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Posts posted by izzy

  1. I have been crossing the Kessock Bridge regular for years and have never been aware of an underpass .I will be looking out for it today when its safe to do so of course!! Like OCG says says you learn something everyday. I don't think there are any signs to say its there or maybe I just haven't seen them but then again that's adding a few yards to the journey and how many would use it....The simple solution is back to basics ..turn of lights for couple of hours and have police at roundabout....Simple !!!!

  2. There were so many fans on carriageway there would be no way of telling where they came from so that won't be an issue. It shouldn't turn into a witch hunt just find a solution. It took me 30 mins to get from top of Millburn slip road to stadium ,sorry not acceptable.

  3. When I eventually arrived at the stadium there was three Policemmen standing in front of stadium having a chinwag could at least one of them not have been at roundabout.There were other Police around about as well and I have never seen any trouble there before game .they need to start distributing them to essential points .The stewarding at stadium appears to be sorted out so now its the turn of the Police .

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  4. Who is responsible for policing on match days ? Both sets of fans put themselves in a very dangerous situation yesterday.Due to the heavy volume of traffic heading for stadium and the hold up at the Kessock Bridge roundabout at traffic lights ,fans were getting out of cars ,buses etc and walking on dual carriageway also crossing carriageway risking their lives obviously afraid of missing start of game.One idiot Hearts fan was standing in middle of carriageway at one point waving a flag at an oncoming car which had to slow down or it would have hit him...I will reserve judgement on my views on that one....I am by no means pointing the finger but just wonder if club could liase with police and maybe lights could be suspended and traffic wardens keep traffic flowing till kick off. I do realise fans are responsible for their own safety but that was an accident waiting to happen and I would not like to witness same again .Hope I don't sound like Im complaining just concerned for fans safety ....they are scarce enough !!!!!

  5. Our bus was hit by a brick but not sure who threw it may have been a couple of kids seen standing on wall was a fair bit from the ground.I would like to think that it wasn't a Celtic fan considering when we arrived at Broxden on way to game there were Celtic fans there whose mini bus had broken down .Im sure this must be a first but showing true Highland Hospitality we offered them a lift to game and they accepted....we did take them back....I think ...good day out again and happy with draw ...

  6. A very good day out yesterday.....and new bus steward did very good job ,got us all there and home safely.Only a suggestion for future could planned stops or no stops please be announced before travelling .Thank you .

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  7. Great to have the choice but I like what I've seen of Brill , I felt it was pure confidence yesterday when he pulled up his shorts .He certainly helped to make it the brilliant spectacle it turned out to be....along with the extra man ( the bird) fans were exceptional too especially young ones and the drum added to the atmosphere .......Keep Brill In !!!!!

  8. I would like to say a huge Thank You to Liz for making our trips to away games very enjoyable.I was very sad to hear at weekend that she has decided to retire from her post of bus convener..Im sure I can speak for all who travel to away games in saying you you will be greatly missed Liz but you deserve to sit back and enjoy the day along with the rest of us.Enjoy your retirement and Good Luck to whoever decides to take over .Liz will be a hard act to follow......Thank you .

    • Agree 8
  9. What is wrong with the tanoy at the stadium it's impossible to hear what announcer is saying. I don't think it's him that's at fault but surely we can afford to get it seen to .....This is a general complaint not a personal one..can it maybe get checked out .We go to away games and theirs is loud and clear..

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  10. Maybe penalty was a bit soft but makes a change for it to be in our favour.....How many times did their players throw themselves to the ground to get free kicks ....Great result for us just took a little time to get into game ,and we are top for at least one week , looking forward to Dundee United more of the same please ...

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  11. Yesterday was a fine example of a ref getting it wrong at Dens Park .Ok they may have got relegated anyway but they could have had another chance to save the day ,not that I'm a Dundee fan but its bad enough being relegated (I remember the feeling well) but to go down because of a wrong decision is very hard to swallow. The Aberdeen player in question should be ashamed of himself especially as he is notorious for such dives as was shown on Sportscene last night .I do feel when there is such a strong case of downright cheating there should be some way of repercussions .This very poor decision has come at a very high cost to all these players ,and I don't agree that they lost it at the start of the season they made a great comeback ,and its not over till the fat lady sings..........and this fat lady has stopped singing ....end of rant

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