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Action Man

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Posts posted by Action Man

  1. Firstly, apologies to Clacher for the insult, and yes that is what it was. However, reading subsequent posts reveals a deeper comprehension of the difficulties faced not only by the Royal Mail employees, but by our rural and urban communities as a whole. The decimation of our postal services, especially the closure of lifeline post offices, will sound the death knell for many a community, and on an even more serious note, will destroy the lifes of many of our elderly and infirmed residents, who depend on these services as more than just somewhere they pick up their pensions. When the mail goes wholly commercial the companies involved will cherry pick the lucrative routes and dump the rest, destroying vast swathes of our culture and our community. The b*stards are still giving us a kicking and we could be too late in recognising it. Fight for your post office, if for no other reason than that you will be old some day too.

  2. It's not men or women who are the worst drivers...........................................................


    Its the ars*holes of all ages and sexes with either small di*ks ( whats the female equivelant? ) or no brains who should be banned from getting near a car until under going a phsycology test to determine whether they should be............

    A/ Allowed to live?

    B/ Allowed to breed?

    C/ Allowed to drive?

    Young drivers should be given some advice as well as some slack, but the majority of numpties you see behaving irresponsible behind the wheel are older and should know better. They should IMHO be dragged from their vehicles and made to watch while their new BMW/TOYOTA/MERCEDES/4X4 is torched in front of them. If an organisation dedicated to this is ever contemplated, please give me a job!...........................................I enjoyed that rant, join in if you wish.

  3. What the club really needs now is a new mascot. How about a dolphin? The stinky stag and the nerdy nessie are not cutting it. They might have done okay in the lower leagues but they obviously cannot stand the pressure on the premier league. They lack fitness, vision, and top flight experience and need to either resign or be sacked. I hope the club takes these points on board, ( at least they would be getting points ) and react positively. Onward and upward!

  4. Successive governments of all political hues have failed to find the right balance in educating children.

    We went from the "beat them brigade" to the "sandal wearers" and failed to recognise that children need encouragement and non-violent discipline in equal measures. I love the idea of a "parents panel".

    Some of todays kids are stuck in never ending cycle of neglect and abuse, they in turn become abusers.

    I have too many commitments already, but I'll approach the panel and offer my assistance.

  5. Russell did indeed launch a verbal tirade at the main stand, in reply to some numpty giving him some real personal abuse. Do these clowns not realise what the word"supporter" means?

    Russell was out of order replying in such a way, but so was the so called supporter sitting in the main stand, not far from the away dugout, shouting abuse at a player who was clearly frustrated at how the game was going.

  6. The way our season has started we need a boost, not a brewst. We have had "nice" guys as managers before, lets try someone with experience and a reputedly nasty streak for a change. If we are going to be used as a shop window, lets make sure we are in the High Street, not Church Street!

    Bring on Warnock.

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