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Everything posted by martinskye

  1. think it was his ankle but not sure We wont be seeing mcguire for a while by the sounds of things, Proctor came back just in the nick of time
  2. Well I'm risking sounding like a complete n00b to ask how do you add an avatar picture? I'm ashamed really.
  3. Thanks for your encouragement. Let's persecute the Gaels! Haha but surely the main priority is the glory hunters/majority of Of fans?
  4. Sadly I haven'y heard yet, but in post match brew said ' I'm not sure whether it's broken or badly bruised but it's quite serious'. Inceidentaly what part of his body was injured.
  5. It's actually Scotland's native language and isnt dead (yet) but with people's views like yourselfs it soon will be. Show some patriotism and supoport or at least don't insult the language. You could cause offence with your view. Also i watched quite a funny comedy on it one day this week although some of the jokes arent appreciated fully due to subtitles.
  6. Sounds promising, but again so did Wagaluka ( I liked what I saw against Liverpool though). But the main aspect is his pace, that's exactly what the club needs. Sadly we don't have any of that at the moment (although Imrie chases every lost cause).
  7. negative points by the end of the season?
  8. it's not a good idea to P*$$ off such a goalscorer as McDonald.
  9. Sounds very hopeful, but I always get carried away-I was excited about the two 33 year odls from Chester. Not to mention Dean McDonald who now cant geta game for Rushden and Diamonds. The end for poor Barry methinks.
  10. This thread was not created to 'slag' Rory off, but to gauge the opinion of other supporters. Im not blaming him for his ability, just his attitude seems out of it at times.
  11. Rosscoe, many of the fans on the home end are in fact OF supporters. The home end is 5000+ and away end 2500+
  12. As amazing as that would be, Brewster never rated Mark Brown and tried too offload him for Langfield - when he played for Dunfermline. Brown #1 and fraser his back up would be amazing although I think Esson is better. Having a Higland lad in the squad is great.
  13. Cuir am ball fada suas do thon. Stick that long ball up yer @rse.
  14. To be honest I can say I didn't see too many of his mazy runs. I am a massive fan, for entertainment value if anything. He regularily skins a whole team and then screws up the final ball and is caught out of position but he's an important player for us. Also proctor looks good from what i saw last season, so some decent competition emerging, The future's bright for us in my eyes.
  15. At this moment in time brewster is doing fine. We haven't really ever done much better, he gets the team fit and wsa an intelligent player. Give the man a break. BAS-Brew Appreciation society
  16. Inverness have been the definition of inconsistency this season, while united have had a bad start. So as a result of inverness winning last weeek they must lose this week. UTD-2-1-ICT. He actually used that alst line for the St Mirren game believe it or not!
  17. Well said Roscoe and I thoroughly agree about your comments on getting the rest of the fans to join in, Rooney in particular enjoys his name being chanted. Atmosphere at the ground is very poor but I never see tegh ones around me joining in. After cheering and celebrating Barrowman's goal I was getting looks of 'look at him'. Everyone should go mental when we are winning. But how can we get the rest of teh stand to join you guys? I did notice some below yous were getting in on the act!
  18. remember when Craig Levein was in the frame not so long ago? Any choice I'd make wouldn't take teh job due to wage demands. Although (at the time) I was dead against Neil Warnock, I wouldn't say no now. But alas we cant afford many so I'd stick with brew and malky although maybe Barry in the Assistant manager post sort of position.
  19. I found his bbo too and all his albums are of him and his mates in abrs, didnt want to bring that up as you'd think i was too sad.........but there's two of us!
  20. 1. His work rate is well below the rest of the teams, seems to give up on 'lost causes' far too early and on occasions jumps for headers with his head tucked into his chest. 2. He used to hold the ball up really poorly, but now well he can keep it, but gets nowhere and misses chances to play a team mate through. Which brings me to point 3. 4. His passing seems terrible, rarely accurate and if his pass goes to the right player it always seems to make him backtrack as the ball was played behind him. 5. His fitness (compared to his team-mates and opponents) is scary, this probably effects his work rate. Back to the Christie days when he started a game he seemed fine but into the second half was sluggish and tired. But couldn;t be subbed as Wooders was too young and Wyness and Dargo were injured.
  21. Cheers for that inside knowledge, but I was geting at his ability.
  22. Sadly coming from Skye seeing the reserves is a bit of a begger, but would love to see more of some youngsters and Djebi-Zadi, all I've seen is the Liverpool game and hise second half appearance at Hibs. whats he like?
  23. definately the Dons. The OF go all hush hush when they're losing, although we haven't witnessed the Dons losing at the Tulloch much............it usually lasts until the last minute!
  24. The good old Christie days, Wyness and Dargo out and big Rory up front but surely he proved that sesason he hasn't what it takes to play SPl football. Fast forward a year and Brew is back, and surely this is where the Rory train wreck ends............but no a new contract! He's got nothing, surely more agree with me. Whenever he comes on the North stand almost dies laughing! What's the general assumption?
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