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Posts posted by izzy

  1. Article in yesterday's Daily Record stating Butcher as a leader and how he reckons he will work Hibs Team harder than stars of Bayern,Barca,and Real .....Is he for real he looks like someone demented ..May be a better idea to settle in first then start to throw his weight about which he comes across at being very good at ....This is not sour grapes Im looking forward to hear who our new management team are but it's like they are rubbing salt in our wounds and mine haven't healed from last weekend.

    For him to say..... quote... " I was still the Inverness manager and Hibs had approached me and watching football matches is what I do if Im not in charge of a football team."....

    .Bit of a contradiction there don't you think?

    Quote...I can't understand why people thought that was an insult or offensive- I was just doing my job .I was able to see both teams and it was weird more than anything else "....

    NO he was doing his job if he was still Inverness Manager he should have been in our duggout.

    Hope he can walk the walk as well as talk the talk....

    • Agree 1
  2. 110% no to Levein. After witnessing a Scotland side, told to stand off opponents and not press even in our own half on top of 4-6-0 i can't face that at TCS.

    Utter denial at his own inability tops off a definate no from me. How many other posters backing Levein had the season ticket for Scotland watching that dross.

    No No NO!


    I had a Scotland season ticket and I wouldn't say it was all bad.... But preferred Levein at Club level .

  3. Their first job will be to train everyone at Hibs how to make good use of the fantastic facilities

    at Easter Road because it certainly didn't look like they are well used by their display on Sat.

    I thought it was very disrespectful how he was rubbing in about how the marvellous set up

    they have compared to whats at Caley Thistle helped to persuade him to take the job .

    Well you know what they say about a poor workman......

    • Agree 1
  4. Don't know who Alucard is but don't think TB would be impressed with poor turn out of Hibs fans on Sat and by the end of game the stands were almost empty as they all walked about 20 mins before end .How can you compare numbers when you are talking about a Inverness (wee piddly team from the Highlands )compared to a team from the Capital .Maybe you should get things in perspective .Terry knew what he was taking on when he took the job in Inverness .

  5. Agree with bdu98196 in the success TB and MM brought to Caley but very disappointed on the way their departure has been dealt with especially Butchers alleged neutral appearance in Hibs main stand on Sat ....may have redeemed himself if he had made some kind of acknowledement to the Loyal ICT fans who have been there in good times and bad...At least Mo saw it out to the end .

    I wish the team and whoever takes over great success for future .

    • Agree 5
  6. After the worst week of uncertainty for the fans the team more than made up for it today.

    Brilliant effort from everyone and great result...Good Luck to Butcher with that lot.

    After that display Butcher will be taking the walk of shame in the morning.

  7. Instead of inflatable beach balls lets all turn up with inflatable candles or some form of lighting for replay.

    Heard Deek the Geek on MFR today saying we should have had two red cards .What for ?

    So that didn't work so he pulls the plug at half time . Im sure we would have got 3 pts if that tactic didn't

    work. We will get them next time...

  8. No point in analysing was a bad day all round ,all teams have them at some stage in season lets hope that was ours . Best to forget about it and move on .We are hurting so bad as its been so good for so long then we get a real hammering all over the park .

    St. Johnstone just didn't let us play .Lets hope Ravens injury is not too serious as he is obviously very important to us.

  9. Luckily didn't affect result .Thought it was a strange decision as Nick was having a great game.

    Don't think Ive ever seen Terry so angry ..he really has to watch his blood pressure. An easy mistake

    but Im sure we won't see the same again .

    Brilliant result after last weeks disappointment pleased to see the good passing game back .

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