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Posts posted by starchief

  1. Would we really do worse with an ICT dream trio of Robbo, Shearer and Christie taking over, either temporarily or permanently?  I think not.  Even getting Pele on board as a scout or advisor?  Can't see it being overly costly if we're short of cash and make an appeal to the heart.


    If it works, then a contract.  If not, then we are no worse off than that guid laddie at the moment.

  2. So the style doesn't suit McKay, Doran, Williams or Watkins.  I'd also suggest it doesn't suit Foran or Warren either.  Giving Hughes 'time' would mean these players underperform or we get rid of them.


    Or we get rid of him!

  3. It's time for the fans to get behind the team.  My opinion and not everyone will agree is that Hughes won't  get sacked, the Inverness board have to think long term and while Hughes may not be the man for the job, he will be given time to prove himself or not as the case may be.

    He's not the man for the job.  Why wait until it is an absolute disaster when we can see it is going that way?  Best cut your losses early.  No, I don't see Yogi getting sacked but that's a mistake.  Not something that should be supported.


    The Inverness job is not the most attractive for an established manager and we are caught in the position where we need an experienced manager  to sustain our expectations and try to improve the team.

    The 'who do you want?' thread contained a lot of good, affordable suggestions.  How this sustaining and improving working out?  Yogi isn't the man.


    Who knows what will happen, but we are Inverness, we are in the top league, we are top six and we are here to stay.

    I very much doubt it, with Hughes in charge.  Cannot see it for next season.


    Twenty odd years ago in Inverness we would have been watching Highland League football if we wanted a live match, now we are bitterly disappointed if we don't beat Motherwell that's how far we have come, surely despite this bad patch this can be considered a success.

    Of course it's a success.  But you're saying we shouldn't expect to improve in that sentence.  20 years ago, we would have been happy being in Division One.  But then, we didn't have this team.

    The Board should cut their losses - pay off his contract in full

    With Hughes struggling to get a job, I'd be astonished if the Board hadn't taken that into account with a get out of jail free card.  Hughes would have come with a contract that meant he could be got rid of without a huge pay-off.  Any businessman could see that.


    I have always been the sort that says you need to give a manager time and not be rash and hope for success quickly. However we were in a successful place and playing decent football until Hughes came in ( or butcher left). .

    Actually it was when Hughes came in.  Shearer and Foran did just fine before that.  I completely agree with this.  Managers need time to get established but we can see this is going so wrong.  We've got a good team signed up for next season that just needs a decent manager.  Not one with a perilous track record determined to change a winning philosophy to his old failed one.

  4. I liked this comment from the Daily Record phonein:

    John Steven, East Kilbride, said: “If ever a manager made the wrong decision in life, surely it has to be Butcher going to Hibs.”



    • Agree 2
  5. Nor can Yogi be expected to take all of the blame for the school boy defensive errors. That must be down to the players.  Unless they are so demoralised since Yogi arrived that they have totally lost confidence in him and themselves.  But I doubt that is the case.

    Don't need to be demoralised.  It's down to tactics.

    Before Yogi: 2 central defenders + 2 defensive midfielders + a commitment to getting the ball up to wingers quicly.

    After Yogi: 2 central defenders + varying amounts of central midfielders + defenders encouraged to tippy-tap.


    Our defenders are more Alex McLeish than Alan Hansen.  Wholehearted but not skillful passers.

  6. Almost correct, except...


    I have faith in the players but not the management.  I've written him off, as you rightly say.  His stamp will be damaging.  I'd rather not give him time to do that.  However, be gladdened.  Yogi will be here for a long time.  Then we can look back and say, what a disaster!




    The Chairman can have his opinion, as can I.  He has no more right than me and blindly cheering every successive failure will not help ICT.  After all, were you glad ICT waited so long to get rid of Brewster when it was so obvious he wasn't the man for the job?

  7. It seems to be that those posters who did not want Hughes are seeking any and every opportunity to be negative

    Nonsense.  Everyone negative (such as myself) would loved to have Hughes to succeed.  But it hasn't and his background suggests nothing better.  It's either accept that or want a change before the damage is permanent.


    Had anyone suggested the current scenario for ICT at the start of the season, Top 6 and reaching a cup final, we would all have grabbed that with both hands. Yes it has gone a bit pear shaped

    But it's not the start of the season.  How has Yogi done since he came in?  We wouldn't be in the top six based on those results. His record also suggests that we will struggle next season too.  This is on the basis of keeping our current squad - you know, the one we were desperate to re-sign as they got us to second.  Next year, I expect a struggle with relegation, purely down to tactics.  Not the squad's ability.


    we have been punching above our weight and it is now coming home to roost.

    Why did we hire a manager then if he has no effect on the team? If it's some natural up and down, then save the salary.  The fact is, manager are supposed to improve the team.  Otherwise, it's pointless having one.

  8. hislopsoffsideagain, I hope you have the necessary badges and experience to manage an SPL team. If you have, did you apply in November? If you have, why was Yogi chosen ahead of you?

    I don't know either.  Is it too late to get hislopoffsideagain as manager?  Seems to know a bit more about the way ICT should play than the current numptie.

  9. Starchief - why on earth do you bother posting on this forum when all you do is be totally crass, negative and obnoxious?

    Me? No way! Yer grandmother puts boiled sweets up dogs' bottoms and feeds them to children.


    Like so many others you don't savour the fact that the club have again achieved a top six finish and are striving to compete with far bigger and better supported clubs than ours?

    I do.  Thanks Terry.  Pity you left us and it's all going wrong, where we are likely to end up in a worse position than last year. Given that Hughes came in and we were competing for Europe, I fear now, we are competing to avoid sixth.


    We all desire a hugely talented and pacey wide player but, apart from an inconsistent Dorans, we do not possess the like. Therefore we have to look to players who can create openings through the middle with good movement and clever vision.

    And yet, since the new manager we've gone from a team that does win to one that doesn't.  A team that can score to one that can't.  The only difference between the two is tactics.


    Christie seems to possess both but that matters little to you as long as you can have a poke at the current manager. As an ICT fan since the merger I was thrilled today to see Shinnie, Polwoth, Ross and Christie on the pitch and would go as far as to say that they were among the top performers for the team today.

    Not sure why you think I'd disagree there.  For the record, I don't.


    But that will no doubt be TOO POSITIVE for you and your Tansey at centre half comment sums up your approach to the attempts of the new manager to play  a more open and attractive system

    I thought he was hired as he wouldn't change anything?  How about this: what were you happier with? 

    (a) A rapid counter-attacking system that suited the players so much, we were a clear second with games in hand and in both cups?

    (b) A system where the central defenders play a passing game they are not suited to and a congested midfield with no quick release in an attempt to be open and expansive that has seen us win one home game (a replay against Stranraer) and plummet down the table.


    It's a tough one isn't it?

    • Agree 1
  10. I suspect Yogi will go for Tansey in central defence, so he can pass the ball around, as that's what is really needed in a centre half.  We need to attack down the wings, so Draper and Warren are the most natural there.  I doubt we will have anyone in central midfield this time as we spend so much time tip-tapping around the defence that the result is either a backpass or a big punt up, so no need for anyone in front of the new Puyol and Beckenbauer.


    McKay up front.

    • Agree 1
  11. What  the problem with the naysayers about John Hughes on here is :


    1. The Results

    2. The background of similar results


    So I suggest that you  adopt a completely realistic approach and listen to the voice of experience, John Hughes ,his fired up imagination and passion, his positive ideas, his vision and frankly his inspiring thoughts, then realise, like Brewster before him, that being a nice guy doesn't win matches.

    Fixed that for you.

  12. So basically, Yogi wants all the players to play football, passing it here and there.  Even defenders.  Ermmm, can anyone remember when John Hughes was a player?  I thought he was terrific.  But NOT due to his passing ability.  Far from it.  He was an all-action Warren kind of player.  Couldn't pass to save his life.  And it's not working for ICT.


    Yogi wants players to express themselves and play with a smile on their face.  We've been playing pretty well since he came here.  And yet, we've been woeful.


    Butcher wants to win.  He doesn't care about smiles-on-faces.


    I thought Yogi was chosen because he was the same as Butcher?  This isn't a boys club.  It's professional football.

  13. Kilmarnock asked Jimmy to stay but he turned it down.  With his record, I'd have him in a shot.


    Mahonio: I wish you wouldn't be so easily swayed.  It's fine for someone to argue against you.  That's just their opinion.  If it's a good one, sure, change yours.  But it's also okay to keep your own and disagree.  There's no personal attack in disagreeing with an opinion.

    • Agree 1
  14. I'd prefer Hughes to go as soon as, as I think he will drag us down to level we will struggle to get back from.  It's not just disastrous form here but also his previous.  However, I don't expect him to get sacked.  Not now.  Not at the end of the year.  Not Oct/Nov.  Probably not even Xmas, unless we are marooned at the bottom.  Out board are loyal to a fault.  I fully expect to be sitting here next year, with an ICT far out of the top six, struggling against relegation, with Yogi still esconsed in his job, despite having the same players that had us at 2nd.


    I desperately hope I'm wrong.  Way more than any desire to be smug, nodding my head.  Nice guy though he is, everything screams to me, this is how it was at Hibs.  Good squad without being able to get the best out of them and a bad run of results that he seems to have no answer for, nor any desire to vary the team when it's not working.

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