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Posts posted by jaggie1994

  1. Used to watch that all the time, being especially delighted if we were the 'featured' game. Oh how times have changed.

    If I remember rightly we hardly ever got the featured match and they only showed about 5 seconds of our games even if it was a cracker of a game

    They really hated us for some reason

  2. I dont think they do have a problem with him. I think a few of them went to school with him (Charlston Academy) and started singing it as a joke

    I may be completly wrong but that was my understanding of it

  3. jaggie1994

    ICT promote themselves as a family club, were you at the open night recently, hundreds of kids getting photo's taken with players and autographs.

    We need to get the kids in young and get them supporting their local team, it's the very future of the club that is at stake.

    You only need to watch young children playing footy in any Inverness park/street to be aware how many become default rangers/celtic fans.

    .... and you expect all these kids to grow up to be saints?

    I started watching ICT when I was 12, now older and wiser I know what to expect from going to a football match but I manage to carry the occasional sentence without cursing. I would suggest you sit in the family section/main stand or for away matches sit away from the people chanting if you are concerned with the language... and if you hve any problems in that designated area you have every right to complain. I hate the whole "family club" description of our club.. infact I believe that is the major reason that we have such a dire atmosphere at TCS, remember football club which became successful in the days gone were because of working class men... if you want something to do with your family go bowling

    Well said

    I started going to Caley Matches when i was 4 years old and Im fairly sure my dad did a fair bit of swearing at the games. I honestly dont see why people make such a big deal with swearing. You can protect your kids when they are young and they will get one hell of a shock when they are older or you can let them go to football matches and get them used to it now.

    The family section is there for a reason and please to god dont complain when people try to make a noise at TCS just becuase it has a few offensive words in it. That is what is stopping us having an atmosphere like yesterday at homes games

    Away teams would hate to have to come up here if they knew they were in for a hostile reception and we weuld win the majority of out games becuase of it and yes fans can make that big a difference on the game

  4. jaggie1994

    ICT promote themselves as a family club, were you at the open night recently, hundreds of kids getting photo's taken with players and autographs.

    We need to get the kids in young and get them supporting their local team, it's the very future of the club that is at stake.

    You only need to watch young children playing footy in any Inverness park/street to be aware how many become default rangers/celtic fans.

    No I wasnt their but that doesnt make them a family club. That is giving something back to the supporters. A way of trying to get more people to come in and watch them to give more support to the team and more importantly to make some money. Cause we do need to make as much as we can right now

    If that is what you think makes a family club does that mean Man U are a family club (well yeah cos the Glazers own them) as they did exactly the same thing yesterday for the final training session before the Community Shield

    Every club does it but it just doesnt get advertised a lot. We are just doing what every other club does and we should keep doing it as often as possible because you are right we do have to many kids running about with Celtic and Rangers tops on and we need to try and get that fixed

  5. Harry

    I have no agenda other than wanting to take my kids to football matches without having to listen to drones and drones of abusive chants aimed at people they may know and/or admire. Also tired of having to justify to my six year old son why I don't do something about it!! I am encouraged that this behaviour is now being challenged on a more regular basis and will continue to harp on about it until it stops. Just because all your body hair isn't fully in place doesn't give you the right to behave like that and it needs challenged!!

    In the past I've had to explain to my boy what several unacceptable terms mean whether aimed a Asian or Black players at TCS. I am amazed at how often these remarks were laughed at by others and will not allow my kids to grow up thinking that they are acceptable at football or anywhere else in life.

    If that means I have an agenda so be it. I hope many others do to!



    I had thought about going yesterday would have probably taken my 8 year old daughter. Unfortunately I didn't have the money.

    Glad we didn't go now, I agree completely with Sorted on this.

    It dosen't matter who started it, two wrongs don't make a right. If this young lad was threatened, there are proper channels of action he could have taken..

    I can understand that you both are looking out for your childrens well-being but you're at a football match and if you don't want them to hear abusive language then don't take them to a football match. No place for racism in football but that isn't even close to what we are talking about on this thread so start another one if you think there is really an issue at TCS or among our fans... for me it's not, I've not heard any offensive racial slur in our support.

    A few fans have gone overboard after an incident which happened with an ICT player... lets not make this into somethig it isn't

    Ask my kids who have sat in the lower main stand behind the away dug out how many racial insults were shouted at Nakamura by the four middle aged "gentlemen" with the hipflask? Or who always screams at the black players? Or why is Craig Brewster always being called names and sworn at? Or who was the man who told them what a "fenian c~nt" was?

    The saddest part of it all was most, like you think there is no problem. My family had 8 ST's between them and we now have none. The final nail was the totally unacceptable abuse dished out to CB. We know we are not alone in this.

    Whether you like it or not there is an element of our "support" which is unacceptable. This is not a one off incident and pretending otherwise will only give it some kind of acceptability. There is a problem and it needs addressed.

    That abuse was from people in the main stand as you said and lets be honest they are all middle aged gentleman as you put it who only go to the games for a good moan

    The fans from yesterdays game that were singing the songs were probably mostly from the North Stand so dont try to put extra blame onto them

  6. I think you will find that you can be charged with breach of the peace of similar for singing "abusive songs with swearing in" even at a football match.. I'm sure the club wouldn't think this type of singing was acceptable either.... we are a family club..

    How are we a family club?

    What makes us different from any other club that makes us a family

    That is another way of saying we are a small club

    And if people were going to get charged for breach of the peace for swearing at a football match I think it would have happened already dont you. There has been songs getting sung with swears in them at football matches for years and years and why do we have to be different than every other club.

    You wont hear Celtic, Rangers and English clubs complaining about swearing at a football match will you

    I would rather have songs with swearing in them and have a brilliant atmosphere like yesterday that no singing and a usual crap support from Caley fans.

    That is one of the reasons I stopped going to watch games in the last few years of the SPL. I couldnt stand the bloody silence at the games. It is supposed to be about making as much noise as possible to get behind your team. Even if it is abusive to the opposition our players on the pitch will still get a boost

    But we should never be abusive to our own players

  7. I'd rather see a picture of the blonde.........

    Anyone else rather see Sutherland starting ahead of Rooney. Bit like Gary Wood, he has some neat turns up his sleeve and is big enough to be a pest in the air. I also thought that the introduction of Johhny Hayes made a difference, he is more direct that Eagle and should be an asset when fully fit. We can't complain really, three points, an away win against one of the better teams in the division and no goals conceded. Great singing from the ICT crowd, the Pars boys never started until near half time.

    I did like the look of David Graham the Dunfermline left winger, he seems to be able to drift past players with ease, like a younger Barry Wilson. All in all, we maybe rode our luck a little, but we had other chances, maybe a draw would have been justice for the Pars, but hey ho, we are off and running so far.

    Not seen enough of Sutherland but I was impressed... he didn't look out of place in the first team but I'd still start Rooney until Foran gets back. It was a bad performance infront of goal but on another day he could have bagged a hattrick, he did a lot of thing right and as you mentioned previously he was working as a lone striker which is a thankless task. It would be harsh to judge the guy as a bad player because he didn't score yesterday, he never stopped running and gave their centre halves a lot of trouble

    I would be asking if Sutherland should be replacing Sanchez??

    I thought Sanchez did pretty well. Much better than Rooney. Sanchez was really starting to come into the game just as he was subbed, I think most of the crowd including me were expecting Rooney to come off and we got a bit of a shock when it was Sanchez

    Sutherland does look good and I hope to see him getting a few games this year

  8. No place for racism in football but that isn't even close to what we are talking about on this thread so start another one if you think there is really an issue at TCS or among our fans... for me it's not, I've don't ever heard any offensive racial slur in our support.

    A few fans have gone overboard after an incident which happened with an ICT player... lets not make this into somethig it isn't

    Totally agreee with Harry on this one, this should be the end of it I would think. If it continues though, then would agree something should be done to stop it.

    As for racism :finger03: No mention of any racism in this thread, nor have I ever heard it at a Caley game. If that was the case then wouldn't Lionel and Eric be the first targets?

    They are among the favourites in the SeshArmy many would say :D

    I heard that people got done for singing the famine song at a Celtic game. I was not there so im not sure what happened but I was told that people were getting charged for it

    I have never heard of any other Racist comments at the ground and one thing for sure is that Djebi Zadi would never get abused by us as we love him and Odhiambo as well. They are both legends.

  9. I had thought about going yesterday would have probably taken my 8 year old daughter. Unfortunately I didn't have the money.

    Glad we didn't go now, I agree completely with Sorted on this.

    It dosen't matter who started it, two wrongs don't make a right. If this young lad was threatened, there are proper channels of action he could have taken..

    This is not just aimed at you but everyone else who is making a big deal out of abuse and swearing at a football match.

    I know that what was being sung at Allison should never have happened it was shocking but if it had not been sung nobody would be making a big deal about the abusive songs being sung. We were singing in you Dunfermline Slums at the game yesterday which is a offensive song which I was singing along to and nobody cares about that. When we play Ross County we will be calling them Gypsie ******** as well and nobody will make a complaint about it.

    So is it going to be ok to take your kids to those games and pretty much every away game that will be played this season or is it just because it was one of our own players. If it is just down to being one of our own nobody can make an arguement about singing abusive songs with swearing in it. That has nothing to do with it. It is the fact that it was aimed at our own players

  10. I struggled to comprehend what it was about. The extremely foul mouthed attack was aimed at Allison and not bayne. Guys that was pretty pathetic. Overuse of the c swear is out of order in my book. It's not clever, it's not smart and it's not for ICT if you don't mind. To call one of our own playes A f'in c'in Dingwall gypsy b'rd is not acceptable. Grow up or stay at home.

    Stay at home, If they stayed at home the atmosphere would have been better at a Primary School match (or a home Caley match)

    If you just tell them that it is out of order they will stop and we can get the brilliant atmoshpere at every away game this year

  11. This is hopefully the beginning of the end for this rubbish which only appeared to start when we hit the SPL. The levels of abuse that some of our own players/managers have had from so called fans has been ridiculous and been dismissed for too long by far too many people as "childish banter". It is not and needs to be policied by us as fans and the authorities. Looks like there are now a number of folk ready to stand up and be counted.

    If we expect parents to take their kids to games and help build a new set of supporters it is up to us to give them an environment that encourages not breeds hatred, homophobia, racism or bigotry. Who cares what happens at other clubs, surely we are capable of delivering better?

    Thats taking it a bit to far. Yes I agree that their is no need to be giving abuse to Kyle Alison. He is a Caley player and a promising one at that and should be given all the support he needs

    But I dont agree with what you say. When we sing songs that are offensive to other teams eg County or other players that are not a part of our team is just a bit of banter. It comes with football.

    The players should be expecting it and if they are not they really are stupid. Opposing players will always get abuse and I dont think there is anything wrong with that. Unless obviously it is racist chanting

    I dont agree with giving the abuse to our own players that is not on

    And people still can take their kids to their games. I was sitting behind a dad who took his little girl to the game must of been 4 or 5 years old and they were 1 row in front of all the people that were singing and there was a lot of abuse going about but it looked like they were having a great time and were not going to be put off by the swearing as lets be honest they are going to learn the words at some point

  12. Aye well spotted ajsict, most of the usual suspects can be identified on that picture.

    I thought we started the better team and Dunfermline looked a poor team. But as we wasted good possession Dunfermline clawed their way back into it before half time. Rooney can't get any quicker, he always looks laboured and slow to react in the box. In his favour, he battled away as a lone target man not always getting the support he needed and won a few knock on headers, but without support it was futile. My view on Eagle is that he performed OK, not always beating his man but he worked hard enough. Lionel had our closest attempt as he raced down the left and as the Pars defence retreated he smashed a low shot across the keeper which glanced off the base of the post. Cox had a quiet first half by his standards but plugged away and scored a goal at the death reminiscent of Keogh at Clyde, as he first timed a shot past the diving keeper. Neither keeper had too many direct saves to make although both had their palms stung by fierce long range efforts, ours coming from Imrie. The cumbersome Rooney missed the best opportunity for us when in pole position he screwed his shot wide from ten yards with only the keeper to beat. Grantie held firm at the other end when he blocked an attempt from six yards as the striker pulled the trigger and looked as though he would score, thats when the Dunfy lad jumped up to celebrate. Rooney again turned as quick as the QE2 and another chance went abegging. Dunfermline started the second half further upfield and the pressure was now mounting on the ICT rearguard, although most of their efforts were from long range. Kirk had a shot smack the top of the post with Esson stranded as Pars took a stronger grip of the game and tghey looked the more likely to score. into the last fifteen and we started to come out of our shell and the game took on a new end to end look. Sanchez waltzed past some defenders and had his shot deflected wide when he looked set to open the scoring and Dunfermline had a couple more anxious moments in our box before Coxy popped up and lashed home the winner. It looked like a scene from the world cup finals as our fans went delirious and tumbled about in the stand.

    MoM for us I thought Grantie stood firm today ably assisted by Bulvitis and Proctor. Lionel showboated his way through the first half but took a couple of knocks in the second half. Imrie was anonymous that strike on target apart, never noticed him until he got replaced. Stratford much the same. Sanchez looks to avoid the 50/50 challenges but is a tricky customer and could easily have scored before Cox did but for desperate Pars defending, and he manufactures it himself.

    Graham looked threatening for Pars and Bayne and Kirk linked up well.

    I think that is a good summary of the game. I would agree with all of that maybe apart from the Eagle part but he has plenty of time to improve

    I cant wait for the Dundee game now. Hopefully we will get another atmosphere like that. It was brilliant one of the best for a long long time

  13. I am in that picture YAY IM FAMOUS (4 Rows from the back in the middle)

    The only downside was the abuse of Kyle Alison. I sang in pretty much every song apart from that one. It was a complete disgrace. If that had never happened the support was brilliant on of the best I have seen I reckon and thre have been many a good away game

    As for the game I am delighted to get the 3 points and Lee Cox he is going to be a hero we need to get him signing a contract extenstion ASAP. Grant Munro was a match winner as well some brilliant blocks and tackles. Much better than in the cups

    Rooney can F off to be honest. He couldnt hit a barn door. He was through on goal in the first half and it was harder to miss the target than hit it and guess what he did

    Eagle wasnt very impressive either Hayes will be so much better in that position. He looked really dangerous when he came on. Even more impressice that he was playing on the right wing when he is left footed.

    I thought everyone apart from the 2 mentioned above played really well but I cant be bothered to say what I thought about them all just now but they did play well


  14. My god.

    That didnt take long. 45 mins after the games have finsihed. He obviously had nothing better to do than try and gloat about something the means nothing

    Its a marathon not a sprint, We shall see where you are at the end you gypsie ********

  15. I still have the smile on my face just now. What a result

    I think we showed in small bursts that we can play some really good football. I think everyone looked good today apart from Eagles and Rooney. Eagles needs to actually go past the defender instead of cutting back all the time and Rooney needs to learn to hit the bloody target

    Munro and Cox were the outstanding players and Lionel deserves and mention as well but everyone else I was really pleased with in all

    I thought the support was almost fantastic today. It would have been if the idiots did not get on at Kyle Alison for supporting County. I think they knew him from school and were only singing it as a joke but thats not good enough. Who cares who he supports he is here to do his best as he can for Caley and we need to give him all the support we can give him and not give him childish abuse

    Also what words are in the Dundee Utd song I dont remember singing it though to be honest I dont know which one it is?

    My voice is only just starting to become clear now. Cant wait for the Dundee game now as I know there will be no singing as usual at home to Ayr next week

  16. I was impressed with the performance especially in the second half. We did what a top first division team should do to a third division team. We passed the ball well (at times) and I thought the second half performance was very good

    It was almost like a training match attack v defence which is how it is supposed to be when you play a team like annan

    I was impressed with Dani Sanchez as he drops back in the hole between defence and midfield, I reckon he will be one of the players who has the most assists. From what I saw yesterday he didnt seem to make a lot of forward runs he likes to hold back and pick up the pieces if anything drops to the edge of the box, He will get goals this season but if he burst into the 6 yard box when the crosses are coming in he could get 20 to 30 goals

    I wasnt impressed with Rooney at all. He got a goal which should have been easily saved and he doesnt have any pace so when the ball gets hit over the top the defenders will get it and he isnt exactly a strong lad so he will never win any headers or hold the ball up.

    Foran and Sanchez up front when they are both fit and Sutherland (who looks like he could be very promising) and Barrowman as back up. I would try and sell Rooney tbh

    Lee Cox in the second half was bery impressive. I love a player who will fly into tackles no holding back and that is what he does. He is fast becoming my favourite player

    Robert Eagle will be good as well as he can swing a decent ball in something that we have not had for many years now and if Hayes can do it as well we should be ok down the wings

    Bulvitis was ok. He is big and strong but he can miss time his tackles but that is something that will get sorted out and he i should be a good player

    Imrie was non existent in the first half and he was much better in the second but I would not have said man of the match.

    Kyle Allison did well in all. Not a lot to do but he made some very good catches from dangerous crosses and I love it how he throws the ball out so quickly starting the counter which worked really well yesterday.

    All in all a good perfomance and a great confidence booster for going into the Dunfirmline match

  17. I'm sure he's a lovely lad .............................

    but the Stadium Announcer has the most irritating voice imaginable

    (with every sentence rising to peak in a high pitched squeak)

    and his banter is deplorable.

    Don't give me the usual nonsense about good announcers being hard to find -

    I'm sure there's even a few on here who could do a decent turn.

    We need a bit of humour - and someone who can raise the mood of the crowd.

    So, what can be done about this?

    Should the Club be encouraged to invite supporters to be

    "Announcer for the Day"

    with the Supporters then voting for one or two who could be kept on?

    I completely agree with that. I had no idea what he was saying. I couldnt tell who was coming on when the subs were being made.

    If he didnt shout it would probably be better and I think his choice of music is shocking

  18. I dont know about a song for when we run out but a song that should be played after we score is Sambe de Janiero by Bellini

    It was brilliant at the Euros and loads of people would sing the tune when we score

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