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Action Man

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Posts posted by Action Man

  1. I would be happy with this idea if some of the money earned was distributed around smaller clubs and youth training, but it won't. It's just another marketing plan to enhance the "brand" and further line the pockets of already rich owners and players.

    The ethos and money in the game today is obscene.  :33:

  2. Thats the one...........now to find which album I've got it on.  :clapping03: :021:

    Still got vynil in your house?

    It's not that I've still got vinyl in the house that's the real worry, it's the fact that they are 78's thats scary!  :statto01:

  3. They seem to have lost the support of the local population in that part of Inverness, historically their main income stream. Plus ICT may have attracted a few away. There seems to be a lack of support for football across the board in Inverness, with ICT having a lot of empty seats and Clach attracting only 300 at the weekend. Both clubs need a kick up the erse to start attracting more punters through the doors, starting with visits to schools and workplaces by players. It's in their own interests to drum up more support.

  4. I cannot confirm this theory, but I discussed this with one of the more mature guides who used to do the open top tours of Inverness and he told me that one of our illustrious former town planners had been on holiday in France, possibly Paris, and this was his way of making Inverness more european in design. Don't know if it's true, but it makes a good story. Apart from the French bit, the b*stards.

  5. Had a good day yesterday, watching the rugby and drinking buckets of Guinness,  however I woke up this morning having suffered a very bad dream. I dreamt that Scotland put in the most inept, error ridden performance ever, that they couldn,t follow the bounce of any loose ball, and that a very young French team made us look like amateurs. Thank god it was just a dream. Right thats me away out for the papers.

  6. 1. Scotland.

    2. Ireland.

    3. France.

    4. England.

    5. Wales.

    6. Italy.

    France have lost a lot of their experienced players, Ireland are not playing well just now, we have got the most settled squad in the tournament, Wales are still years away from challenging, Italy lack depth of quality, and I just like seeing England getting humped.

  7. Would it be feasable for ICT to absorb Clach as a feeder club / training facility / youth development initiative. With the experience ICT has gained over the years, and with good financial management, this could be good for both clubs, benefitting both. Just a thought, but it would be a sad day for Inverness not to have representation in the Highland league.

  8. Keeping it simple so it can be included in song would be a good idea. For that reason I propose the "Caley Clan"

    To the tune of the Can Can.........


    Caley, Caley, Caley,

    Caley, Caley, Caley,

    Caley, Caley, Caley,

    We're the Caley Thistle Clan,

    Clan Clan.

    Copyright AM.

  9. Spot on Caleyd, ( pardon the pun ), that top flag should be adopted by the club asap. :021:

    But could everyone drop the Ultras thing, not a name we want linked to our club.

    I would prefer something like Caley Commandos, should please IHE anyway!

  10. Question. ICTFC are playing at Ibrox / Parkhead, if they win they qualify for a European place / gain top six / win the league.

    Away tickets are sold out. You are offerred a seat in the home end. Do you...

    a. Turn it down because it's not right and miss an amazing game. ( and victory. )

    b. Turn it down becuase you couldn't stand the smell.

    c. Take it because it is the only way to see your team play.

    I'm not saying it's right, it just happens.

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