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Everything posted by forresdame

  1. forresdame


    Me too, still wondering if I'm too old for bebo. If you really want to you will find me under forresdame...
  2. Huh, just about! Was still wet when arrived home at 9.00pm, not a comfortable journey, but at least the Pars fans were not singing on the way back...
  3. Just saw the Courier online and there I am! Hi Mee and themann4thejob, nice to have met you.
  4. On a similar subject..... ... This will make you feel little again!! Close your eyes and go back in time... Before the Internet or the Apple Mac. Before semi-automatics, joy-riders and crack.... Before SEGA or Super Nintendo... Way back........ I'm talking about Hide and Seek in the park. The corner shop. Hopscotch. Butterscotch. Skipping. Handstands. Football with an old can. Fingerbob. Beano, Dandy, Buster, Twinkle and Dennis the Menace. Roly Poly. Hula Hoops, jumping the stream, building dams. The smell of the sun and fresh cut grass. Bazooka Joe bubble gum. An ice cream cone on a warm summer night from the van that plays a tune Chocolate or vanilla or strawberry or maybe Neapolitan or perhaps a screwball Wait...... Watching Saturday morning cartoons....short commercials, The Double Deckers, Road Runner, He-Man, Zeebedee, Tiswas or Swapshop?, and 'Why Don't You'? - or staying up for Doctor Who. When around the corner seemed far away and going into town seemed like going somewhere. Earwigs, wasps, stinging nettles and bee stings. Sticky fingers. Cops and Robbers, Cowboys and Indians, and Zorro. Climbing trees. Building igloos out of snow banks. Walking to school, no matter what the weather. Running till you were out of breath, laughing so hard that your stomach hurt. Jumping on the bed. Pillow fights. Spinning around, getting dizzy and falling down was cause for giggles. Being tired from playing....remember that? The worst embarrassment was being picked last for a team. Water balloons were the ultimate weapon Football cards in the spokes transformed any bike into a motorcycle. Choppers and Grifters I'm not finished just yet..... Eating raw jelly. Orange squash ice pops. Remember when... There were two types of trainers - girls and boys, and Dunlop Green Flash - and the only time you wore them at school was for P.E. You knew everyone in your street - and so did your parents. It wasn't odd to have two or three "best" friends. You didn't sleep a wink on Christmas eve. When nobody owned a pure-bred dog. When 25p was decent pocket money When you'd reach into a muddy gutter for a penny. When nearly everyone's mum was at home when the kids got there. It was magic when dad would "remove" his thumb. When it was considered a great privilege to be taken out to dinner at a real restaurant with your parents. When any parent could discipline any kid, or feed him, or use him to carry groceries and nobody, not even the kid, thought a thing of it. When being sent to the head's office was nothing compared to the fate that awaited a misbehaving student at home. Basically, we were in fear for our lives but it wasn't because of drive-by shootings, drugs, gangs etc. Parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat! - and some of us are still afraid of them!! Didn't that feel good? Just to go back and say, Yeah, I remember that! Remember when.... Decisions were made by going " Ip Dip Dog S ** t " "Race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest. Money issues were handled by whoever was the banker in "Monopoly". The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was germs. And the worst thing in your day was having to sit next to one. It was unbelievable that 'British Bulldog ' wasn't an Olympic event. Having a weapon in school, meant being caught with a catapult. Nobody was prettier than Mum. Scrapes and bruises were kissed and made better. Taking drugs meant orange-flavoured chewable aspirin. Ice cream was considered a basic food group Getting a foot of snow was a dream come true Older siblings were the worst tormentors, but also the fiercest protectors If you can remember most or all of these, then you have LIVED. Pass this on to anyone who may need a break from their "grown up" life... I DOUBLE-DARE YOU!!!
  5. I was in section A throughout yesterday. I couldn't see clearly what went on as I was sat near the front for the first half and only moved to the singing section for the second half. I saw one guy getting removed in the first half, swiftly followed by his mate who I think was protesting at the injustice of it, then in the second half they were making a huge fuss about people standing and they removed someone else. I think the singing was great but the stewarding was insane. Shame about the rain - was still wet when I got back to Aberdeen at 8.45pm!
  6. I'm going to come and join you on the grounds that if I don't I will just regret it ..... plus it sounds like FUN!!! I'll be on my own unfortunately, as I've met very few of you. I'm probably not very qualified to comment as this is my 1st season actually coming to games but I too have been stunned by the lack of home crowd response. I may not be an expert on the game, I may not be an Invernessian, I may not know all the words even, but I'm quite willing to stand up and be counted when it comes to making a racket and coming even close to drowning out the away support! Hope the sun shines and we pack out the singing section! :015:
  7. Anyone travelling by train from Inverness or Aberdeen should be aware that there are engineering works this weekend, I'm having to go via Edinburgh from Aberdeen! Details on National rail website.
  8. I was planning on heading down there, is anyone else actually going? Don't want to be alone with the sheep!
  9. I managed a shop in Aberdeen until last week, currently signed off. Looking for gainful employment preferably in a different direction - 13 years in retail was 13 too many. Good having Saturdays free though, off to Falkirk on Saturday.
  10. Do I need to get to Tannadice by any particular time to buy a ticket on the gate? Still thinking of going, don't know if I will make the pub though, not sure if I can face walking into a strange bar on my own, not in Dundee anyway! :009:
  11. RossP, I was thinking of going too, but never been to Tannadice either. Be on my own if you fancy the company?
  12. Boys Even though I'm too young to remember them!
  13. Just thought I would share this... :015: Subject: Modern Maths paper 2007 Hope you can do this paper. SCOTTISH MODERN MATHEMATICS PAPER 2007 DRAFT HIGHER GRADE MODERN MATHEMATICS PAPER 2007 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL GLASGOW REGION Name........................................... Nickname...................................... Gangname.................................... 1. Shuggie has bought half a kilo of cocaine to sell. He wants to make 300% on the deal and still pay Mad Malky his 10% protection money. How much must he charge for a gram? 2. Wee Davie reckons he'll get £42.50 extra Marriage Allowance a week if he ties the knot with Fat Alice. Even if he steals the ring, the wedding will cost him £587. And he'll have to start buying two fish suppers at £3.95 each every night instead of one. How long will it be before Davie wishes he'd stayed single? 3. When Rangers play Celtic, their fans sing The Sash every 10 minutes when they're winning and every 15 minutes when they're losing. How many times did they sing it at last season's Cup Final? 4. Joey and Davie stole a 1999 green Toyota 1600GL with 35,000 on the clock - and got a grand for it. How much more would they have got if it had been metallic silver, done 29,000 miles and had low profile tyres? 5. Jake the Flake and Fingers got grassed up for dealing speed.The Flake got 18 months but Fingers got 3 years. How many more previous convictions did Fingers have? EXTRA CREDIT: Who was Fingers' Brief? EDINBURGH / BORDERS REGION Name.......................................... Rugby Club.................................. Daddy's Company......................... 1. Gavin has a spare ticket for Julian Clary at The Festival Fringe. But Benji and Adrian BOTH want to go with him. How long does he cry before giving them the tickets? 2. Half of Peter's friends say that they went to school with Ewan McGregor. Another third say they were Gordon Brown's flatmate at University. A sixth say that their dad played rugby with Tony Blair's dad and the rest say Sean Connery was their milkman. Only one is telling the truth, so how many friends does Peter have? 3. Todd wants to be a lawyer, but is as thick as Edinburgh Castle. His daddy is a Freemason and a QC. How long before Todd becomes the Lord Advocate? 4. Tamsin's Personal Trainer charges £250 a week, but has sex with her whenever she wants it. Jasmin's Life Coach charges £50 a week but has refused all sexual advances. Which one of the women weighs 19 stone? 5. Princes Street is 2467 yards long. On average, there is someone begging for money every 195 yards. You walk at 3.1 miles an hour. How long will it take if you tell them all to sod off and work for a living? HIGHLANDS REGION Name.................................. Glen.................................... Clan ................................ 1. After Hector's death, Archie has to pay Death Duty on Glenbogle. With 25,000 acres, Archie must pay £1.76 for the first 15,000acres and 90p per acre for the remainder, including VAT. How many people actually give a toss? 2. An Afro-American called Zachary Obisanjo Kokobobo asks a Tartan Shop in Inverness if he has any Scottish Geneaology. How long does it take to flog him full Highland dress and matching kilts for his wife and 10 kids? 3. If an Aberdeen supporter laid every sheep in Grampian Region end to end, how many people would be surprised? 4. If you caught a Loch Ness Monster 115 feet long and each foot weighed 27lbs, how much money would you make by selling your exclusive story and pictures? Sorry, question 5 has been delayed by heavy snowfall and will be here as soon as the Cockbridge - Tomintoul road re-opens in the spring!
  14. The Proclaimers The Jesus and Mary Chain Big Country Goodbye Mr Mackenzie The Shop Assistants! Anyone else remember them???
  15. Well you shouldn't have gone into town afterwards. :015: Good to meet some of you, put faces to names etc, I enjoyed myself too, in spite of the result. Evening Express as biased as usual today :008: Sour grapes.
  16. Take it you won't be joining us then?
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