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Charles Bannerman

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Everything posted by Charles Bannerman

  1. I meant that the guy from Oasis's wife looks like a cleaning lady... not Scott Paterson - in fact I don't even know if he's married.
  2. For goodness sake, this speculation about a black hole is complete rubbish.... like suggesting that a drop of water on your thumb will drown you. It's either the creation of some red top tabloids who know exactly how gullible and cerebrally challenged most of their readers are... or a complete myth put out on the quiet by the CERN people themselves who are laughing like drains about the mass of publicity it has generated for their project.
  3. Is that not the guy that looks like the chap from Oasis whose wife looks like a cleaning lady?
  4. Wick estimate that this trip could cost them up to ?4000. However they do have the appearance money, an SFA travel grant and their share of the gate money to offset it. I would imagine it's not physically possible to travel much further on mainland Scotland. In general the north teams do have a huge amount of travelling (Golspie are lucky their draw is at home!) However the most colurful sounding tie has to be "Clachnacuddin versus Burntisland Shipyard Amateur."!
  5. Are you sure you're not talking about Ryanair?
  6. Loved his speech in Beijing when London took over as Olympic City. "And I would say to the Chinese... Ping Pong's coming home!"
  7. What a BB stalwart Peter Home was! One of the legends alongside Scoobies, Jackie Sutherland and Bill MacDonald.
  8. The young whippersnapper Bannerman is also of the pillbox generation!
  9. Dead right he would if Faldo had had the nerve to picked such an an overweight, out of shape species with 44DD Manboobs! I think it's a complete disgrace that this Billy Bunter character should have made millions out of an activity in whose classification as a sport he must create significant doubt. If he's worried about his game, he shoud go on a diet.
  10. Charles - are Radio Scotland doing a through the window feature tomorrow evening?? Yes... 10:30 to 00:30. 810 medium wave.
  11. oh aye! thanks! :thumb04: Either that or it was Basil Fawlty fresh from dealing with his German guests!
  12. I suspect it may be that lad holding the cup on the left hand side of all your posts!
  13. Wouldn't have thought so. There's already one track in Inverness which the operators seem to find difficult enough to maintain and lack of density of usage has been quoted as one reason (excuse?) for the investment not being made. There's certainly no need for a second one. On the other hand, if Inverness Leisure, who operate the track, wanted to convert the present Queens Park into another use with a new track as part of a new centre, then at least there would be the benefit for track users of no longer having Inverness Leisure as their "landlords" which in my view has not been a happy experience since they took the facility over from Highland Council. The other side of that, though, is that the loss of the track in its present location to other activities is bad enough and this would become a much bigger problem if it was round the city's main football pitch. However I think the reality here is that the Courier were looking a fresh line on the accounts story since everybody else had already had it and on pressing George they got a "I would never say never" out of him on the Bught. In practice, and I'm sure George is aware of this, I don't see the Bught being able to accommodate anything major like this until the TLR link to Holm Mains is complete. even with the Sports Centre, Glenurquhart Road is chaotic with traffic and an alternative access would have to be there first.
  14. IHE... this was RADIO... the medium for which you have a perfect body! It went quite well actually - ended up running for almost 20 minutes.
  15. For information, BBC Radio Scotland (in the Highlands and Islands only) will be broadcasting a feature item of about 12 minutes duration on Caley Thistle on the "Highland Cafe" programme at 1:15 tomorrow (Fri). The item will look more at ICT's impact on the Inverness community and at financial issues than the playing side and the studio guests will be supporters' spokesperson Mairi MacLean, David Sutherland (of Tullochs, not the Supporters' Trust), Jim Traynor and myself. Although only available live in the Highlands and Islands, I would imagine that there must be some kind of internet availability as well. The live version is on the 92-95FM frequency range which is 94.0 in the Inverness area.
  16. I would agree with Alex's post in all respects except that it wouldn't be English "bias"... they quite simply have a far greater number of good players (but for some reason can't translate that into international success in existing competitions.)
  17. This fuss has all blown up because politicians have once again tried to jump on the bandwagon of sport. Let's face it, the whole lot of them are only interested in their own political aims and couldn't give a toss about the Olympics etc. This is just Big Gordy trying to look like Mr. GB and Wee Alec looking for another excuse to pick a fight with the English. In any case, this is a complete non issue. Football as a sport is a law unto itself simply because of its worldwide size and as such is completely irrelevant to the Olympics and doesn't care about them. The Olympic football competition has always been a joke and whether or not Britain competes in it is really a side issue. I just don't know what the fuss is all about, except perhaps that Scotland etc always get extremely twitchy when their anomalous and privileged positions of places at the FIFA table without being proper sovereign nations comes under any threat. What the recent fuss is really about is that there are people in Scotland bricking it that Scotland has separate FIFA status whereas the likes of Bavaria, Brittany, California don't and this fuss will draw attention to that. They're just trying to keep their heads down. A Scottish Olympic team, apart from being a complete non starter under IOC rules which restrict membership to proper sovereign nations, is a complete nonsense because there simply isn't the talent here and certainly not the facilities. Why not believe the people, like Chris Hoy, who have been there, done it and have the Team GB teeshirt?
  18. You obviously don't listen to the BBC then!
  19. I bet the wee boy between the Officer and the kilty man got bullied a bit at school! :thumb04: On the other hand with a bunch of heavies from the 4th Company as minders, he might have been OK
  20. Do you know something that I don't? Is he lining up for County against Charlie in the Legends' game at half time?
  21. And didn't The Comic Strip in the mid 80s take the rip out of them wonderfully?! (But you have of course to remember that these were superior Upper Middle Class abandoned children... not Chavs! )
  22. Just for information, the BBC will have four reporters at the Caledonian Stadium for the Hamilton game tomorrow. I don't know what the arrangements for the Disapora are, but within the UK the arrangements are as follows.... 92-95FM (94.0 in the immediate Inverness area) - full match commentary from Scott Davie with summaries from ex Caley Thistle manager John Robertson. This is only available in the Highlands and Islands within the area served by the Inverness local news bulletins during the week. 103.5-105FM (104.9 around Inverness) - Open all Mics from grounds across the land, including Jim Spence at the Caledonian Stadium, which will bring the highlights as they happen to the whole of Scotland. TV - BBC1 Scotland - 4:30 to full time. Updates and a full time report from me in a revamped Sportscene programme which will have more match coverage than before. As far as I understand this is the kind of "during the game" coverage which will be the norm for the coming season. The aforementioned Disaporate are, however, effectively in the hands of the opposing clubs (if I understand Scotty's previous drift properly.) Enjoy.
  23. Teaching today eh Charles? Not until next week but in any case my subject is Chemistry! :thumb04:
  24. 5th stand has an interesting take on late 17th Century Scottish history!
  25. Watching the Olympics this morning, I witnessed a meaningful metaphor for the noble resistance of an oppressed people to an aggressive assailant and, four decades on, a memoir of the Czech basketball team in Mexico City which defeated the Soviet Union in the aftermath of the Soviet repression of the 1968 Prague Spring. On the other hand I could say instead it was magic to see these two really fit Russian birds in bikinis getting beat at Beach Volleyball by two even fitter looking birds from Georgia.
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