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Posts posted by Scotty

  1. 15 hours ago, IBM said:

    The club held it's AGM last night and announced a 70% cut in their losses.  A loss of £263,000 was announced for the year ending May 2020 which is a major drop from the £892,000 for the previous year.  The gate receipts were down from 74'893 to 43'106 although retail went up 20%.  

    While it is still a large debt the Chairman, CEO and Directors would appear to be steering the club in the right direction even with all the problems that were caused by the covid 19 pandemic.

    Whilst it would not have been possible to attend anyway, I find it a little strange that no documents, proxy forms, accounts, or notice of AGM was received. I usually get this well in advance of any meeting .... did others receive this? Maybe it got delayed in the post. 

    Agree with others though ... its better than expected after the last 18 months of pandemic affected football. 


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  2. As we pause to reflect on the events from 20 years ago today, and I am sure UK TV is as full of 'special programming' and documentaries about this date as Canadian TV is (but maybe not as much as USA TV) it got me thinking - where was I on the day? What do i recall from then? How did it change my life (if at al)?

    Well, it may not surprise too may folk, but I was in Toronto, as a visitor though, not a resident, visiting my then girlfriend, now wife. We had just come back the previous night from a weekend trip to Niagara Falls but - and this is where it gets spooky - we had scaled back what was supposed to be a longer trip to New York that weekend and into the early part of the week and decided instead just to go to Niagara Falls mainly because getting across the USA/Canada border with a British passport requires a few more hoops to jump through than a Canadian one and as we would be taking a train then it was just too much hassle ... if we had gone with the original plan, we would have been in New York that morning although likely to have been jumping on a return train in midtown later that day rather than near a plane or sightseeing in lower Manhattan. 

    The apartment I had rented for my stay in Toronto had a direct view of the CN Tower and I recall looking out the window with one eye whilst watching TV with the other wondering if Toronto's tallest building was next. We had also arranged to meet up with my mum later that day in downtown Toronto for dinner. She was staying out of town with a relative and had to come in on the train. The city was deserted, and everyone was in shock, so it was a surreal meeting to say the least. For some bizarre reason I remember dinner was at the 'Loose Moose' near Union Station and we had Calamari and seafood!  The flight back to Scotland a week or two later was also the scariest of my life ... not a bad flight, just everyone scared to get on a plane ... and of course, wasn't I seated next to a structural engineer who explained to me in great detail his theory of how and why the buildings collapsed rather than withstood the impact ... I guess it could have been worse, he didn't seem to be a conspiracy theorist! 

    How did it change me? Well, I love to travel so that has obviously changed in terms of restrictions and precautions in place, but I can honestly say it changed my life entirely. I decided that day that life was too short, you didn't know what was around the corner (eerily accurate now too) so i then decided to pop the question .... that was 2001 and I moved to Canada in 2003 after going through 2 years of immigration paperwork and have been here ever since so that one event changed me completely ..... I also now work for an engineering company so encounter loads of structural engineers in my daily life! 

    May post some pictures of a deserted Toronto that day if I can find them later .... 

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  3. Thanks for asking @SMEE . So far so good. PSA tests all normal with another scheduled for later this month. Now on a six-monthly cycle of tests for the next year or two, then it goes to yearly if all remains normal.

    Rest of life is treading water due to COVID. Fully vaccinated but cant travel, still working from home, (not so) little guy has been in online school since March 2020 and will be until at least February of next year which is the next date we can transfer back .... and we will only do that when he is eligible to get his jabs.

    On the sports front, TFC have just returned to Toronto, with a 50% capacity set at the stadium after playing mostly in USA since March 2020, mainly because our borders were closed and they would have to quarantine for 14 days after each crossing. However, due to the vaccine situation for Simon, I have opted out of my tickets for the rest of the year and will resume them again next year ... probably an excellent choice as TFC have been terrible all season despite having the highest wage bill in the league and one of the strongest teams on paper (just not grass)! Glad to see that ICT are keeping my football sanity going for the most part. 

    Hope you - and everyone else out there is bearing up and keeping fingers crossed that we get back to some form of normal too ....

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  4. anything we get is gravy ... it would be nice to get a hefty slice of a high fee but even at £1m or £2m then we would still benefit to the tune of 6 figures. My understanding is that we had a "very good" sell-on clause. As noted, if he goes for free at end of contract then we get the same percentage but even 100% of £0 is still £0 !  

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  5. 4 wins out of 4, and a proverbial 'six-pointer' today. Can't ask for more than that. Great start to the (league) season. 

    Also needed that after watching Toronto FC slip to yet another defeat last night - to Montreal of all people - and sit bottom of the entire MLS table with the biggest payroll in the league! Football can be hard on the emotions sometimes but thank you ICT for putting a smile on my face for the rest of the weekend. 

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