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03: Full Members
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Status Updates posted by Georgeios

  1. Day off fail, busy busy appointments up the ying yang ;(

  2. Little bit off Good news on Dave ;-)

  3. The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo on BBC mint!!!!

  4. My Asus IS the dogs knob

  5. Napoleon dynamite good skills

  6. I can't stop watching Office USA ;-) I think I love Pam ;-)

  7. **** shift, reassessment coming up

  8. not the best first half, so far on Alba but to be fair...... Hearts first was a well played goal..... Andy Shinnie for the arm band next game.... see how it goes... half hour in and Forans doing my nut in...

  9. Work ;( keep me up to date with the score the day please

  10. I can't get the Cunty game on the radio ;(

  11. Bless my nephew is taking me to see Brave in the morning but confessed he had all ready seen it, however he didn't want me going by myself ;-) (and he does like the Nachos ;-)

  12. I won't be wasting my time or money on Battleship fact

  13. QIXL why not ;-)

  14. Ahhh poop, got an appointment in Elgin this afternoon ;( best get up then ;( day off fail

  15. Fother Mucking bin lorry.... ;-(

  16. **** off heat some of us don't like you!!!!!

  17. Just watched Expendables... Was good

  18. Today is the day I no longer go by the name J84****14 Cpl Noble GS.... It's been emotional folks.xx

  19. How much carbon does hydro dams produce??? Hummm

  20. Barclays Premier league invites please ;-)

  21. Season five Office USA done ;)

  22. Minion.... Code

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