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Johnboy last won the day on March 12 2011

Johnboy had the most liked content!

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Johnboy's Achievements

World Class Player

World Class Player (8/10)



  1. With great respect, I'm inclined to suggest the "big problems on our own doorstep" kind of pale into insignificance when compared with the problems presently being faced by Japan.
  2. Brilliant!!!!!
  3. Morons.... Added incentive for our lads on Wednesday night - not that it will be required!
  4. Incredible to note that President Obama is coming under attack from US citizens on Facebook and the like for promising humanitarian aid for Japan. Many of those are apparently suggesting that the Tsunami is a punishment from God for the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbour.
  5. Assuming we overcome this forthcoming minor hurdle on Wednesday night, I hope we meet Motherwell in the semis, and then go on to a showcase final with Aberdeen.
  6. What about that foreign TV channel - Alba, or whatever it's called. Wouldn't they be interested in televising it?
  7. Johnboy


    The club could possibly recoup some of the costs involved by introducing a "cover" charge.
  8. Johnboy


    Like these?
  9. Buggeroff!! Just wasted an hour of my life trying to find that thread.
  10. I disagree with that. Everybody's prepared to give a young player a chance at first. When he was breaking into the team he was a cult hero with all the young lads chanting 'Rory, Rory' as he warmed up, with his white boots and so on, even when I hardly knew who he was. He just seemed to start believing his own publicity. Try reading through this thread, Mantis.... Might stir up some memories of Rory's ICT days. .
  11. So..... Back on to that bus, and back down the A9 towards Glasgow for the Celtic entourage, and then back on it again for the long boring journey north on Tuesday. They'll be thoroughly p1ssed off with that - my heart bleeds for them!
  12. I noticed a Parks of Hamilton coach parked at the Kingsmills Hotel a short time ago. That usually means a Glasgow football team is in residence.
  13. Or problems for the travelling supporters coming up the A9.
  14. Most of the "ample opportunities" he got in the first team, were from coming off the bench - very often, with only a few minutes of a game remaining. Also, for some reason, a sizeable element of our support just never took to him and subjected him to all manner of unnecessary abuse. That for me, was what hastened his departure. He's certainly come on leaps and bounds since joining Brechin, but whether he would be able to cut it at ICT, I doubt if we'll ever know. It's very unlikely he'd want to come back here again.
  15. shagged-out
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