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Posts posted by ictchris

  1. 42 minutes ago, bdu98196 said:

    While I agree as I've been saying much of this already its probably not a surprise, these guys are directors and usually in any industry people that get to that level very rarely tell the truth or have much integrity, its about self preservation (lying to shareholders and media to make an organisation look to be performing better than it may be) or self promotion (look what I've done, the work I've won or what I've put in place mainly through lies and the analogy of once we have the money we will figure out how to deliver - usually as cheap as possible).

    In my experience the opposite tends to be true, people who succeed in life and in running their own businesses are rarely liars, rip off merchants or untrustworthy. In my working life I've worked with and for pretty senior people in very large organisation and they tended to be straight down the line.

    you do get liars and bullshitters in many organisations though. I think when people are out of their depth and don't know what they should be doing they often end up trying to cover for themselves by covering their arses and trying to deflect things.

    • Agree 1
  2. We can add lying about the Draper transfer to the list. Also, I see from the Courier that none of the transfer fee will go into players. What is it being spent on?

    Its clear that the board lied when they initially said that we would be keeping the squad that finished last season, they lied when they said that we needed to maintain season ticket prices to ensure we could compete in this division, they lied when they said that Draper requested a transfer.

    Why are the board constantly lying? People end up doing this when they are either completely out of their depth and incapable of carrying out their duties or they have a moral lacking that leads them to lie. Neither option is particularly attractive. I notice that John Robertson has also not backed the clubs standpoint, which is pretty telling.

    Also, this is going to have a huge impact on our club. Players used to see a move to Inverness as a good thing for their career, the chance to compete at a high level and win a move elsewhere - Rooney to Birmingham, Watkins to Barnsley, McKay to Wigan etc. We had a good reputation. Now we are lying about our transfer dealings, hawking players around for transfer, refusing to play players if they don't move. Why would anyone come to us? I know for a fact that in Scotland our club is seen as an irrelevance at best, as useless and a joke at worst in the football media and playing circles.  What's happened this summer is going to have significant knock on affects to our clubs ability to survive.

    • Agree 3
  3. Yeah, I thought about buying a seat this season even though I live in Edinburgh and wouldn't make that many games. Why would I bother now though, paying more money for what's bound to be utter crap.

    The club don't seem to realise that it's give and take in football - they have to give the fans something, at least some hope. Usually this is a great time of year, you can be optimistic and look forward to the season but our entire organisation is on a downer. That is going to have a massive impact on the club, they need to realise this.

    • Agree 2
  4. Ah yeah, I'm looking forward to the Duncan Shearer Under 12s Memorial Tournament. Should be good :lol:

    The best hope is that someone like Alan Savage or one of the Muirfield Mills guys has some investment planned and will gut the place. Considering we've appointed two former Orion employees to important roles you'd think that Savage might be interested again but you never know.

    It's also worth noting, as someone did on my Twitter, that the club have a shocklkng reputation within Scottish football at the moment. We've had Highland League players turning us down, the media are contemptuous of us mirroring the way that they've been treated, and if we don't change this we'll find it hard to attract players and rebuild.


  5. Tonight's sale of Draper to Ross County has (hopefully) concluded the worst summer of the clubs entire 23 year existence.

    starting with relegation, we've seen the following.

    - We sack Richie Foran after the end of the season, which was the right decision but taken so late that the rightness or wrongness of it becomes secondary. Why persevere with someone for so long when he obviously wasn't good enough, suffer the consequences and then take action when it's too late? The fact someone with his history at the club was despatched with a two line statement was also a joke.

    - The club then reshuffles the boardroom, with a load of Inverniessian estate agents, solicitors and whatnot leaving and joining. No-one really has any idea who any of these people are, none of them have any experience at running a football club whatsoever. The only chink of light is appointing Danny MacDonald, who does know about this, as COO last week.

    - Following relegation we don't reduce season ticket prices and issue unbelievably arrogant press release about getting promoted as champions. The tin eared idiocy of this is made more apparent by subsequent events - we ask fans to stump up money to ensure we can cover costs but then release and sell our high earners? Surely someone must've realised how this would go over? The 'apology' afterwards is nothing either, don't get into situations where you have to apologise.

    - The club  then embarks on the most nonsensical summer of PR idiocy its possible to imagine. The only way it could be worse is if Finlayson invited a few Japanese trawler boats to dock outside the stadium and slaughter some of the dolphins. First we get rid of stalwarts like Duncan Shearer by text message, then we adopt radio silence from our social media team, then when we get someone to man the Twitter account, they accidentally like filth and our club outs out the stupidest statement in our history about it. It's been said that lots of this stuff was done by volunteer but you could employ a 16 year old media student and they'd do a better job. 

    - In between this we praise the candidates who applied for our job and were interviewed and then... appoint someone who didn't apply, hasn't worked as a manager in five years, hasn't been particularly successful at this level in 13 years and was shocked to get in.  I hope he does a good job and he's at least a positive person but looking at things logically the odds are stacked against him. He's also working with people he hasn't brought in, no doubt due to cost, and will be under pressure very soon if we don't go on a run. The fact that he's already started slating the team and players doesn't bode well.

    - In terms of playing we've lost some stalwarts, as you'd expect, and replaced them with jobbers. Being absolutely honest about it we've signed raw youth players doing the trialist rounds, jobbers who've been released for being no good or guys who've most likely come from agents. We don't have a solid defender and we don't have someone to score double figures in this league. We also someone got into a war of words with an ex player managing a HL club that we have loads of links with over us trying to sign their best player and captain for no money. An utter embarrassment.

    i don't really mind about us selling players or who they go to, all players leave evenuslky and it's better to clear out players too soon than too late. Our squad was stale and under performing. It's the fact we are certain to sign utter useless jobbers to replace the players who've left that is really concerning.


    I don't think I've missed anything. I don't know if the board or the manager or the Chief Operating Officer wants to give us an update on what the plan is with all this but it's difficult to see where it's going. We don't have an identity as a team, we don't have a structure to ensure that we succeed as much as possible. We have made investment available but no-one is going to invest, apparently. Is this it for the foreseeable? As fans we need something to look forward to, more than a win against Forfar, although that's probably going to be as good as it gets these days, I just hope that at least somebody in charge at the club realises what a state we are in because it needs to change. We are more likely to leave this division down the way than up at the moment and if the people in charge don't get that then we are in for a hard few years until they do.

    • Agree 18
  6. Danny MacDonald has worked for the Orion Group as a Business Development Manager among other roles so he does have experience outside working as a coach. 

    'Colts' side in the Highland League is interesting - I can't really see the HFL going for it. I think back in the days when The Highland League had an odd number of clubs we used to play the inactive team every week. A few teams are starting to look at moving to a 'B' team as opposed to a development team. Brentford in the Championship and Rangers up here to name two.

  7. 8 minutes ago, CELTIC1CALEY3 said:

    ..would it be that Richie Foran will be re-signed as a player (on a pay per penalty scored basis) so be brought back specifically to occupy a place on the bench each game and be brought on when we get a penalty? Each time he scores he gets a big bonus and then gets withdrawn and another substitute sent on?

    I don't think that will happen. 

  8. Just now, Caman said:

    I saw a tweet from a former player, but did not see the tweet.

    What did it say/show?

    The official account 'liked' a tweet by a porn account.  Clearly someone with access to the account has forgotten which account he (or she) has been logged into and accidentally liked the tweet.  it happens.

    There's absolutely no need for such a puffed up statement.  Just say nothing and it'll be forgotten about.  Now the entire 'episode' is compounded by that utter embarrassment of a statement, referring to an 'investigation' and the 'appropriate authorities' being informed.  What authorities?  Is our board going to phone up the police and tell them that there's pornography on the internet!  Hold the front page!

    Looking forward to the season starting so we can be pissed about the sub-standard football rather than the shambles of an administration.

    • Agree 5
  9. Robertson quoted in the P&J today saying that we aren't in the position to pay a fee for Kevin Fraser and that he's disappointed in Buckie for saying they'd need one.

    Odd situation as we'd discussed the deal when taking him on trial, so surely we'd have known what they were looking for.  Also, if you google Kevin Fraser Buckie Thistle one of the first results is him signing a new contract.

    We aren't really in the position to pay fees for anyone I suppose.  Disappointing all round really.

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