are now on tablet or phone.  

    The current setup has a header and sidebar 'above the fold' (ie. in the top part of the screen before scrolling). On screens without a sidebar, the sidebar ad is not there. What ads appears on there (ie. the actual product, and whether or not you see the same ad in all spots) is dependent on where you are, what google might know about your browsing habits, and which company decides to show you an ad - all of this is controlled by google algorithms not by me. I have no control over that other than having opted out of certain categories of ads. There is then a footer ad on most pages (which I am thinking of doing away with as its not particularly lucrative in terms of revenue (because its below the fold)) and finally there is the periodic anchor ad you show in the screenshot. I can take a look and see if there is a way to minimise its appearance on desktop but still allow it to appear on mobile but that wont be immediate. ***

    Finally there is an option to get rid of most ads - I wont guarantee that it clears them all as a few have slipped through from time to time - and that is to become a site sponsor.  For £25 per year, you get (almost) no ads as well as a few other perks. Site Sponsor - Membership - CaleyThistleOnline


    *** Edit to add: Just to clarify the second to last paragraph. I am actually in the middle of looking at the newest version of the forum software in my development environment. This has a few changes in functionality as well as some additional features added (not advertising related). I am playing around with the layout and content of this release with a view to upgrading our current version and template. Placement and quantity of ads is part of that process. I cant control what ads appear, but I do try to look at the page as a whole to try an make sure its not designed by Homer Simpson! 




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  11. Seems to be pretty well thought of in USL so a move from Texas to California ..... Not in that league for the money though. Average salary in USL Championship is somewhere between US$40,000 to US$60,000 per year. (£30K-£45K per year or £865 per week at the top end of the scale!) ..... compare that to Jake Mulraney at Atlanta in MLS on $312K per year (ie. £230K or £4400 per week)

    Nice to see the ICT name getting a mention though ..... 


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