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Posts posted by jaggie1994

  1. First Oasis break up, now this. :(

    Get Robbo and Pele back in the dugout.

    Yep. Possibly one of the worst days of my life(so far).

    Performance was diabolical and it wasnt helped by a gypo ref!

    You can hardly blame the ref for this defeat, we would have been humped no matter who was reffing the game today. all the blame is at the players and the players alone

    They were an embarrassment today and need to get it sorted. How many times do we have to see Rooney run through on goal and completly **** it up

  2. He was **** today but I dont think we should still give him a chance. Everybody was crap today and their was no need for the fans to start booing everytime he got the ball. We are supposed to be trying to give him confidence when he is playing badly not ******* jump on his back and pretty much tell hime to **** off.

    We did that about the whole team today. It was all negativity from the people in the Main Stand in was a disgrace. They need to get themselves sorted out. I cant stand sitting next to them anymore. I am going to move to the North Stand were hopefully it will be better

  3. working tommorrow 8-12 then heading straight to sneck from work,pick up a few things at b+q then of to the game on bus from bus station,whats time departure 2.15? and how much is it? never used it b4

    Surely you can walk from B&Q?

    never thought on that as needed stuff in the town also so was planning parking at rose street car park

    Go to town first and then walk from B&Q would be much easier and it is free

  4. I liked how he said we were the definite favourites to win the League too....what about that wee team in Dundee?

    Mind games eh! Is that yer game!!! :lol:

    Mrs PB

    I think Butcher said in an interview that he was glad to see Adams had learnt a few things since he has become manager when he was asked about that comment

  5. This is a request I have for saturday. You can completly ignore it if you like but I thought I should ask anyway

    I was hoping that when the teams came out that you dont play any songs and just leave it for the fans because that is when we seem to make the most noise.

    We always get a couple of songs in as the teams come out but they will not get heard by the team if we have a song being played and to be honest I would much rather hear our own fans sing a song than the speakers

  6. BTW, for those interested, Albion Rovers had 25 fans there and I believe I can get the attendance split for future games.

    and they still made more noise than us :024:

    I think youll find every team will make more noise than us this season :(

    At home anyway. Think we'll have good voice at away games though

    I only meant at home. We are so much better away as is everyteam

    Dundee should have a brilliant home suport though. They have a bar in the stadium that you dont need to pay ?100 to get into. It was good for a pint before the game on saturday

  7. BTW, for those interested, Albion Rovers had 25 fans there and I believe I can get the attendance split for future games.

    and they still made more noise than us :024:

    I think youll find every team will make more noise than us this season :(

  8. Match report Attendence 681

    a lot more than 681 there

    I didnt arrive to the ground to 8:05 so when i came in i still paid to get in but i know for a fact there was people coming in 10 mins after me for free (as one was sitting beside me) so I would imagine thats why i looked like there was more than 681 there

    Double that attendance. For these sort of cup games I double what the offical attendance was to get the real attendance

    Clubs always put lower attendances out in cup games becuase they have to share the gate receipts 50:50 with the away team. So giving a lower attendance than what really was their is a way of making a bit more money

    Anyway back on topic it will be the same team the started against Dundee. We played really well so I dont see why we should change it

    I do understand what people are saying about Eagle though. I have not be impressed with him but I still think he should start as we are not losing the games and if it's not brok dont fix it

  9. There will ba a supporters bus to the County game. There always used to be the last time we were in the First Division I dont see why it would be different this time

    It was a crappy double decker to try and fit more people onto it so it might be the same again

  10. This is probably the wrong thread to bring it up in but did Djebi Zadi not use to play for County?

    If so we need to be singing:

    He's Here

    He's There

    He's Every ******* where

    Djebi Zadi

    Djebi Zadi

    every time he gets the ball or makes a tackle

  11. I dont get the "[insert score here] in your cup final" :blink:

    I'm guessing he means since the caley games will be the biggest game of many county fans season then they will view it as their proverbial "cup final".

    Hmm doesnt make to much sense as the games against County will be among the biggest games of the season for us to! Unless we have a league decider but then still the county games are bigger than all the rest

    Come off it.. we've just dropped a division... they've been dreaming of this day for the last 5 years.

    Yeah but by droping a division it makes this game one of the biggest of the season for us. Seems a bit odd trying to pretend that its only a big game for county and that we dont view it as a big important game, because by the anticipation for it on this site we obviously do. Im sure lot of people are looking forward to this and more excited about this game than they were about the Dundee game last week. I know I am.

    I agree with you their I have been looking forward to this game ever since the fixture list came out. The only fixture that could be bigger than this is the one that will win us the league unless we have a brilliant cup run.

    I really hope that the home fans will get right behind the team and make some noise for a change this is the one game that we really need to do it as well

  12. He's doing down

    He's going down

    He's going

    Vigurs going down

    Brewster get to ****

    Brewster, Brewster get to ****

    County fans go on about us being arrogant etc so we need loads of arrogant chants if we are winning.

    If we win by more than three goals to nil (big if):

    [insert score here] in your cup final

    [insert score here] in your cup final

    [insert score here] in your cup final

    [insert score here] in your cup final

    We are unbeatable

    We are unbeatable

    We are unbeatable

    etc etc

    If we are losing none of this 'you only sing when you're winning' pish, it's cringeworthy.

    I dont really understand some of these songs. Why would we be singing Vigurs is going down? and what is the crack with in "[insert score here] in your cup final" one all about it makes no sense

  13. All of them are my favourite to be honest:

    Who put the O and the Y in County

    If you want to go to heaven when you die,

    You must wear a Caley Shirt and Caley Tie

    You must wear a Caley bonnet with **** the County on it

    If you want to go to heaven when you die

    If you cannae do the bouncy your from Dingwall,

    If you cannae do the bouncy ur from Dingwall,

    If you cannae do the bouncy

    cannae do the bouncy

    If u canny do the bouncy ur from Dingwall,


    A Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy,

    Bouncy on a gypsy's head,

    A Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy til the gypsys dead

    (accompanied by bouncing)

    In your County Slums,

    In your County Slums,

    You look in your bucket for something to eat,

    you find a dead rat and you think its a treat,

    In your County Slums

    In your County Slums,

    You ma's on the dole,

    Your da's in the nick

    You cant get a job cos your so ******* thick,

    In your County Slums

    In your County Slums,

    You **** on the carpet,

    You **** in the bath,

    You finger your gran cos you think its a laugh,

    In your County Slums

  14. I dont want this to sound negative but the way I word this it probably will sound negative

    As much as I enjoyed the game on Saturday and thought it was really enjoyable and from what Butcher has said it could be more of the same but for this season I would much rather see a boring 1-0 win to us rather than a spectacular 5-4 defeat as we need to get back to the SPL this year no matter what.

    On the other hand though we did play really good football and to be honest we never really got ripped apart on the counter. Yes there were one or two moments when I though oh god thats going in but you get that in every match

    As much as I would like us to be catious and get a 1-0 win I think that we can play attacking football like we did no saturday and still not concede many goals

    I just hope that at sometime in the future we dont risk 3 points for a bit of entertainment

    By the way that has nothing to do with the Dundee game as I can not think of many negative things about that game at all. For once that is my sensible side talking

  15. I was at the game yesterday and I thought it was a really good game of football (what I can remember of it)

    I thought the first half was fairly even in terms of possession but we had by far the more chances. I think Dundee only had 2 real opportunities in the first half and they took them both. On the other hand we had 4 maybe 5 chances and 2 were taken. Dani Sanchez's one was a brilliant finish. He could easily have rushed it but he stayed composed and placed it into the corner. I cant remember Cox's goal but I think it was a good finish.

    Second half was pretty end to end. We had a brilliant counter attack from a Dundee corner where Lee Cox went through on goal and Bullock make a good save. The rebound fell to Sanchez and I reckon if he hit it on target it would have been 3-2. Richie Foran had a brilliant opportunity as well but Bullock made on hell of a save.

    Dundee also had their chances. Leigh Griffiths (or however you spell it) almost won the game when he went down the left (or my right) and took it right to the six yard box where Esson made a good save. Apart from that I thought Griffiths was crap. Complete waste of money. Proctor had him in his back pocket

    I was really impressed with all of the players except Eagle. He seemed to keep wasting possession and I thought Nick Ross looked more of a threat when he came on. Hayes and Cox were outstanding.

    By the way Allison didnt come on it was Morrison, Rooney and Ross.

    Good performance and a great result to take away from Dundee. I would have taken a draw at the start of the match so I am delilghted we have got it especially after going behind twice which shows the Character of the side.

    We have found our way to goal now as well so I think it could be looking very promising. Bring on the County Game

  16. So scotland are playing the same weekend as this game. Will MM be in charge of the team? As TB will be with the scotland squad and they have a game on wednesday (9th)

    I think if the Caley game was not in Glasgow then Malpas would be taking charge but both of Scotlands games are at Hampden so Butcher will most likely be there for the game

  17. Looks like I will have to take the afternoon off work then

    What a stupid thing to say it is on a Sunday isnt it?

    If it is then that is brilliant. I am going to the Scotland game on the Saturday so I could just stay the night in Glasgow

  18. Very very easy win

    I think i was the last person in the ground since I thought it was a 7:45 kick off so strolled in when we were 1-0 up

    We were clinica with our 2nd and 3rd goals and really took our foot off the gas in the second half and just strolled through. If we needed to take our chances im fairly sure we could have

    Perfect preparation for the Dundee match

  19. The abuse getting directed to Kyle is getting shocking now and i dont see a good reason to why he is getting it

    We have a small handful of "yobs" in the stand who are just looking for a fight

    Al wager that IF, our own support turned on them in number, it would soon shut them up

    And if everyone does turn on them they wouldnt shut up and the one thing you dont want to happen is have fights amongst your own fans. Then if they do shut up and just stop going to games there will be no singing and no hope of creating a decent atmosphere at home and would ruin the one that we get away from home

    I doubt it its the whole section g who are shouting at him and wanting to fight him. If they stopped going we would have other fans that place them. Its only a handful not ALL of therm

    No its probably not the whole of section G. But Its not the whole of section G that do the singing (based on todays game) it is only the 3 or 4 rows at the back and Im fairly sure they were the ones giving the abuse to Allison

  20. If we dont go up this season the problems will be even bigger next year since we have only signed players on one yeard contracts and they will probably not want another year in the First Division. Then Butcher and Malpas willl be leaving if we dont go up as well.

    We have to do it this year or we will be in the First Division for a long time

    I think we are good enough to do it but I am under no illusions on how hard it is going to be

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