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Posts posted by bdu98196

  1. Do shirt numbers mean much anymore in football, when you have players like Hooper with 88 and Skacel 51 on their shirts. I'm sure TB is more of a traditionalist in terms of aligning numbers to the first 11 and posssible positions. Wonder what numbers we may see at other clubs this year?

  2. Surely all that does is get him a trail somewhere, he still had to perform to get signed up and any team would have at least checked out his claims if they were unsure especially having International Caps?


    Pepper, Meekings, Golobart, all hadnt played a first team game upon joining us



    Pepper has yet to establish himself in our team at SPL level and Meekings/Golobart were both physically a lot stronger which is one of the key attributes for SPL success.


    While I agree with many comments the main issue with PR was his attitude in games, he never looked to motivated or interested, I think he has the ability but the pace of the Scottish game and where physicality is a more sought after attribute than skill and technique means its always going to be hard for that type of player - look at GMS or Ryan Jack they get kicked for 90 mins a game, although perhaps they are mentally stronger and can deal with that or used to it through the Scottish youth system.


    Roberts may yet make it to a high level, look at the likes of Pennant (ignore his off-field issues and attitude problems) he was released by Arsenal yet has still played at a high level in England & Europe.

    • Agree 1
  4. Push for Top 6 minimum, although I see Dons & DUtd being stronger this season that for several years, Well will be weaker but still good enough for top 6 along with Celtic winning the League. I think along with County & St J we will be fighting over those last 2 places, but hoping the experience of players last year and a few new gems we could punch above our weight yet again. Really dont see us struggling at the bottom thankfully, Hearts with their issues, , Midden & Kille both losing a lot f players, Thistle and the ever woeful Hibs will all be down there IMO.


    At least 1 good cup run (by good I mean another semi final) but to at least make the QF in both. Personally I would trade Top 6 for a cup final.

  5. The festive fixtures have not been kind at all home to Dons, away to Thistle, home against Celtic, the derby then away to Motherwell.


    They have obviously constructed it so that we play County just before the split too incase its a meaningful game.


    When's the TV schedules announced so we can work out kick-off times and days?

  6. ^ Don't need to wait for the fans, seen last night on TV Archie MacPherson ranting that all the 'little' clubs only have themselves to blame for booting out Rangers from the SPL and if the same now happens with Hearts every club in the SPL is doomed. Then he was asked about whether he felt that sporting integrity and fiar play was important to be upheld in the game - his reply was 'what about the fairness of these clubs getting ousted from the SPL'.

  7. In truth, if the team is winning the fans don't care, the SFA & SPL won't care especially if the investment is making a team compete with the duopoly that is the OF, this all helps improve the profile, entertainment and sell-ability of the league and finally the board and especially the 'rich' owners definately won't care as they are mainly ego maniacs and crave to be popular. In truth, so long as its all going well nobody will consider the consequences.

  8. What I'd be keen to see in addition is how those figures stack up against how much the club spends on youth development and facilities. Can think of one or two that produce a shockingly poor return.

  9. Those that should be hit hardest by such inititives are those the authorities are too scared to punish. Why should football be any different from other walks of life, afterall this is someones place of employment so why should any descriminatory behaviour be tollerated, its not in the employers of everyone on here.

  10. Can't believe that Humphrey has chosen PNE


    TBH, its refershing to see an SPL player turn down the Orcs and playing in SFL2 when they are interested, afterall no matter how many times Bell, Daley etc say its because its the chance to play for a big club, what they really mean is 'we are getting big wages to play against builders, plumbers & candle stick makers'.

    • Agree 1
  11. Over the course of the season his interest seemed to drop and even during the cup semi he failed to rise to the occasion, the penalty miss affected him I think. The way some fans turned on him he may not want to come back though, but after being booted from Arsenal this may be the wake up call that he isnt as good as he thinks, perhaps that was his problem with us he felt he always had something bigger and better to go back to?


    I would take him back though if he was committed and I trust in TB to kick his arse when needed, although the club will know more about his attitude and whether they show interest will be an indication of what they think.

  12. Did you see the warm welcome he's getting? "F*ck off Lomas" banner hanging on the fence around Millwall's stadium yesterday, presumably because of his West Ham affiliations.


    Ah, Milwall fans - no wonder they have a reputation for being so friendly. I'm sure there was an article somewhere recently and it basically summed up that no matter how good the players are or who is in charge they always get abuse from the fans, whether winning or loosing. Truely a horrid club.

  13. Ach it gives us something to talk about during the close season! Kingsmills you'll have to suggest alternative topics to discuss.


    If we dont talk about the merger or wanting to sack the manager - its going to be a long break............




    Butcher out!!! :stir:

  14. The lack of Scottish players in our squad is deeply worrying and before I get accused of being a County fan yet again I include County's squad as well

    Ok it maybe reflects the state of Scottish football but ourselves and County should be concentrating on signing home grown players primarily with the odd Jonny foreigner thrown in and not the other way about



    How can we do this?


    1) Good young players are being picked up by lower league English teams and offered many times the salary we can offer - if someone offers you 2,3,4 times your salary would you not consider moving?

    2) All lower league chairmen look at their young players as assets and want to cash in, and sadly we have no cash to buy so again its off to Englandshire.

    3) There is a perception in Scotland (even more than elsewhere in the uk) that Inverness is the back of nowhere and players just dont want to move up here based on geography and would rather stay central belt or go down south

    4) We dont want to be paying high salaries to journeymen Scots just to fill the numbers, when we can sign young, developing talent for less from elsewhere.

    • Agree 1
  15. Those that are good enough to enhance the squad we couldnt afford, the others a lot are journeymen and we already have better IMO.


    Higdon and a few of the well guys, Rae, Webster, Zaliukas, Wortherspoon, M.Davidson, Tuffey, McGowan are the only ones who would really be worth serious consideration and could improve the squad.

  16. Andy Shinnie is a great player and did deserve international recognition. But he doesnt really come to mind when you think of scotla ds finest

    With the current crop can we consider any as 'Scotlands finest'? Has to be as good as any other options we have just now.

  17. On the face of it, that's a really uninspiring list of names when you look at the low level they have all been playing at and their general lack of experience.


    Agree, although we are never going to be in a position to have inspiring names - maybe linked but not realistic targets sadly. While I'd like to see some good young players from the SFL or other SPL clubs, sadly it looks like Rangers are now trying to sign them all up so they will always move for money rather than SPL football :(


    I see the Dons are in talks with John Sutton, could be a good partner for Billy IMO

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