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old caley girl

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Posts posted by old caley girl

  1. 33 minutes ago, big cherly said:

    I understood from recent posters Fraz, the Supporters Trust held 10% voting rights, and referring to Cattach 28th June, was insisting the trust board is held higher position and representation than the common fan. (ie, they would act on these fans behalf)! 
    I stand to be corrected if I am wrong with the above, however in the event I am right, I consider my request for season ticket status was a simple and valid question the ST board would welcome and take to the club with a view of issuing a clear unambiguous answer!
    What is their purpose otherwise if they cannot or address with their common fans enquiries. Or is it a case that only certain questions can be accepted? 

    Clarity would help me understand better! 


    OK yes the Trust do hold 10% on behalf of the fans. I understand the Trust do have occasional meetings with the club. Either the CEO or SLO. If the club do not care to disclose business matters then I'm not sure how any group can make them? 

    I'm a member of ST not a board member so that's how I see it personally. If you are a member maybe you should email the ST personally and request they ask your question? 

    I hope that clarifies? 

  2. 1 hour ago, robbo1985 said:

    Not sure sorry as doesn't seem to be an option currently using online ticketing system.... 

    £396 divided by 18 home games = £22 per match .   Assuming pay at the gate prices will be higher than this for the coming season ! 



  3. 7 minutes ago, big cherly said:

    “Whats clear is the current club board appear to treat all fans the same, including the supporters trust. This has to change going forward.”


    The above bugged me since it was posted and I resisted commenting on it at the time as I didn’t want to deflect the main track of the issue.  
    So after a period of time I came down on the side of ‘this is ‘ part of the problem’. - I’ll leave it with A Miller’s “we are all born equal, some are more equal than others”.



    Just a comment nothing more but the Trust hold the 10% voting right on behalf of the fans and this should be treated as a major shareholder? 

  4. 1 hour ago, bdu98196 said:

    Fans only matter to any club when the cash stops rolling in. Unlike any other business, football (and sport) is built on unwaivering fan loyalty (unless you're a glory hunter or plastic fan) so those in charge know they can treat their customer base with utter contempt and it has little to no effects unfortunately. There may be exceptions with great community ties and everyone feels part of a 'family' but they are the minority and there is a disconnect throughout football right now.

    The club will look at it from the perspective that employing someone to actively work as an SLO or in communications will cost £25,30,40k pa, even if its part time that's still half a salary................does investing that time (and cash) result in more returns that it costs. For a club our size its probably debatable - realistically given our ST costs we'd need a drop of around 600 just to make back the lowest quoted figure. Even with the discontent its unlikely we will see such impacts year on year (and nobody will look back beyond that because they will justify with other external factors)


    Not disagreeing with any of this but its more than obvious that we are poorly staffed as a club off the field in non management roles? Could be a shared position? We have had staff who are fans before? I don't know if all clubs use the role as a paid position either? Could be a voluntary position? Either way having a Director as SLO isn't really working and as in a lot of things this could be done much much better....

  5. 8 minutes ago, Robert said:

    Thanks for the link OCG, this bit is particularly interesting:

    ”The SLO role requires clubs participating in UEFA competitions to appoint a full-time member of staff  to work and engage with supporters, acting as a key point of contact.”

    I don’t see how we comply with that when the SLO is a Director who, I’m pretty certain, does not work full time for the club. 

    Yes Robert. A most clubs it's a proper job. If you are on twitter have a look at some other clubs SLO accounts. This can be a fantastic role imho 

  6. 15 minutes ago, Scotty said:

    you are probably right, but then again, depending on who the fan is then they too stand the risk of being accused of just being a boardroom shill by elements of the fanbase. A classic case of not being able to please everyone. I am sure the well-meaning members of the Trust, and anyone else who has been on any supporter's organisation (and not just at ICT) can attest to this. 

    Perhaps what is needed is a bit of both? A fan based rep for the generic or oft asked fan questions and a club official where it needs a more formal answer or may need to be escalated.  Email forwarders could handle both people under one address 🙂

    The club have always been pretty parochial and insular with information, and in some cases, that's the correct stance. We may want to know everything and think we have the right, but we do not. Confidential info, personnel information, or business critical stuff need to remain confidential until it can be announced where appropriate. However almost everything else should be up for public consumption and certainly not a secret, but that's seldom the case. When called out about this behaviour, the level (and scope) of insularity then increases exponentially and actually does damage like we are seeing now. We have seen it many times before with different boards so it's nothing new. What's also not new is the fact that it's also pretty pointless trying to "manage" the non-confidential info this way as the flow of info from the stadium can sometimes be akin to water in a sieve.

    Many of the things raised recently are hardly state secrets (or should not need to be). How about we get back to the way the club used to share some info in a timely fashion and trot out the confidentiality clause only when it really is something that should not be discussed in the public domain.   #OpenNESS     

    There are several clubs in Scotland with excellent SLOs Scotty. Bev at St J is one of the best imho but Kenny across the bridge does a pretty good job too. There are blueprints and rules to cover what you mention above. This is not a new role just one we've never utilised properly imho 


  7. Personally I don't think having a Director as SLO is right. I'd prefer it was a fan recruited for the roll given its meant to be the communication bridge between fans and clubs. Exactly like it is at other clubs. 

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  8. 4 minutes ago, Robert said:

    My concern, other than the baggage he carries, is that he flopped at Linfield when he joined them last season, failing to score. He also seems to be injury prone.

    It is a no from me. I’d rather see whether Cairns or Hennem can be a tall partner for Mckay. 

    12 appearances and no goals I believe 

  9. 7 minutes ago, Douglas Mackenzie said:

    Just to let you know the SLO sent me an Email over the weekend which I found today in my spam.

    He left me his contact number, so I phoned him today.

    Short version.He is SLO for ICTFC but he doesn't monitor the Email box a part time member of staff does, so if he doesn't get Emails it's because no one has forwarded them.

    He suggested I thought communication was poor from his chat with the Chairman. I said it wasn't poor, it was shocking.

    I am trying to keep this short,so suffice to say he apologised for my experience with the club and blamed lack of staff.

    He advised he had received no mail from me even when I advised that a member of staff told me Gordon had asked her to Email me.I believe him and now understand that the member of staff was only using her initiative as she monitored the SLO box.However from experience,when doing this sort of thing  you have to be sure you and the role holder have a water tight system.Clearly ICT don't. 

    The board don't  look at social media relating to any fans pages or forums which begs the question how do they know what the fans are thinking wanting or needing ,hence the reason we get told little.

    The SLO was open and frank and promised to raise all concerns at the board meeting next week.

    For me I raised an issue and flogged it because of the principals involved.I have now shared the outcomes and at two minutes to four, I am too late for the early bird season tickets, so I will drift for a while before deciding where to watch football next season.

    Whatever,thanks for engaging with me,thanks for letting me be part of this forum and I wish you all the 

    I think if you go on your account Douglas tye early bird prices are still there 

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  10. 3 hours ago, hislopsoffsideagain said:

    I don't remember this much consternation when Kirk Broadfoot - who was given a 10 match ban whilst a Rotherham player for sectarian abuse of James McClean - signed for us.


    Just saying, like.

    I think there was? 

  11. Just now, Robert said:

    Maybe but if it was my name given as the SLO, even if the job was delegated to someone else I’d want to know what e-mails were coming in and also that they were being dealt with promptly and professionally.

    The club should have targets for dealing with correspondence and monitor how they perform against those targets. That’s what customer focussed businesses do. 

    Totally agree Robert 

  12. 1 hour ago, IMMORTAL HOWDEN ENDER said:

    I haven't had any form of response. Surely Gordy is not on his own with this or maybe he doesn't know that he is  I can understand delays or nil response from the chairman but if he is aware of all these concerns then he should be doing something about it ??

    I don't think it's Gordys fault. I suspect he's just a name put forward to fulfill our licencing requirements. I have no idea who reads the SLO emails though 

  13. 1 hour ago, Jack Waddington said:

    Word has it, Billy has signed on. No word if its to his demands or the clubs, but its not coming from the keyboard of Mr Inverness, anyway

    I keep hoping so as no other club has announced his signing yet 

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  14. 7 minutes ago, Alan said:

    All these posters who say they are not renewing their season tickets can't really call themselves true supporters. You support your team through thick and thin no matter the circumstances - the players need all the encouragement they can get from those of us who are the real fans

    What garbage! It's the only power we as fans have so folk are entitled to choose how they spend their money 

    What about folk that choose to pay as you go or only go to away matches? Are they not real fans either?

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