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Posts posted by Scotty

  1. 5 hours ago, dougal said:

    It’s been 4 years now I would have thought that would be classed as a LOT of time.  Are we blaming the pandemic or CaleyD?

    It would be good to know has this project been finally binned. Still confused  

    What's to be confused about? Still same issues as before. Nobody wanting to volunteer for what would be a ton of research and then a s***load of data entry. It's taken better part of 2-3 years for two volunteers to painstakingly work through ICT results and we have another volunteer who is going to start going through player profiles and begin updating them over the winter. As this is an ICT site, the ICT portion will take priority, but the same software could be used on a subsite for both Caley and Thistle.

    If anyone is willing to volunteer (yourself perhaps since it is clearly important to you?) then we can happily ramp this up and create access for any volunteer(s) who want to take on a similar task for Caley and/or Thistle.

    I do have access to a lot of material that the late Ian Broadfoot provided to the site but his record keeping is more historical overview than day to day like his ICT stats. There are a lot of images and such like from research for his book but not season-by-season or game-by-game.


    On 7/13/2018 at 2:55 PM, Scotty said:

    I think the little project that @CaleyD references might be able to accommodate this provided someone (or a few folk) were happy to do the data entry .... need to check the logistics as we would likely have to set up separate instances for Caley and Thistle but its probably do-able and eminently suited to this kind of thing.  

    This project was to update the software we were using for the ICT stats database. That was done and as noted, its taken 2-3 years for data entry and updates to get to where we are now with work still to happen on the player database. The red text highlighted above was and is the sticking point. (other than getting complete data or at least season-by-season)


    On 9/26/2018 at 2:23 PM, Scotty said:

    .... therefore its still in our plans but no timeline is set.    

    Still applies based on answers above.



  2. I met Keith for the first time earlier this year when I came across for a funeral. Seemed like a decent enough guy and we just renewed our sponsorship and had a quick chat with him on email recently over that too. Not an easy role to perform, never has been, and judging by the job listing, getting harder or at least has more areas of focus!  Good luck to him. 

    • Agree 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Yngwie said:

    If that is indeed the case, the club struck a good deal!

    On paper perhaps... but it would be interesting to see the list of creditors. If the majority of these are local businesses providing goods or services to the events and who routinely dip their hands in their pockets to support ICT in general then they may be a lot more wary to do so again in future as the events company and the football club will be the same entity in their eyes even if the legal system doesn't see it that way. Our finances are on a knife-edge most seasons and while high-risk, high-reward is one strategy, it could yet come back and bite us on the @rse.  

    Question - Have you ever felt ripped off by a company (or employer) you have provided goods, services or time to? If the answer to that is yes, then how did you feel and how did it affect your future dealings with that company? There are certain airlines and car rental companies I just will not do business with for that very reason, and certain shops I wont set foot in for the same reason. I hope that we don't have a similar sting in the tail.   

    • Well Said 1
  4. 2 hours ago, caleyboy said:

    Don't remember asking  for thread to be removed or hidden, just moved to non football business.

    correct - no-one has asked for it to be removed or hidden. 

    The description of this forum is "This forum is for discussions that involve Caley Thistle either on or off the park. If your post is not football related, is not about Caley Thistle or doesnt fit in here for some other reason, please use one of the other forums".

    Given the concerts took place at the stadium, involve people associated with the club, and were hoped to benefit the club if they made a profit, then this is the correct location as it is Caley Thistle related. There is no non-football business forum for Caley Thistle stuff, just general nonsense and to be honest, it fits in here better - whether we like it or not.  


  5. Scotty

    • HT: 0-0
    • FT: 0-1
    • 1st Scorer ICT: Billy Mckay
    • 1st Scorer Arbroath: Fosu
    • Crowd: 1675

    CDN Girl

    • HT: 1-1
    • FT: 1-3
    • 1st Scorer ICT: Oakley
    • 1st Scorer Arbroath: McKenna
    • Crowd: 1512


    • HT: 1-0
    • FT: 1-2
    • 1st Scorer ICT: Macgregor
    • 1st Scorer Arbroath: Linn
    • Crowd: 1699
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