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Status Updates posted by Georgeios

  1. Day off tmrw.... Hummmmm

  2. For the first time ever I seem to have developed the SAC glass back, for years I thought.... Achh man up.... Ooft it's like man flu, it's bad ;(

  3. Might go see Spiderman today ;)

  4. I'm digging reading a status the makes you say lol

  5. Batman....... Good, that is all

  6. Google.co.uk is like a typical lady...... Starts suggesting **** before you even finish your sentence ;-/

  7. Leaving drinks...... Why Not ;-)

  8. Got a long few days best go to sleep ;-)

  9. Reet, Elgin for a friendly then who kens... Ya ken ;)

  10. I'd rather live in a box than send anymore of my life in this ****ing hell hole ;( I had to bin a whole large gingerbread latti because I knew I'd need to wait an age to be approached by a very horrible woman kicking off that YOU CAN'T TAKE THAT IN HERE!!!! Politely said I've an appointment at 12 n will be kept waiting for an hour at least for her to then tell me to get out ...... What a horrible ****!!!!

  11. Ooft ;/ I'm writing a letter of complaint..... The Dyson ball cleaner is not!!!!!

  12. Start at 1300, I mean 1. I'm up already BOOOOOOO

  13. Does have a recommendation for a letting agent I'm after a place to live.....

  14. Some folk grip my **** ;(

  15. Council office makes you relies your better than them, sitting here I need a pint n a pick me up .......

  16. That's my boy away ;( all I've left is MineCraft for the next few weeks ;(

  17. Dominoes..... Why not ;-)

  18. So work this morning, Costa and roll for lunch, dropped of my prescription at the chemists (thank you Helen) and now chill before I'm back at 1630 for more work ;-( Civvy street sucks ass.....

  19. Ahhh Love is a mother ****er eh....

  20. Working on my own today ;-/

  21. When Woolworths went bust in Inverness did Poundland keep all the staff from Woolies??

  22. Hummmmm what to do ;-)

  23. Second day and I was called into the boss's office and given a warning for discrimination."I'm sorry," I grovelled. "It won't happen again.""Well, you live and you learn," said my boss."That's true," I replied. "Unless you're a retard."

  24. MineCraft afternoon....

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