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Posts posted by bauhaus

  1. Caley D you obvoiusly dont go to the West t bar often, the queue there can be ridiculous too. Saturdays queue was past the exit gates, most gave up as the second half started, and they had run out of warm pies too. Watered down drinks, weak tea and bovril, no black coffee!! Sorry but its CRUD. Get the Macdougall Hastie van here and give the fans what we deserve. We getting quality on the park now, took Tel a wee while but he's got there. Now up to admin to look after the fans

  2. extra coaches would be needed as Charlie already takes the 17s, and does most of the trips away abroad with the club. Think they are in Italy this week with the 14s or 15s. Scotty, Dingers, 10CC, Fiona, Duncan Shearer are all capable. But when we had the 19s we had to get rid of some coaches when they stopped - Gary McSwegan! was one

  3. Its MacDougall and Hastie who make the best pies in the UK football stadiums. They are the champions and the best all round pies. However if they pies we are getting are the runners up as we are led to believe, no wonder MacDougal and Hastie won.

    I would not mind the cost being the same extortionate rate at the moment IF they used our own local butchers best.


  4. There are ifs attached to this one, if we can afford it still in the SFL, or if we go up.

    Is there anyone you would like to see at ICT to coach the 19s. Personally I would love to have Barry Wilson and Robert Mann coaching, and I think they would both jump at the chance.

  5. Yes was better, louder and clearer yesterday. He did try to anticipate the crowds reaction to other scores, but unfortunately County and Dee winning didnt get a tremendous cheer as you would expect. Seems to have taken more happy pills than the last chap, but it would be good for them to know how to pronounce players names beforehand, Fairy Gattuso!!

    Please please please cut down the Rod Stewart, just because he is coming to TCS, it doesnt mean we need to hear it all the time. My season ticket might get thrown if it continues. ONE rod song only please. If it persists I will have to get Bauhaus to come out of retirement or something, Queens of the Stone Age, Muse, Interpol, Radiohead, PJ Harvey, just anything but.

    Hope they dont get other sados to play at the stadium, ITS EMBARRASING, but suppose we need the money

  6. Rossco, Rooney and I also think Sanchez would be better in SPL

    And then you have sound basis from which to start. Would definately need cover for Goly. Couple of Raith players caught the eye yesterday, and maaybe we could offer Griffiths a roll at what would be an SPL club

  7. Raith were seemingly our easiest game in the run in. Sorry scottish cup semi finalists dont get their by being poor. Certainly they didnt play like they are battling the play off place, but was it a wake up call for them to realise they are in the play off mix, sure they have games in hand but you can easy loose games in hand. Now we have Morton, in a similar position, then Queens trying to prove a point, The Pars who have been hot and cold, Ayr - battling play offs, and finally Dumdee.

    It looked like we thought we had won it today and they took the foot of the gas. Lucky we were able to get ourselves back out of it, and I think the players reaction to Richie's sublime skill and vision said everything. They thought they had blown it after the hard work of getting a 4 point lead.

    We are top of the league, that means every team we play will want to be the ones who break our egg. They will raise their game, run harder, and try to smother our passing and width.

    We have had our warning, lets not let it happen again. Every game now should be played like our life depends on it.

    PS wouldnt mind seeing some of their players at TCS next season

  8. we have a tendancy to knock players in this fair land, no matter how good or bad they are.

    We have a core of players THIS season who we have relied upon, maybe not all season but in parts. Esson, Munro, Goly, Rossco, Bambi, Nauris, Cox, Russeldinho, Hayes, ROOOOney, Danni, Eric and Foran being the main culprits. ( sorry if I left anyone out, but i said core )

    But does anyone have any stats on who has been our saving grace, ie blocked tackles, goal line clearances, and creating goals. Not always the player who has the MOTM. tHEY HAVE ALL HAD MAJOR CONTRIBUTIONS.

    And please nae SLAGGING, PRAISE ONLY

  9. for five flipping minutes folks. Both have skill, and BOTH have scored a few telling goals this season, but hey both are not built like the proverbial brick quasi. This is not there forteigh, Eric is a machine, slick and built for speed, pulling defences from side to side and creating a diversion for others. Sanchez is not built for speed, but possesses more natural skill, and when on his game creates a lot for others through passing. So two different styles. Remember Eric was out for a long time, Danni seems to have gone off the boil just for now. but I would rather them compared to some of the other numpties other teams have in this league.

  10. just to support Stratford today, knowing he was Duncans fill in, he too had a good game at what he does, but he doesnt do what Russeldinho does. Two completely different players. Strats is a perfectly good player, but doesnt play the same rol as Duncan. Team would need slightly different tactics for Strats to shine, but dont think he put a foot wrong

  11. Winning without playing, is becoming a possibility this season. The backlog of games county have may well mean that when they do a Rangers from a few seasons back and play 5 games in 10 or 11 days they will run out of steam, and that will most likely happen when we are not playing. Would rather be there at the moment they burn the effegese of Falkirk, especially as I have said before if Rossco scores that priceless goal.

    Wont feel the same then celebrating in front of 30 Dee fans.

  12. Any one taken notice further down the league recently. I know our attention has been at the other end, but 3 teams are involved in the scrap to avoid the play off place. Raith, Morton and Ayr - all of which we still have to play. It aint going to be easy, as they will be fighting for every ball.

    Tactic must be to go at them at 100mph from the start, get down the wings, and flood their box with crosses and shots. But not committing too much forward on the defensive side. All 3 of these teams will be looking to defend against us, and hit on the break. So we will need to out muscle them, out smart them, out pace them, and out score them. Dont care if we will by a crappy own goal, its just ensuring our undoubted confidence is more valuable than their determination.

  13. Those around me with better visual cordination suggested he was dealt what they call a " clothes line " in wrestling terms. Retribution from a C*unty player for being better than them!

  14. I landed on the seat infront of me last night, with my knees and fell into the older than me gentlemen in front of me just around a second after Richie Foran hit the net with our first. Couldnt jump around at Erics goal as was still really feeling the effects of the first. That chair back is solid when you land on it, but it did not break. Have a purple line across each knee now to prove the point, and as my job invovles me kneeling all the time, it was a constant reminder all day long of such a momentous moment, but my god I will treasure the memory.

    Should have a standing area, its safer than sitting

  15. referees union. he was told not to let the north team get into the SPL. Strange night, its usually us on the receiving end.

    Mind you didnt c*unty have a homer ref at the last game two weeks ago. Duncan booked for a brilliant tackle in the first minute. Golabek booked for trying to pull down Barrowman ( i think ) but no action for the rugby tackle on Hayes ten seconds later.

    Someone took away his toys

  16. still fear the beaks who might find a way of stopping the SPL clubs coming all the way up to the TCS. Seriously its only us to fear, if we do a Dundee and believe its ours already. One bad result and the doubts come in

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