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03: Full Members
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Status Updates posted by Georgeios

  1. Did I ever tell you about this one time me ans 299 of my mates went to Greece???? It was Legendary..... True story...

  2. Power cut, brilliant ;(

  3. Cooooooollllleeeeee

  4. So let me get this straight, your not allowed to have a brew and a smoke just after your shift starts, can't have your mobile on the shop floor, can't go for a brew when you want, can't phone your mates when you want, no breaks for four hours and kinky get discount after three months ;( Ooft what have I done...... ;-)

  5. First proper shift today boom!!!!

  6. Man cold boooooo

  7. How gay........ I'm thinking ice cream and film ;-/

  8. Bored out my tiny mind, home, mums in the Games room watching tv so no Xbox for me, dads painting so the house stinks n I've nothing to do.........

  9. Customer Care in Matalan Boom!! Induction Tuesday...

  10. I love the Carpet, I love the desk, I love lamp....

  11. Well I have a busy day ahead, more form filling followed by a trip to the post office and hair cut topped off with revision for tomorrows interview ;-)

  12. That's my boy away ;-(

  13. Walk to the park for a play ;-)

  14. Last nigh with my boy, think I'll be weird n stay up n annoy him...

  15. I wonder how many folk went to work today that didn't mean to ;-) hummm I wonder why the trains so empty..... Fail

  16. His eyes are like pools if fire, his terrible whiskers are tougher as wire ....

  17. PlayZone boom!!

  18. Massive thank you for this morning at VUE with

  19. Kids tv at 0430 is really not good. Got my boy however ;)

  20. My boys on his way ;-)

  21. oooooo system update, ICS yes please :-)

  22. Fact..... You learn something new every day OMFG!!!!! ;-)

  23. That trainee physio at the center is not very nice ;-( I am sweating buckets and sore ;-) more tmrw... Shower time again ;-)

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