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Everything posted by ictchris

  1. We must be coming back for pre-season training this week.
  2. I bet they release a statement confirming administration after the game has kicked off tonight.
  3. Now, we take the money, put it all on a horse at 3:40 from Kempton to come in at 10/1. Save the club.
  4. If the club survives (and I think it's the less likely option at this point) all the people who've been involved in this need to go. The entire current board are complicit in what has happened and what is going on.
  5. It's almost like the club has gone out of business already. Just an appalling way to treat anyone, let alone one of our longest serving players.
  6. Yeah they sound great. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/777_Partners#Controversy
  7. I think some people have thought that going into administration is just a car-wash way to write off debts and emerge shiny and new. It is very far from that. We would have points deductions for the next two seasons. There would be issues with getting an SFA license. Would we be able to submit our accounts, which we are also required to do to get a license to play in the SPFL. It's a desperate statement to be honest. It mentions that we are either looking for investors or owners - the club isn't owned by any one person to sell, if someone wants to own it they need to buy the holdings of several different people at once. What would investors be funding? Are they just pouring money into the money hole? We are repeatedly told that there are other people involved with the club who would be interested were it not for the financial obligations to creditors, ie Ross Morrison. Are these guys going to step up or not? People saying stuff like "we need Gardiner gone" etc. Gardiner going doesn't change the circumstances of the club in the immediate future.
  8. The other point about administration is that the administrators are not there to ensure that we can continue and be a good team or get a community focused club back. They are there to secure money for the creditors and if that means liquidating the business and selling all the assets, that's what they do. You also need someone to take the club out of administration - do we have that?
  9. If we don't have signed off accounts then we can't get a license to play in the league, so I understand. Lots of press people (Scott Burns, Kheredine Idessane) posting that a statement is imminent and it's bad news. I'd guess either admnistration, going part-time, loads of redundancies or other misery.
  10. If the Kelty move is off due to fan pressure, they need to let people know so that people can arrange to buy season tickets. This whole shambles could be an opportunity to galvanise the fanbase, re-engage them. As it stands, we don't know who the chairman is, we don't know what players have been given deals, we don't know if the manager is going to stay around, we don't know if we are going into administration.
  11. Loads of people saying that stuff has happened, nothing coming out. When are our accounts due out?
  12. Kelty don't own the pitch they are going to rent us https://www.inverness-courier.co.uk/news/exclusive-kelty-hearts-don-t-own-pitch-earmarked-for-caley-351962/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter You have to laugh.
  13. You can't make the manager redundant, I assume we are still going to need one of those.
  14. Don’t know the details of those groups but the Trust owns about 10% of the voting rights in the club. Maybe that changes legal responsibilities. I don’t know but it seems possible. Reading accounts of the meeting a few people at the meeting said they’d prefer administration to this but administration is not a panacea. It’s entirely possible that administrators could look at the situation and wind the club up.
  15. Harper is gone. We get a development fee I think.
  16. I'm cross posting with P&B at this point, apologies if this doesn't make sense. I think administration is where this is going to be honest. What has been hinted at is that quite a few of the other major shareholders (Dougie MacGilvary and family and Alan Savage) want to take over but don't want to have to pay off the money that Morrison and others have put in and are owed. So if the club went into administration the money owed to him and others could be CVA'd down to a lower ammount. That's very dangerous of course and would definitely put the club's future at risk. But I can't really see any other outcome if the current incumbents don't walk away. Another point about it is that I don't think Morrison, who is a wealthy man by all accounts but not so wealthy that he can cross out £1m a season, can afford to walk away and the only way he'll get his money back is for us to get back into top flight. Hence we've got the Operation Moonshot sensibility - stage concerts to make loads of money! Get involved in a strange battery farm property deal to make £3m! Appoint coach from English Premiership on a huge wage and move traiing to accomodate him! It's moonshot after moonshot and none of them have worked. The only way we can go is to build the club up again, the way it was done before, and that isn't going to be a quick and easy job. It's certainly not a job for Ross Morrison and Scott Gardiner, or any of the current board.
  17. I think Morrison can't see the wood for the trees. He says if the fans don't buy season tickets the club goes bust but then he does things that pretty much every single season ticket holder opposes. It's the way that the current board have treated fans for years - we don't give a f**k about anything you say, think or want, just cough up money again. Eventually that road runs out. He even seems to criticse the fans by effectively saying "oh well no-one cared when we announced we'd shut down the youth academy!". I think I'm right in saying that was never announced, they said "oh we might have to shut down the youth academy depending on what happens". The idea of all these unnamed people in football phoning him up and telilng him what a great idea this is is a complete fantasy as well. The whole tone of the discussion and interview is the usual for Morrison - "we have to do this, we have to, there's no alternative". You get the feeling that in just about every case with the board they decide something and then just cover their ears and fail to look at the problem in a different way.
  18. Interview with Ross Morrison in the Courier
  19. Drake posting on here like Hello, my name is…. mr Renidrag, yes that’ll do.
  20. For all the despair I think the situation is retrievable. I think of the example of Raith Rovers, who went through completely alienating their fan base, for different reasons, a couple of years ago. They have come out of that experience far stronger as a club and have had their best season in decades, with a far more energised and engaged fan base. I’m not saying stopping this will mean we shoot back immediately but if the fans can stop it, if we can get new people involved off the pitch then we can reinvigorate the club from top to bottom. As Old Caley Girl says, the current board all seem to be about the hare-brained schemes and have forgotten about making the stadium a worthwhile place to attend.
  21. I didn't recognise those people as Muirfield Mills.
  22. The post is here The biggeset shareholder is the Trust, not entirely sure who controls it. Variouspeople named as officers of it, including David Stewart, who was MP at the time. Previously David Sutherland was involved, as was Ken Mackie.
  23. In the Battery Farm thread someone, I think it might have been Charles B, posted a grab of the biggest shareholders in the club. The biggest shareholder, by far, is the Tulloch/Sutherland owned ICT Trust.
  24. Another point about all this is that if we end up with lots of fans failing to renew, we could end up losing them forever. Once people lose the habit of attending matches they often don't get it back. Worth noting that the Board of directors includes Graham Bennet and Alex Chisholm, who were assured would help reconnect the club to the local community and local businesses.
  25. We've had quite a few players who didn't move to Inverness over the years. It's not a requirement. Extending this to the whole footballing operation is the issue.
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