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Posts posted by ictchris

  1. 38 minutes ago, AncientMariner said:

    Ok, I will indulge you although I would have hoped you as a journalist would have been smart enough to understood the point I was making  that no one knows what happened except those who were there which again, is what you belated post also said.


    Possible scenarios which COULD have occurred for your benefit:

    1. K could have thrown something at P,  e.g. half-empty bottle of water, packet of chewing gum, a pointless guff of a local newspaper etc etc.

    2. P and K could have been arguing as he was entering the dugout and K could have lashed out with a foot, an arm, or thrown something (see 1)

    3. K was already standing as P approached and lashed out first or thrown something (see 1)

    4. K could have verbally threatened violence which is assault or thrown something (see 1)

    Of course I doubt it happened that way and that brings me back to my original point, WE DON'T KNOW, ONLY THOSE IN THE DUGOUT KNOW which again seemed to be the point of your post. 


    • Funny 2
  2. 1 minute ago, Jockdoonsouth said:

    How is speaking the truth an outrageous personal slur? Pull your head out of your arse and see what has happened - a player comes off the pitch and thinks I know I will smack one of the "reputable" coaches for no reason. Having heard him from the dugout - he is not so angelic as some might think. **** me are you so stupid as to believe that Polworth was totally implicit in the scenario and Kellacher did nothing wrong? This is the problem with this club, in fact this forum, half the time the fucktards in charge are in a state of denial - it's all to do with cliques. As soon the club, and a few people on here, realise that cliques are toxic and destroy - the sooner things might actually start to get better. The club is a running ******* joke. Half the whinging and whiney ******** on here a ******* joke. Wake up and smell the coffee people. Sometimes I do feel the term Teuchter was coined for the mentality of Caley supporters and the club. It's plain ******* embarrassing.

    Image result for angry meme

    • Funny 3
  3. 4 hours ago, Jockdoonsouth said:

    Personally, I have heard Kellacher mouthing off from the dugout. It was never positive or encouraging. It is not deflammatory if it's true. I am not alone as other fans have heard him too. I cannot condone Polly's actions as he is as much to blame but just how much of it was down to Kellacher or Polly we will never know. Dismissing someone else's opinions as BS because of a personal friendship is understandable. I would do the same. That said, I have witnessed Kellacher in a dour rant. Maybe the dugout isn't the place for him. Perhaps coaching the U20's is the best place. Let's be honest his credentials aren't going to light up the world. He was an under-performing professional player who ended up in the Highland League. As a coach he has had a charmed life. There are many others out there with far better playing experiences, the same coaching awards, and they don't get the opportunities that he has had. First team football is not the place for Kellacher at the moment. And before you go jumping down my throat, shouting BS, etc ... please remember that other fans have witnessed some of these remarks and outbursts ... and yes fans were appaulled and did cheer comments in his general direction. I do think that action needs to be taken against Polly but I can also see that in public the club needs to move kellacher out of it's scrutinising gaze. Clearly, kellacher said something out of turn, and clearly Polly reacted. Both parties were unprofessional, and brought the club into disrepute. Robbo and Rae need to get a grip of this situation quickly.


    This is an incredibly bad post.  

    1 - Kellacher is employed as a coach not a player.  His playing credentials are nothing to do with his coaching.  Bryan Robson had a better playing career than Jose Mourinho, who would you rather employ?

    2 - On what basis has Kellacher lead a 'charmed life' as a coach?  He's been a coach at the club for years, coaching youth players, development players and the first team, including during some of our most successful periods.  If you have any comments on his ability as a coach make them but you won't because...

    3 - You are basing your assessment of Kellacher's coaching on him shouting from the dugout occasionally.  What coaches say and do in the dugout is a small part of their job, especially a first team coach like Kellacher.  Fans often base their assessment on what they can see so we get threads like this where utter blowhards mouth off about coaches being unsuitable because they said a bad word.  You can see the same thing with Vigurs, rather than base their views on him on his production fans base it on his 'body language' or him shouting at team-mates.  It's utter nonsense.

    4 - We don't have an Under 20s team for him to coach.


    • Agree 2
  4. 2 hours ago, tm4tj said:

    Scotland international, top striker, won promotion previously for Inverness. He has nothing to prove, unlike most of his players. Our fans need to give us all a break and get off the guys back. He and we need this like a hole in the head. Oh boo hoo hoo, he slagged off the players. If they can't take it, they shouldn't be here. It's easy to forget the blemishes of guys who were legends here. Let's not forget that they too had their critics and poor moments.

    Robbo has not suited some folk since he came back. Well tough, he's here, let's back him until the board see fit to remove him.

    Why should fans get off the managers back? If he can't take it he shouldn't be here.

    The achievements you've listed were all more than a decade ago. All he's offered since his arrival is signing total duds and calling the team useless. What is he doing about it?  You are right, he's here and, as with Foran and Kenny Cameron, he has a backer in the boardroom.  The fact that we're also paying for previous mistakes means he's probably unsackable. He might resign I suppose, but I think that's unlikely.


    • Agree 4
  5. 3 hours ago, RiG said:

    How many time has Robbo slagged off the team in public this season? Three times already isn't it? No wonder tensions are high when the players are getting almost continually rinsed by the manager.

    He also doesn't have any credit in the bank to allow him to do so. The players will be looking at this guy who hasn't had a job in years and has brought in a load of total duds and think, why should we take this? Why should I redouble my efforts?

    I remember Paterson and Butcher slating some of the players at times but they had earned the right to do it. Robertson hasn't. 

    • Agree 1
  6. I'm not surprised that the team are frustrated and angry.  For more than two seasons we've had managers who don't take responsibility and slate the players every time something goes wrong.  Off the top of my head the squad have been told they think they are better than they are, that they aren't real men, they aren't tough, they don't want to make sacrifices, they are bad apples. 

    The managers saying this haven't signed any players who have added to the squad, in fact they've added players who are noticeably worse. They haven't been able to coach or make tactical adjustments to get results.  They have dropped or refused to play some of our best players for non-footballing reasons while signing utter dross.

     It must be extremely frustrating to play through that and have the manager insult you continually.  It's a sign of a manager completely out of his depth - we saw it last season with Foran and we are seeing it again with Robertson. Sadly we are in the same situation we were in with Foran, a manager so close to figures at the club that he's nigh on impossible to get rid of.

    worth saying that Kellacher is a good coach and works well with the squad. I understand he took a lot of the slack at various points last season and it could be that he was just in the wrong place yesterday.

    • Agree 4
  7. 1 hour ago, ymip said:

    Meanwhile the irony of the whingeing we are now reading about club statements is palpable. Complaints about lack of communication and board inactivity have been loud and long. However the response of some to the far more proactive and forthcoming board policy seen of late appears to be to complain about that as well.

    This is an extremely poor point. The club should give out relevant information written in a professional and clear way. What they've been doing is sending out Sir Bufton-Tufton statements, written in a puffed up, finger wagging style that make the club look ridiculous.  It's typical of organisations and people who are completely out of their depth to react in this sort of passive aggressive way - "oh you are complaining about not getting enough information, well here's a statement every two days, how's that for information eh". It also shows complete ignorance on how to manage the media and get positive coverage for the club.

    The issue with fans at Brechin could have been dealt with without a statement. If fans were caught with flares or smoke bombs then they should be banned. You don't need a statement to do that.


  8. Putting anything in inverted commas in an official statement is an embarrassment, it reads like a church parish newsletter.

    Just idiotic.  if the club are reading this, instead of putting a statement out for whatever no-mark occurrence has happened just mash your hand on the keyboard and hit 'send'.  it can't be any worse.

    • Disagree 2
  9. He'll probably be in leave until he gets another job, which will most likely be never. Who exactly is going to employ him?

    maybe he'll end up back at the club somehow. Charlie Christie did after he left as manager.

  10. According to transfermarkt the current youth players in the first team squad are:

    Cameron Mckay - GK - 20

    Ryan McRitchie - DF - 18

    Liam MacDonald - MF - 17

    Kier Smith - MF - 18

    Mitchell Foy - FW - 17

    Andrew Macrae - FW - 19

    We've currently loaning out

    Stephen Foster - GK (Nairn County)

    Daniel Hoban - GK (Brora Rangers)

    Aidan Wilson - MF (Wick Academy)

    Alasdair Stark - DF (Wick Acacemy)


    Can't say I know anything about any of these players to say whether they are worth a shot in the team.

    • Like 1
  11. On 18/08/2017 at 1:48 PM, Fraz said:

    As I'm going I'd be happy to take questions or suggestions along on behalf of those too far away if there's no 'official' way of doing so. However if you can make it along, if ONLY for a wee bit please do as it helps to show our solidarity (for want of a better word) as fans. Don't want it to just be the usual faces.

    Anyway if you do have anything you want raised probably best to PM me here I guess and I'll do my best.

    I'm going to send you a message on this Fraz. A couple of other fans who aren't in here have suggestions as well. Will do it later today.

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