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Action Man

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Posts posted by Action Man

  1. Just heard that the government ( the English one ) have decided to build a new generation of Nuclear power stations. :029: If they are dead set on this course of action, how about building them where they are really needed. For instance, near the centres of population like London, Manchester, Birmingham etc. Lets see how feckin popular they are then. Gordon is a moron. Rant over.

  2. Rosscoe bombing down the wing in attack is part of what makes us Caley Thistle.

    Proctor has had a few mares as well, some games he scares me with his uncertainty.

    Both good players and up to CB who gets to start depending on form.

    I think that about covers it.

  3. You widnae gie an auld lady a hert attack wid ye IHE?  :rotflmao:

    Och , I'm blushing, so ah am!

    Sorry IHE, a secret benefactoir gied me the name of a couple o' suppliers and the parcel has been made-up, despatched and duly delivered on time and in time.

    This site  wins again.

    But thanks fer the thought IHE. If ah tells mah sister what ye said and she replies '"OOOH, I would love tae see the nice man" whit will ah tell her , pray? :016:

    "Pray" is as good an idea as any!
  4. As an imminently respected authority in this field, I can confirm that most of the stewards involved in SPL games suffer form what we in the profession call "small horn syndrome". This manifests itself in a desire to belittle others while wearing a hi-viz jacket while looking like ( and possibly being)  a twelve year old. ( or in severe cases acting like a twelve year old whilst actually being a lot older )

    I propose setting up an ICTFC security force drawing on the strengths of those on this forum.

    I now ask for suggestions on who should take up these posts! ( This should be good!)

  5. If ICTFT are interested, I am currently between clubs, my defensive skills consist of mainly booting everything in the opposite direction of my goal, my midfield skills consist of booting the ball forward to the strikers, and my forward skills consist of mainly booting the ball into the net. And I'm available at a reasonable rate. I could be available in January if required.

  6. It's embarrasing seeing all these desperate pleas for invites to the respective hen, stag, and wedding parties.  Shame on the lot of you! :020:

    Dear GJ and CCC, may I take this opportunity to congratulate you both, to wish you all the very best for the future, and to remind you both that I have always been your bestest friend.

    Your bestest ever friend, AM.


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